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Posts posted by BIGRYAN

  1. I've realized a few things. The first is that the community and the clanning that i used to love is no longer the same. It's not the pure clanning that i fell in love with years ago. Infact, it's not even the clanning a year ago


    That's because Jagax has lost a lot of players since a year ago, and a whole lot more since clanning was actually considered good.


    here is a constant decline in pure clanning and pulls. There's a reason for the lack of members. I think i have a decently good explanation for it. Guess what? This topic has nothing to do with defence levels.




    That's because people are finally quitting this game?


    Clans pay money to chase smaller clans around. They pay money to ruin clans' wars. Why? To show their power! To show how "Good" they are! To be able to write an extra paragraph for their Saturday topic on pure-warfare! Don't get me wrong, I'm as guilty as they come, but so is your clan. So are your leaders.


    Since there is a hundred different worlds for clans to hide in how else are we going to find the locations without getting a spy in the clans we want to fight. Are you so naive to think clans can have clean fights anymore? lol.


    The levels are terribly wrong! Look at your clan. You have levels 65-110 attempting to PK together all at the same time! It kills me.


    They aren't attempting to pk together on the weekends, they are pking together. The wild is dead bud, it's been dead for a long while. Your lucky to find one team in P2p multi. F2p I don't know much about because f2p pking... lol that was fun in 2006 but not anymore.


    If you ask a leader why preps are from 4-6est, they will say because that's when preps are held. If you ask why a clan doesn't pk P2P on Saturday and F2P on Sunday, then they will say because that's not how you do it.


    4-6 east is when the kids are getting out of school and can actually log on to come, derp.


    F2p on saturday and P2p on Sunday so you can atleast fight other people in the wild instead of roaming around the wilderness doing nothing since the wild died a long time ago.


    There are never PK trips randomly that don't involve another clan and a pure-warfare topic. This is because clans think that if they don't have someone to fight, then there's no point in Pking. This is terribly wrong! There is always someone to fight. There's always that kid at rune rocks. There's always that small team pking in W18 or W57


    That one guy at rune rocks is so worth finding friends to go up their with, making the long walk, killing him and taking his rune pic axe and walking back. Hardly is there a team running around in w18 the only team in w18 is 1 itemers at 13/50 ports. SO MUCH FUN GETTING 1 ITEMED!


    Imagine this. What if every clan, F2P or P2P, randomly Pk'd during the week at random times. You would never know who or what you were going to run into.


    Yeah you do, nothing! Or a clan would mass to hit you, which would result in a PW topic, which you find bad!

  2. EfUqL.png


    normal prayers ofc

    face to the fucking palm



    you leech some special attack energy from your enemy

    rune gloves

    no vesta/statius




    you've managed to pull off a triple fail.



    dont 4get the crop fail


    your dumb

    i specd leeched then ran to the alter and back retard


    So if you ran to the alter and back you must be able to hit 870 without pottin



    Obv. no pot message ingame :(

  3. Zenith with be in the high tier since they are in the 81-99 requirement.


    i never counted them as an HPC


    To bad Pw isn't using your scale. :/


    im pretty sure they consider themselves an MPC l0l


    Doesn't make a difference it's going by the recruitment topics, theirs is in the HPC ones and yours should two since you require 85+ in a main stat and not 65-80.

  4. tlp vs foe will be epic as always.. can really see mm making a major impact though assuming they join in, the rules are pretty much perfect for them, should be close between us 3 i hope.


    if you have 30 def, and i have 1 def. means u have 29 def levels on me. that is a disadvantage brah.

    (ok i guess if there was a 95(f2p obv) cmb cap, 1 def would be an advantage. considering 1 defence gets the most offensive bonus per cmb level.)


    but yeah mm participating in this event isn't going to happen. I'm not the head chief or anything but i strongly encouraged pw events for the last 2 years even though leaders were always talking it down because these events always turn out bad. MM participated om events earlier in 2k10 and early 2k11, but leaders were right. These events don't hold true.


    No one said anything about a 1def advantage here are you dumb? lol


    He said that you aren't at a disadvantage since it's 1 def/dung on addy gloves only.


    He said the rules are prefect for mm, Why would he say that. They are the same for every clan and perfect for every other clan. 1 def advantage was definitely implied.

    Also... MM will always be at a disadvantage unless brews+(super)restores are off, prayers above level 52 are off, and every single person zamorak brews to 0 defence before the match starts. (this again ties into the point i made earlier that most clan members want to rebel and break the rules, so this could never happen, yet fun events like these happen all the time in main wars, and yes even mm had a fun event where every1 kegged down to 0 str)


    Only clan i can think of that could pull off not breaking any rules is Foe cause they get strict as hell and members have been booted/demoted for simply wearing a frog masks on f2p trips. im not in disagreement with ^ either.


    The rules are perfect for MM how can you argue they aren't? Clans that have a lot of turmoil pures like Foe, Fi and TLP have to use normal prayers, wear 1 def, and use addy gloves because the clans who don't accept it find it unfair. :/


    I'm sorry that you put yourself at a disadvantage

    I said the rules were perfect for mm read....................................


