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Posts posted by Grayson

  1. interesting how the mains seemed to just chill with you guys while they piled the **** out of control.


    They weren't off us, all our high level ran around with full brews tanking them



    +1 IDIOTS. They couldn't attack most of us? Ofcourse it looked like that to you. I have it on vid them attacking ANYONE and EVERYONE they could.




    Oh and Tyluh calm your nuts you JUST joined... and your defending the hell out of them when clearly no other ch cares.

  2. OK, We only teamed with WAR and they had like 10 people? YOUR CLAN IS MADE OUT OF 5 OTHER CLANS YOU RETARD.


    The last fight between us, you bum rushed us when we weren't even falled in! It wasn't a formal fight you ***** so YOU'RE the one who needs to stop lying.


    Exclusive was not teamed with us, we have a few members from their clan that joined us.


    We also have proof that you guys bum rushed us AND DDOSED the vent at the same time,



    watch 6:11 to the end



  3. 6.Rest, save for Eop, which ddosed CP's vent, Ddosed our vent, and had to team with Zenith just to get a pull.


    im sorry but i never team up with people except for aussie trips and one time with ch. So idk wat ur telling me of teaming with eop. get ur facts straight



    I left Zenith, just cause you saw 1 person who used to be zenith doesnt mean eop teamed with zenith. I am in eop now. Zenith doesnt team with people.

  4. go somewhere where you know atleast 5 members.


    DONT join a clan for a rank, trile people dont have a good time in clans cuz theyre power hungry. I never had anything against you, just poonin and the rest of your clan. I would love to see you as a MEMBER in whatever clan you join, enjoy it, and dont worry about ranks.


    Zenith is always open,





  5. GJ guys I love you!



    This was a great war and great turnout!


    Inu, we had been planning on declaring on ww, we were just waiting a little bit, so when u asked, we declined because we had plans in our head, dont worry like Neil said, your turn will come ;)


    P.S. My vid!

  6. Haha THIS is why I talk ****, u guys have some good rounds and we **** up (I wont be a ***** and I'll admit) and then we did really good 3rd round, why do u have to make a ******* exscuse for the third round? Just because u lost it doesnt mean you have to make up some ******** story or make it seem like u didnt even try, thats ridiculous, just say u messed up, I know we did the first 2 rounds. JUst tell the truth and maybe I and others in my clan will respect you alot more.

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