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Posts posted by Kaleb

  1. No, your post is not extremely successful, here's some pointers on why you're a moron and should consider never posting on these boards again.


    - For the last ******* time, 7 (not 9 stupidfuck) people makes no difference in a full out scale war of 57+. As seen in the levels picture I provided in my earlier post, we had no chance at all, and if we DID beat you that would mean you suck more than any other clan that has ever been made. When you have a bunch of experienced level 80s and 90s facing a majority of unexperienced level 60s and 70s, you damn well better win, so stop acting like you pulled off a miracle.


    - Like I said, I do not care what you or anyone else says about you guys not trying in Round 3, so get that through your thick skull. It was even options, so you're telling me you just let us kill you all? Didn't look like it to me, it just looked like you just plain sucked **** and are making excuses for it.


    - If you don't do P2p because it's not fun, why does Oldpk3r rank your clan in p2p full outs man?

    http://pure-warfare.com/index.php?showtopic=186&st=800 Cmon I thought it wasn't fun, and you never did it, so how can you be ranked, especially so high? Nice ******** excuse Kaleb or whoever the **** you are.


    - We beat Carnage and Devastation, who were considered the top of p2p med level clans, and sometimes they beat us, it's still pretty even but I'd say since we won that PCT war we're currently in the #1 spot. And Carnage, Devastation, and us would eat you up and spit you back out in a f2p world. But we don't even have to do this because you wouldn't dare attempt to p2p.


    - Yes, it's all the merge man, even though it wasn't even a merge, Impact just decided to join us since we're known for our p2p abilities, and I count 8 members on our memberlist from Impact still here. So yes man, you're right it was all the merge man, that's it.



    All in all, you are perhaps more retarded than Oldpk3r and Pbs Scout, something that is very difficult to accomplish but you just might have achieved that medal. That's not easy to achieve since you're pretty much a newfag. Congrats.


    You said in that post that you're done posting here now, let's see if you hold true to that.


    The success goes on.


    What are you, like 10 years old? If that? Oh well it looks fun so I'll play too.


    kaleb has just got his ass owned, gf eop ^^^^^


    And on.



    I told my members I would stop raging at them on vent once Eop had gained an average iq level of at least 10. Looks like I'll be raging for awhile.


    And on.


    I think everyone should disregard what this retard says, he can't do basic math I expect a 5 year old to do.

    67-58 = 9, not 7, you "stupidfuck"




    An advantage of 9 should be able to win in a f2p war without multi spells.

    So with a 9 plus advantage you managed to only kill 19 people...



    You make it out as if you're a bunch of low levels and we're like lvl 90 plus.

    The average combat of EOP:

    Total members: 112 | [Avg] Cmb: (F2P: 78.19

    I am 78 combat, look at this?




    11 people higher than me, a lvl 65 and 66, and a lot of 70-78's.

    A good clan would be able to fight with those.

    Average F2P Combat: 73.16

    5 combat difference on the average :L


    But as I said guys, he can't do math, so just humour him so he's happy but ignore the child.


    67-58 = 9. I believe you owe me an apology, young man.

  2. iunno what you're talkin bout IR is F2P/P2P based you need to chill :huh:

    The post I quoted. You must have missed it, it's by an IR member.



    ****** clan who goes out on Sundays because they suck too much in f2p? We're the #5 clan in p2p moron, and if you even attempted to go out we'd **** on you so hard you would never come back out again. We've always been a p2p clan, if you're not going to give us the attention we deserve, then at least don't make retarded accusations. Let's see, you're a little bit better than us in f2p (2-1), and we're alot better than you in p2p (you don't go out because you know you suck ass at it), so we're the better clan overall, so now who's getting shat on? Now go back to your corner and try not to suck so much next time.


    A little better? We beat you down by 9, that's a lot more than a little. The only reason you won the third was because the majority of EOP didn't care and didn't bring proper gear (I didn't even bring pizzas). EOP doesn't go out in P2P because the majority of EOP enjoys F2P. Why waste our time doing something we don't enjoy? I never knew IR was a P2P clan. Who have you beaten? Until recently, I'm pretty sure you were **** in P2P as well as F2P (Merge is the only reason you're any good atm).


    Oh yeah! EOP beat you outnumbered by nearly 10 in F2P! Who can blow that big of a lead? Oh well, I'm done now. My post was extremely successful :lol:

  3. "Shows that numbers dont mean everything."


    Yeah man, I bet it's really hard for a f2p clan who doesn't go out on sundays or p2p to beat a p2p clan in f2p, eh? *facepalm*


    Yeah man, I bet it's really hard for a ****** clan who goes out on Sundays cause they suck too much in F2P to try to save some face by claiming to not care about F2P. Since when is IR a P2P clan? You only started claiming to be a P2P clan because you beat C in a P2P full-out. Oh! Guess what!? So did EOP. We never claimed to be a P2P clan, though. As far as I know, you guys were F2P based (Maybe both) a month ago. You're just flaming because you know your clan got shat on. Now go back to your corner and and try not to suck so much next time. You lost in F2P outnumbering EOP by nearly 10 people! What were you doing? :huh:

  4. Epidemic has beaten us in p2p 32v25, dang we suck omg.


    Keep working at f2p though man, for a 1 dimensional clan you have alot of work to do. :mellow:


    EOP has beaten you 58v67, dang you suck omg. Are you seriously this dumb? Please tell me you were kidding when you decided to post.

  5. The reason why you don’t see carnage out on Saturday because both leaders of carnage are not available, i can’t be in on Saturdays and I’m not going to cancel the things i got to do on Saturday to lead f2p trips this isn’t my job. I don’t care if IR is f2p and P2P based not like your even a top runner in F2p anyway goodjob beating eop your f2p fullout and PKRI you guys owned them.