    Ok fuck it, no defence cap. I'm pretty sure HF will sign up. Main clans aren't very fond of pures but I'm sure they would enjoy the free loot


    Every clan accepts 20 def, why can't their be a 20 def cap since every pure clan accepts it.

  5. I definitely called it with the boring retarded rules.. but eh work with what we got i guess. Tlp will be doin it as long as we get our sigs from the f2p tourny =D

    whats wrong with the rules?

    honestly wtf can u change?

    whenever any clan gets a miniwar/prep, THESE ARE THE EXACT RULES they set. yes gotcho, even tlp always use these rules(ok just cuz they break them 100% of the time doesnt mean they dont initially have these rules)


    only twist is its dangerous for obvious reasons.











    Tidious having to make sure everyone isn't wearing a defender/body body/or rune gloves.


    How is that any different than making sure every1 isn't wearing zuriel's with slay helms?


    I stopped reading after that l0l. Seeing how body bodys/rune gloves and addy defenders are used at 1 def clan preps, yes people are going to want to bring it, how are you comparing it to slayer helms and full zuriels lmao.

    like i said, tlp always breaks the rules. I have no idea why.

    And again

    Why are addy defenders allowed but morrigan body isnt? If every1 used morrigan body would it make it ok?

    please refrain from going full retard on me b/c i hate explaining things over again


    You've got to be kidding me or you just don't attend clan wars events. Fi, Foe, Z, NPO, IR, any clan besides MM uses these items at 1 def preps. So because you want to be the black sheep we are the ones that have to adept? And you said that everyone needs to be mature for a hour of their day for the greater good when MM are the only ones that ***** about body bodys and rune gloves, more like satisfying MM's desire to compete. The only disadvanteges MM faces are the ones you limit yourself too.

    you say we whine about body body

    why do you whine about body body

    works both ways...

    We aren't whining about body bodies here anyway, you are because you can't get your precious +single digit advantages over people who refuse to ruin their accounts. I guess you so desperately need an advantage just to beat people who have lower averages than you. MM's desire to compete? Didn't mm force every other clan into a cornor making them accept 30 def in order for those clans to compete. Your logic is so flawed, "MM doesn't accept 30 defence in order to compete" There tlp goes again, with their "1 def advantage theory"

    Even if MM accepted 30 def, it wouldn't change anything. MM is a pure clan, only a small amount would actually get 30 def. I bet you dont believe me. Tell me why MM doesn't go to minis on rune pure accounts and such? 30 def absolutely destroys your account, you can't pk with it. MM is a pking clan, not a safe zone clan.

    Your arguments get so repetitive it's boring, even after you get proven wrong you repeat them, like saying them over and over will make them true. Is 30 def honestly that bad you have to keep telling yourself it isnt? At least try to come up with something like huge rush.


    This arguement isn't even about being able to use the items, it's about MM finding every rule unfair to them because they choose to keep their accounts that way. This isn't even an arguement I'm trying to be logical but you refuse to see anything that isn't your way lmao. I'm done even discussing with you since every time you reply you just talk about how mm doesn't want to ruin their account so it's our fault and every rule is unfair to them lol

  6. tlp vs foe will be epic as always.. can really see mm making a major impact though assuming they join in, the rules are pretty much perfect for them, should be close between us 3 i hope.


    if you have 30 def, and i have 1 def. means u have 29 def levels on me. that is a disadvantage brah.

    (ok i guess if there was a 95(f2p obv) cmb cap, 1 def would be an advantage. considering 1 defence gets the most offensive bonus per cmb level.)


    but yeah mm participating in this event isn't going to happen. I'm not the head chief or anything but i strongly encouraged pw events for the last 2 years even though leaders were always talking it down because these events always turn out bad. MM participated om events earlier in 2k10 and early 2k11, but leaders were right. These events don't hold true.


    No one said anything about a 1def advantage here are you dumb? lol


    He said that you aren't at a disadvantage since it's 1 def/dung on addy gloves only.


    He said the rules are prefect for mm, Why would he say that. They are the same for every clan and perfect for every other clan. 1 def advantage was definitely implied.

    Also... MM will always be at a disadvantage unless brews+(super)restores are off, prayers above level 52 are off, and every single person zamorak brews to 0 defence before the match starts. (this again ties into the point i made earlier that most clan members want to rebel and break the rules, so this could never happen, yet fun events like these happen all the time in main wars, and yes even mm had a fun event where every1 kegged down to 0 str)


    Only clan i can think of that could pull off not breaking any rules is Foe cause they get strict as hell and members have been booted/demoted for simply wearing a frog masks on f2p trips. im not in disagreement with ^ either.


