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Posts posted by Scott

  1. Goop koed by 2 women in one day. =[


    (Shoutout to Cheyenne's mom)


    nopicnoproof doe.

    Gj NME

    P.S. This was really funny

    (19:49:02) <[CP]`Stella> <3

    (19:49:20) <+Keith> One day you going realize how much of a loser you are.

    (19:49:27) <[CP]`Stella> LOL

    (19:49:27) <+[kJ]> lol Keith

    (19:49:29) <+Keith> And you're going to be like /nick Edward

    (19:49:30) <+[kJ]> thats the fastback111 retard

    (19:49:30) <[CP]`Stella> that was mean

    (19:49:39) <[CP]`Stella> kj weren't u in z

    (19:49:48) <+[kJ]> idk i forgot i have harrisyndrome

    (19:49:51) <[CP]`Stella> LOL

    (19:49:55) <+Keith> I'm just saying man, you got to have something wrong with you to use a female alias on the internet, it's just not normal.

    (19:50:01) <[CP]`Stella> I'm a tranny babe

    (19:50:04) <[CP]`Stella> nuffing wrong with that

    (19:50:05) <+Keith> Do people tell you that you aren't normal IRL?

    (19:50:09) <[CP]`Stella> Naw

    (19:50:17) <+Keith> Your parents probably do.

    (19:50:23) <+Keith> So you try to embrace it on the internet.

    (19:50:31) <+Keith> See I got you figured out already.

    (19:50:37) <[CP]`Stella> So you think

    (19:50:42) <[CP]`Stella>(IMG REMOVED)

    (19:50:45) <[CP]`Stella> she loves it

    (19:50:45) <+Keith> So you wish I didn't.

    (19:51:06) <+Keith> Yeah your parents probably call you an "it" too.

    (19:51:11) <[CP]`Stella> Nope lol

    (19:51:12) <%Ellie_Goulding> >->-> http://nme-rs.com/forums/index.php?app=signups <-<-< Sign up for the upcoming PK trips :-]

    (19:51:33) <+Keith> I'm praying for you man.

    (19:51:44) <+Keith> You going to need it.

    (19:52:13) <%Ellie_Goulding> !Kb [CP]`Stella ᶠᶸᶜᵏᵧₒᵤ

    (19:52:14) * Bot set mode: +b *!*@Swift-6701FB91.hsd1.or.comcast.net

    (19:52:14) * You were kicked from #nme by Bot (ᶠᶸᶜᵏᵧₒᵤ)



    Awkward moment when I get called ****** up for "using a female alias" when their clan leader does the same thing :S


    Aren't you that guy that left Z when they were slumping and are now deeply regretting it?



  2. 2a7abg8.png

    Apparently NME is going to dominate the wilderness and other pure clans this summer. What do you guys think?


    To me, this is like the New Jersey/New York Nets.


    Is that what you're assuming our summer is coming campain is about? Oh, how very foolish.


    We simply like the season and can't wait for it to fully arrive.



    Summer is coming,

  3. Goodjob, looks like a nice rivalry is developing between Cp and HI

    Thank you sir

    No problem, I'm looking forward to seeing what else will happen in this evenly matched rivalry


    Am I the only one that laughed really hard IRL at this?

    there's something wrong with you if u laugh bout that irl lmao


    Probably because rather than just taking something for its surface value, I can read between the lines, grasp the underlying subject, interpret emotions and conclude with the true nature of that comment.


    Yes, I am just that good.


    Let me explain a little further.


    No problem, I'm looking forward to seeing what else will happen in this evenly matched rivalry


    In the context of the previous discussions (regarding the obvious bait about gender etc etc yawn), this could be perceived as a normal comment. However, I think the bolded words contribute more to the overall meaning of the sentence than the rest of the sentence itself. It's actually quite funny if you're intelligent enough to empathise with the smallest of things.

    If your implying that I hinted out a bait regarding 'gender', I have no clue what your talking about. Are you indirectly calling IVP a girl? Hmm, i'm confuzzled.


