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Dr Cake Town

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Posts posted by Dr Cake Town

  1. EOP and Fi both have teamspeak 3 now? WHAT?

    Yeah we were really tired of getting ddos'd.


    yeah, gotta love the maturity level of some of these lesser clans...

    It's just unfortunate but was nice in the fact we switched and a lot of us like TS3 a lot more, I wish we wished sooner lol.


    EOP and Fi both have teamspeak 3 now? WHAT?

    Yeah we were really tired of getting ddos'd.


    Oh you :laugh:

    Not putting blame anywhere, just saying it was happening often during preps/minis/trips, and we grew very tired of it lol.

  2. Well hey guys, since this is a clan discussion, I hope we can be civil and try to limit the flames lol.


    Anywho, I Pk With OJ is out of retirement and back as a Co-Leader :blush:


    Skillzy was promoted to High Council


    and Fatality has moved away from Ventrillo to TS3 finally, so we are a lot more secure now and hopefully won't have to worry about our vent getting ddosd every time we get on to pk or have a trip/mini.


    If you wanna come check it out-


    Fatality Team Speak Address: ts55.gameservers.com port


    Team Speak Port: 9118



    And today we had a lot of activity on our forums which is nice to see for any pure clan in such a limited community.


    Online At Once Record


    Today, 12:35 AM



    Oh and for all of us Amerifags, have a good Thanksgiving :D

  3. 2rr2vll.jpg


    a pictures worth a thousand words



    good fight but honestly you're claiming a fake win.



    cp has mains with them too, so i dont see how pointing our 1 Eop main makes it false wins. not trying to start a fight just saying...

    show me a picture of a main in cp's cc from today




    Bridski - 45 def




    bvb - 80 def


    itrue musl1m was there too, hes 45 def.


    If they aren't in your cc, they sure still have a habit of showing up to our fights and sniping us :happy:


    Shoutout to 405 for ac'ing the CP mains.


    lmfao, it's "omfg cp bringz dem damn mains" but when you have 1, its' "he was acing for us not attkn purez!" yeah okay buddy

  4. Been talking to some of the new CP members, basically CP leadership is trying to brainwash them that they are always gonna have these pulls and are the #1 pure clan? Bollocks in my opinion.


    You guys are on a high because Complexity basically merged with CP, don't flame me on this I know the whole story and it's not an official merge but in my eyes it's a merge.


    See you guys in two weeks, we'll see who is pulling 100 then is when we knock you back into #5.


    Also, to the guy a few comments who said Epidemic v2? catch a grip of yourself, CP will never come close to Epidemic. Get a reality check.


    Your clearly just saying this for attention how dare you say you know the whole story when you werent even there?

    It just makes your post irrelevant.

    Anyways we all clearly know CP has never claimed #1 f2p overall we claimed it for the day. But of course you didn't hear that story CP overall f2o is #4 and at best #3.... No one wins forever you have to understand that so there is no reason to get mad over a lost. See you guys next week hopefully we can have some more clean matched fights, after all its a game lets have fun.


    Believe it or not, I was there. I was in Cx for about 4 months when they opened I know alot of people in there and i'm still quite close to the community.


    I'll give you and congratulate you on #1 on the day, I don't dispute that in the slightest.


    I'm not getting mad over a loss, i'm getting mad at your clan claiming #1. I'm not saying it's the utter truth but that's what i've been told by members of CP.


    Well Obviously if you can read we aren't claiming number 1 at all. Maybe for today yes, we had the most and would have probably beaten anyone else who fought us. I think your just taking it in the wrong way and you really need to just sit back and calm down. Your getting angry over nothing.


    Wouldn't you be angry if your pm ingame was spammed with Cp #1! Apps open! Join us, Foe is ****! we owned you!!!


    I respect CP as a clan I really do but if you guys are honestly claiming number 1 and expecting these pulls to last then I don't know what the pure community is coming to.


    No I wouldn't be mad, but obviously you are. I'll be sure to do it when I wanna make y ou angry :happy:


    (12:37:49) <@[CP]Drunk> l00l0l

    (12:37:51) <@[CP]Drunk> im owning this idiot liggy kid

    (12:37:53) <@[CP]Drunk> on pw xD


    yeh m8 ur goin good :laugh:


    he's owning you t00 brah

  5. @Liggy - Once again, who are you lol I've never even heard of you. And why? Because you lost :s? It happens :S You probably experience it in the real world :\


    @Rhys - Clearly you have no idea what your talking about, a bit of Complexity members joined CP to give us a boost from last weeks trip :D


    @Vanish - And quite a few other fights. If i can recall you didn't get any ;s? Im sorry lad :(


    So now I have to be heard of by kid in CP to be apart of this site? Ok...


    Might know my old rsn as Peee Vee Pee if you were around back then, Divinity and Epidemic.

    LMFAO you just made yourself look so dumb, let's see. Cp has been open for what, 5 years? When did Epidemic open...? Use common sense kidl L.

  6. This was a bad bad bad day for pure clanning.

    why? Get off their ******* topic, none of the cp ranks are claiming #1, They had an outstanding pull which led them to being #1 today that's all. Who cares how it happened. I haven't see anyone say that CP is #1 and I know a lot of cp members, so don't try to come in here all high and mighty just because you're in pure clan foe and instantly assume that when a clan does better it's a fluke. They out pulled you and everyone else and smashed anyone in there way.


    Only time will tell if they can keep their pulls up. Now you know what they pull so the better question is... can you match them?

  7. when tlp went into sc we went in with like 20-25 in sc and hopped since it was fi+z vs us.


    and @ 911- lol.. tlp + 2 carnage who come on our f2p trips.. man ur an idiot lol.. people like you ruin it for fi. see you tomorrow.. all day tomorrow, especially if you wanna start teaming with clans.



    great pull Z, was CLEARLY winning the fight by cw before we, ch, and eop ran in.

    funny because we had a rank in C say that they let around 15 people go F2P with you..odd.


    oh and we don't team with clans, sorry.

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