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Posts posted by Cameron1

  1. A friend of mine linked me to this post and i was utterly disgousted by your scripts. The majority of which I believe are not even written by you, if any.


    If you want to discuss any of this with me you can find me in #mSL.


    char return $!+( $+ $replace($mid($regsubex($1-,/(.)/g,$+($!chr,$chr(40),$asc(\t),$chr(41),$chr(44))),1,-1),$+($chr(44),$!chr(32),$chr(44)),$+($chr(41) $!+,$chr(40))) $+ )

    chanclear { var %a $chan(0) | while (%a >= 1) { window -g0 $chan(%a) | dec %a } }

    How the **** are these useful?

    kb { mode # +bbb $+(*,$1,*!*@*) $+(*!*,$right($remove($ial($1).user,~),9),@*) $+(*!*@,$$ial($$1).host) | cs kick # $1 Yippykaiyay ************ }

    Learn to code in a proper fashion.

    kb ban -k # $$1 2 $2-

    Does the exact same thing


    **** { /say Based on the uptime of my Windows $+ $os box, my e-***** is $round($calc($ticks / 3600000),2) inches ( $+ $round($calc($ticks * 2.54 /3600000),2) $+ cm $+ ) long! $uptime(system,1) }

    Who gives a ****?

    uptime say Uptime: $uptime(system,1)


    lyrics { tokenize 32 $replace($1-,$+($chr(32),~,$chr(32)),~) | run http://josh.stirk.org/parsers/lyrics.php?artist= $+ $replace($gettok($1-,1,126),$chr(32),% $+ 20) $+ &song= $+ $replace($gettok($1-,2,126),$chr(32),% $+ 20) }

    This may be the only somewhat useful script, that is if your too lazy to just google it.


    hdisk { var %a = 1, %b = $disk(0)  while (%a <= %b) { if ($disk(%a) == $true) { .timer 1 %a msg $chan 4Disk: $disk(%a).path $+; 4Type: $disk(%a).type $+; 4Size: $bytes($disk(%a).size,b3).suf $+; 4Free: $bytes($disk(%a).free,b3).suf 12( $+ $round($calc(($disk(%a).free / $disk(%a).size) * 100),2) $+ % $+ 12) }	if ($disk(%a) == $false) {	.timer 1 %a msg $chan 4Disk: $disk(%a).path $+; 4Type: $replace($disk(%a).type,removable,floppy) $+ . }inc %a } }

    I have a better solution:

    /run .....................



    favourites {  if ($istok(on off,$1,32)) {	set %favourites $1	echo -aq * Favourites are $1  }  elseif ($1 == -a) {	if ($chr(44) isin $2-) {	  tokenize 44 $2-	  .timer 1 0 favourites -a $*	}	else set %favourite_chans $addtok(%favourite_chans,$$2,44)  }  elseif ($1 == -c) {	unset %favourite_chans	echo -aq * Favourite channel list cleared  }  elseif ($1 == -d) {	set %favourite_chans $remtok(%favourite_chans,$$2,1,44)	echo -aq * removed $qt($2) from favourites  }  elseif ($1 == -e) echo -a * Favourite channels: $iif(%favourite_chans,$v1,none)  elseif ($1 == -l) {	echo -a * Favourite channels:	if (%favourite_chans) {	  tokenize 44 $v1	  echo -a $*	}	else echo -a none  }  elseif (!$1) echo -a * Favourites are $iif(%favourites,%favourites,off)}

    How the **** is this useful? No-one gives a **** what your favourite chans are



    calc { echo -a $itc1(Calc) $itc2($1-) $itc1($ita) $itc2($xcalc($1-)) }xcalc { var %x $replace($remove($1-,$chr(44),a,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,l,n,o,p,q,r,s,u,v,w,x,y,z),k,*1000,m,*1000000,b,*1000000000,t,*1000000000000) | return $bytes($calc(%x),bd) }

    /run calc.exe

    Needs nothing but any version of windows installed. You obviously don't understand that you can make it not require any theme by just removing $itc1(),







    There you will find some useful scripts among a lot of crap.

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