    Not indirectly, no.

  4. Goodjob, looks like a nice rivalry is developing between Cp and HI

    Thank you sir

    No problem, I'm looking forward to seeing what else will happen in this evenly matched rivalry


    Am I the only one that laughed really hard IRL at this?

    there's something wrong with you if u laugh bout that irl lmao


    Probably because rather than just taking something for its surface value, I can read between the lines, grasp the underlying subject, interpret emotions and conclude with the true nature of that comment.


    Yes, I am just that good.


    Let me explain a little further.


    No problem, I'm looking forward to seeing what else will happen in this evenly matched rivalry


    In the context of the previous discussions (regarding the obvious bait about gender etc etc yawn), this could be perceived as a normal comment. However, I think the bolded words contribute more to the overall meaning of the sentence than the rest of the sentence itself. It's actually quite funny if you're intelligent enough to empathise with the smallest of things.

  5. Goodjob, looks like a nice rivalry is developing between Cp and HI

    Thank you sir

    No problem, I'm looking forward to seeing what else will happen in this evenly matched rivalry


    Am I the only one that laughed really hard IRL at this?

  6. Try Hostility. Great clan with a rapidly expanding memberbase and their combat levels are similar to yours so you'd fit right in.


    I'd suggest avoiding FOE/FI/NME/CP/EOP/Z etc due to the fact that you'd be the lowest level in the clan

  7. So I hear VR intervened in our fight and [EOP]Mayhem is in VR on his main.




    Mayhem isnt even in VR you retard do you ever think before you post


    [17:27] (17:27:43) <`Scott> Old

    [17:27] (17:27:49) <[EOP]Old|P|K|3|R> i dont get a chance to talk to you mush anymore

    [17:27] (17:27:49) <`Scott> who's erupt3d on pw

    [17:27] (17:27:55) <[EOP]Old|P|K|3|R> because, prateek banned meh

    [17:27] (17:27:56) <+Light_Mayhem> [EOP]Old|P|K|3|R

    [17:27] (17:27:58) <[EOP]Old|P|K|3|R> erupt3d

    [17:28] (17:28:13) <[EOP]Old|P|K|3|R> [EoP]Mayhem

    [17:28] (17:28:16) <[EOP]Old|P|K|3|R> why scott :P

    [17:28] (17:28:38) <`Scott> idk

    [17:28] (17:28:44) <`Scott> he acts like he's God

    [17:28] (17:28:50) <`Scott> never heard of him

    [17:28] (17:28:52) <[EOP]Old|P|K|3|R> l0l :P

    [17:28] (17:28:59) <[EOP]Old|P|K|3|R> hes pretty cool, chill dude

    [17:29] (17:29:09) <[EOP]Old|P|K|3|R> i think he's more into main clanning now, idk

    [17:29] (17:29:15) <[EOP]Old|P|K|3|R> i know hes in VR

  8. good job on your pull and trip, but i'm very suprised at the tone of the topic considering i was under the impression that your ranks would have learned from their past mistakes.


    Being openely disrespectful to mm, foe and fi, the 3 biggest clans at the moment, and bragging about being #1 after 1 trip where it looks like you didn't beat MM at full opts, nor get an actual clean win over Fi, is the most stupid thing you could do in this situation. I helped keep EoP as a top 3 clan for the majority of the last 2 and a half years, and i can see right now that you're destined for failure.


    Not because i have anything personally against your clan, but because you've just asked the current top 3 to beat you down for the weeks to come, as well as pissing off the next few clans like EoP, CP and Z, you have no-one whos going to give you a hand when MM/FOE/FI are hitting you in single and crashing all your fights.


    Which leads me to assume that you're going to try and pull another Epidemic, which is grab a load of momentum quickly, outpull MM for a few weeks and then close when you're about to be on the way down. Unfortunately this time EoP isn't going to be there to hold your hand against MM/FOE, so i can't see you holding onto this "#1" after this saturday, especially seeing as MM could quite easily pull over 100 if they bothered and completely smother you.