    You might be better than us in f2p “at the moment” but in p2p don’t bother talking, you might of pulled a win over us on the day but as said I want to see more of you guys in p2p, if you beat us consistently every weekend then you guys can claim your better than us. Please come of our topic I don’t want any more problems or flame baits .


    I hope that was sarcasm lol.

  6. If you represent yourself, remove that MM site link in your sig, as long as that it is there and your advertising it, and whilst doing that you talk **** randomly and act like a wana-be troll all day, your showing of what type of community you come from. Deeper then that, shows your leadership who don't even try to tell you to stop. Nice one though.


    Anyone else find this funny?


    You always represent your clan. Whatever post you make you represent your clan.


    This too.

  7. "We scouted out EOP, and wanted payback for all the insults we had been getting over the last week. After fighting EOP on friday with similar opts to them, and realising that we had similar opts today as well, we knew it was entirely possible we could win it. We managed to gain the upper hand early, and pushed the remaining EOP into single, who we killed there. Throughout the multi part of the fight, we lost only 3 people."


    This is my perspective

    EOP unorganised north of bh with 45 people.

    Epidemic rush.

    EOP get south at stairs ranging them with around 25.

    Higher forces come in saying hf ac.

    Epidemic run away and fall in.

    We get a fall in and tell people to hop to w105.

    I have an Epidemic main attack me 0wnage milk, 10 people stay behind to help me.

    Epidemic rush the remaining eop there.

    At the end of the day E killed more EOP so win to them.



    We then remass with 30ish people. E rush us with close to double our numbers, we run into single bh where some of us log/die depending on how low on food we were. I personally had 6 swordies after being attacked by a main.




    I also find it weak how you say insults from eop. You have people like Qxz, Gun, Kaleb, Goop who insult you, and a few more who are dumb.

    You get insulted by less then 10% of EOP so stupid how you react.


    Mind you i'm very bitter about EOP atm, do !clan pl4n3ts maul and you'll see to what extent.




    Good job on whatevers true in your topic.


    I only flamed Dv :lol: Wasn't really even meant to be one, just came out that way lol. Oh well, I wasn't at the trip. The main sniping our leader, however, was quite sad. I didn't think E was aspiring to be Fi.

  8. Just don't cry when you end in a slump, the reason you 100% will end in a slump is Dv and E.

    You'll get raped week-in-week-out, you won't even be able to stand up when you fall in a slump this time.

    Dv and E will make sure that you won't get the chance to 'rebuild' you're permanently in our spotlight from now on.


    I'll tell you the 2 options you got at this point.


    1) Pull AT LEAST 80 people to your trips to be able to handle a gangbang.


    2) Hide in clan wars or world 105.


    This is a Dv leader? lol.

  9. why dont you control your members then lol


    Qxz if Eop have spies in Dv or Eop they are mis informing you L


    All we said was ''we managed to **** Eop off on saturday'' thats it, but it doesnt say anything about crashing eop or being scared of eop L


    @ur statement to scott, you declared on E 2x when you were on your high horse as per usual, but when you slump dont complain when E declares on you just for the lulz because i guarantee you that you will slump within a month or 2, if im wrong then you clearly are a better clan than E and Dv


    Atm i think Epidemic clearly are #4 F2p, opts arent as good as usual but no other clan has put them in their place week in week out, so im sure this spot is secured


    P2p : Tlp


    Just wondering, when did Dv become a good clan? I must have missed something.

  10. Eop its clear, and we also have proof that you did not beat us at all this saturday, good fight and we will see you next saturday, hope for a 1v1 from you.


    And for the brainless people that are saying we only care about the rank?


    we never wined and moaned once over us loosing our #4 spot in the past weekend trips nor would we ever, also, we are just posting these pics and our ending opts because you are posting false information that needs to be checked again.


    Thank you for reading,


    See you next saturday Eop


    It's correct information. Where are your pictures of our ending opts? I see none. We may have had your ending opts wrong, I'm not sure, but ours are correct. See you next Saturday. It's a shame we didn't get to do our PKRI :lol:

  11. 46 opts in clan wars, seeing as Charlie is a leader and in CC, I'm pretty sure he'd have high enough rank to challenge someone. That means theres 15 people fallen in with 8 spread. A whopping 23 ending for EOP.


    The 46 opts is where his mouse is pointed. His mouse isn't pointed to the main body of people in the corner :P Nice try, though. Sorry if anyone already pointed this out above, I didn't feel like reading.

  12. When we start at bh wall with you trying to push us and it ends 2 minimaps east above the graveyard its a whole different story.


    Pushing isn't winning, but you can have your "push." I wasn't there so I can't say who was winning.

  13. Goop showed me a pic of Eop having 46 opts + 5 people spread in clanwars. So that would mean Eop had around 20~+ in clanwars and not 40. Somebody might have the pic -> I forgot to safe it.


    And as showed in the pic below E were doing better ( looking at the dots ) before Dv rushed.




    And E even piled/killed a lot of Dv as showed in the pic below ( you can see E piling some Dv ). I personally got 2 kills from Dv in this fight and 1 from an Eop member.




    The fight was fun and I enjoyed it. Gf Eop


    You can't go by dots any more. They don't show everyone who's there. Unless they've changed it back and people no longer disappear...

  14. Science books don't prove ****.


    In all honesty how does nothing (as in life form), with a big boom, create multi-cellular beings.


    How does nothing create God?

  15. im 1 warn away from a ban there so Id rather not


    anyway, we both know EOP is out of Epidemics league, EOP couldnt compete with any of the top 4 clans, foe,mm,e and fi


    E is out of MM and Foe's league lmao. 99% of the time E is out of Fi's league, as well.

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