    The rules are perfect for MM how can you argue they aren't? Clans that have a lot of turmoil pures like Foe, Fi and TLP have to use normal prayers, wear 1 def, and use addy gloves because the clans who don't accept it find it unfair. :/


    I'm sorry that you put yourself at a disadvantage

  7. I definitely called it with the boring retarded rules.. but eh work with what we got i guess. Tlp will be doin it as long as we get our sigs from the f2p tourny =D

    whats wrong with the rules?

    honestly wtf can u change?

    whenever any clan gets a miniwar/prep, THESE ARE THE EXACT RULES they set. yes gotcho, even tlp always use these rules(ok just cuz they break them 100% of the time doesnt mean they dont initially have these rules)


    only twist is its dangerous for obvious reasons.











    Tidious having to make sure everyone isn't wearing a defender/body body/or rune gloves.


    How is that any different than making sure every1 isn't wearing zuriel's with slay helms?


    I stopped reading after that l0l. Seeing how body bodys/rune gloves and addy defenders are used at 1 def clan preps, yes people are going to want to bring it, how are you comparing it to slayer helms and full zuriels lmao.

    like i said, tlp always breaks the rules. I have no idea why.

    And again

    Why are addy defenders allowed but morrigan body isnt? If every1 used morrigan body would it make it ok?

    please refrain from going full retard on me b/c i hate explaining things over again


    You've got to be kidding me or you just don't attend clan wars events. Fi, Foe, Z, NPO, IR, any clan besides MM uses these items at 1 def preps. So because you want to be the black sheep we are the ones that have to adept? And you said that everyone needs to be mature for a hour of their day for the greater good when MM are the only ones that ***** about body bodys and rune gloves, more like satisfying MM's desire to compete. The only disadvanteges MM faces are the ones you limit yourself too.

  8. I definitely called it with the boring retarded rules.. but eh work with what we got i guess. Tlp will be doin it as long as we get our sigs from the f2p tourny =D

    whats wrong with the rules?

    honestly wtf can u change?

    whenever any clan gets a miniwar/prep, THESE ARE THE EXACT RULES they set. yes gotcho, even tlp always use these rules(ok just cuz they break them 100% of the time doesnt mean they dont initially have these rules)


    only twist is its dangerous for obvious reasons.











    Tidious having to make sure everyone isn't wearing a defender/body body/or rune gloves.


    How is that any different than making sure every1 isn't wearing zuriel's with slay helms?


    I stopped reading after that l0l. Seeing how body bodys/rune gloves and addy defenders are used at 1 def clan preps, yes people are going to want to bring it, how are you comparing it to slayer helms and full zuriels lmao.

  9. tlp vs foe will be epic as always.. can really see mm making a major impact though assuming they join in, the rules are pretty much perfect for them, should be close between us 3 i hope.


    if you have 30 def, and i have 1 def. means u have 29 def levels on me. that is a disadvantage brah.

    (ok i guess if there was a 95(f2p obv) cmb cap, 1 def would be an advantage. considering 1 defence gets the most offensive bonus per cmb level.)


    but yeah mm participating in this event isn't going to happen. I'm not the head chief or anything but i strongly encouraged pw events for the last 2 years even though leaders were always talking it down because these events always turn out bad. MM participated om events earlier in 2k10 and early 2k11, but leaders were right. These events don't hold true.


    No one said anything about a 1def advantage here are you dumb? lol


    He said that you aren't at a disadvantage since it's 1 def/dung on addy gloves only.



    FOE vs TLP


    NPO vs Z

    Zenith with be in the high tier since they are in the 81-99 requirement.

  10. I definitely called it with the boring retarded rules.. but eh work with what we got i guess. Tlp will be doin it as long as we get our sigs from the f2p tourny =D

    whats wrong with the rules?

    honestly wtf can u change?

    whenever any clan gets a miniwar/prep, THESE ARE THE EXACT RULES they set. yes gotcho, even tlp always use these rules(ok just cuz they break them 100% of the time doesnt mean they dont initially have these rules)


    only twist is its dangerous for obvious reasons.











    Tidious having to make sure everyone isn't wearing a defender/body body/or rune gloves.


    Can maps be discussed for low bracket?


    Whys is NPO in the low bracket when your requirement is 85+ in str/range/mage and not 65-80

  11. EfUqL.png


    normal prayers ofc

    face to the fucking palm



    you leech some special attack energy from your enemy

    rune gloves

    no vesta/statius




    you've managed to pull off a triple fail.



    dont 4get the crop fail


    your dumb

    i specd leeched then ran to the alter and back retard


    So if you ran to the alter and back you must be able to hit 870 without pottin

  12. I am going to assume at least 3 fights turn into a **** storm because one person is going to forget that they can't wear rune gloves.


    the Low Tear will fight on Plateau; The higher bracket will fight on Turrets.


    1. Tier

    2. Why can't we just fiight on classic? why do we have to fight on the stupidest multi map they have? If it's a matched opts fight the fights are only going to get so big. The majority will be at the 40v40 minimum, which is perfectly good for classic especially since it's most like the wilderness.

  13. expected outcome was expected, we actually did better than expected r0f


    I expected that you expected that you would expect us to win and I also expected that you expected that you would expect that you did better then you expected

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