    Will be interesting to watch it unfold though, once again gj.



    good job on your pull and trip, but i'm very suprised at the tone of the topic considering i was under the impression that your ranks would have learned from their past mistakes.


    Please, enlighten me regarding our mistakes oh awesome one!


    Being openely disrespectful to mm, foe and fi, the 3 biggest clans at the moment, and bragging about being #1 after 1 trip where it looks like you didn't beat MM at full opts, nor get an actual clean win over Fi, is the most stupid thing you could do in this situation. I helped keep EoP as a top 3 clan for the majority of the last 2 and a half years, and i can see right now that you're destined for failure.


    We haven't been disrespectful in the slightest to any of those clans you mentioned. All three clans gave us really good and clean fights which we are thankful for. We know that we are not #1; we are far from it. The fact of the matter is that we were #1 on Saturday which is what this topic implied. I suppose if you had any adult reading skills you would be able to infer that rather than jumping to your own conclusions. You may have helped keep EoP a top clan (top 3 is completely debateable seeing as you seem to constantly jump between 3rd and 14th) but we have been doing this far longer than you have. We know what we are doing, don't try to "school" us on it.


    Not because i have anything personally against your clan, but because you've just asked the current top 3 to beat you down for the weeks to come, as well as pissing off the next few clans like EoP, CP and Z, you have no-one whos going to give you a hand when MM/FOE/FI are hitting you in single and crashing all your fights.


    Not because you have anything personal against us? Funny, the way I see it is that the reason you made this post is precisely because you have something against us. You have been threatened by us since the day we opened and now that your attempts to close us have failed and we have surpassed you, you are absolutely distraught. Hence taking to PW to vent your prepubescent frustration. Let MM/FOE/FI hit us in single. Let EOP/CP/Z be mad at us. We simply don't give a ****. We'll fend off EOP/CP/Z with ease and hold our own against MM/FOE/FI. Yes, a lot of the time we will lose but who cares? Losses are just indicators that improvements can be made and we are always looking to prove. We ******* welcome losses. Why don't you use all your "MOST FEARED MOST HATED MOST HARDCORE" clan leading experience to step up and hit us on your own rather than hoping one of your bitter rivals does your work for you?


    Which leads me to assume that you're going to try and pull another Epidemic, which is grab a load of momentum quickly, outpull MM for a few weeks and then close when you're about to be on the way down. Unfortunately this time EoP isn't going to be there to hold your hand against MM/FOE, so i can't see you holding onto this "#1" after this saturday, especially seeing as MM could quite easily pull over 100 if they bothered and completely smother you.


    Who knows what the future holds? We could do exactly what you said. However, that is unlikely due to the fact that Epidemic did not close when we were "on the way down". Our last trip we pulled ~120 to and still had a ******* great time, trading wins with MM. The reason Epidemic closed was because the leadership team were tired of RuneScape and had achieved everything they wanted to.


    EoP never held Epidemic's hand. Epidemic dragged EoP out of their crippling slump kicking and screaming so that they could compete. Goop (your main leader at the time) was in absolute awe of Epidemic and knew that EoP were completely inferior. You tried to latch onto us to gain momentum and we just used you like the little bitches you are. If it wasn't for Epidemic, EoP would probably be closed now.


    Let MM/FOE/FI pull over 100 and smother us. I'd welcome that. We're not claiming to even be in their league yet. What we are saying is that we will continue to improve until we can continuously compete with them. And put it this way: if MM/FOE/FI do severely outpull us on Saturday then EoP will be in for a difficult trip.


    Summer is coming.

  9. Congratulations on pulling 15.

    Congratulations on taking the cc pics for your inactive sweeps.


    Can't take pics because print screen doesn't automatically save for me. My speciality within the NME ranks is to organise the downfall of opposing clans. CP has recently felt my wrath.

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