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Posts posted by Daishi

  1. don't remember seeing you today, most of our deaths were from Fi and NPO and if you did kill any they were just straggling behind...


    Nice job on the rest of your trip ;p

    you have the nerve to blame your .33 kdr on other clans? shows how afraid you really are of foe getting their sweet revenge


    don't worry, i plan on making every trip from here on out sweet revenge on eop


  2. Congrats FOE on 7 years :thumbsup: .


    Gonna go off topic a bit now, sorry.




    It's funny how mm gets banned for crashing a fight that goes against every single principle we have, but clans that ddos/hack everyone get away on this site with what they please do l0l. (and no im not crying about mm being banned, im just pointing out how biased the people that run this site are)


    inb4 i get banned

    Mm was warned beforehand (they had crashed the previous one). They decided to crash it anyway, so they were banned. We don't ban clans for hacking/ddosing other clans' sites, even though it's pathetic. If you have to ddos to win, you have already lost.

    So a clan that goes into the wildy to kill **** gets punished while a clan that hacks/ddoses/etc gets away with it? If you actually tried to intervene you MIGHT have an effect but instead you choose to be bystanders. Good to know the staff on this site have their priorities straight.


    It's not like MM was ever going to participate in an event that allowed addy armour and called it "pure" anyways. The staff on this site are incompetent and failed with their attempts to stop MM as well after the threats. With EOP saying they'd AC and PW staff claiming to have mains AC you basically challenged MM to crash. Anyways enough about that it hasn't effect MM in the slightest.




    According to Solo's post we will not be participating, therefore I look forward to smashing MM if they are brave enough to try and pull the same stupid **** they did last year, hahaha.


    Any clan that doesn't sign up and is near the battlefield, will have a nice fight with some main clans that I'm really close with



    the "staff" are incompetent and I suggest you actually try intervening before things do escalate. Believe it or not but this site does have an effect on clans who don't have a huge community like MM and need the publicity to survive and gain members. If you stepped in and set up some guidelines where fake wins/ddosing/etc would get some kind of punishment it might reduce (obviously not stop) the chances of it happening.


    Btw you're a ******* **** mod. Next time you take my posting rights at least leave proof in my warn log so I know what I actually did wrong. I'm sure you'll take my posting rights for this as well for speaking my opinion so go **** yourself in advance.


    In all seriousness though, here's a proper response V__V.


    I reckon you're missing the point though Spesh. As Azrael kindly pointed out, you guys did crash our event knowingly (which let's face it, we hardly have any events, and I really don't think it was too much to ask for the mighty Makers of Mayhem to lay off ONCE).


    And ya, we have an impact, but I think the impact is minor. Clans make it a big deal, and that's the only reason to why the warfare section is such a huge fuss. Sadly its enough fuss to spend 3-4 hours after the trips to be arguing about who won what and did this and that.


    Albeit, not every clan has a ~200-300 intro person base like MM does, and not every clan is fortunate to have a faithful core group that work exceptionally well together. But hey, you know what? From what I've gathered on your post Spesh, it's all just pointing fingers at "the staff" of PW, which is childish. How do you propose we were to "intervene"? We just did our part by expanding our jurisdiction temporarily to RS when the event was going on.


    Here's a really simple metaphor:


    It's like a common courtesy law so to speak. You ever see those folks driving in units when someone passes away, like a funeral line of black cars/limos, a long trail of cars, and you have to stop for them to let them by? Or how bout when an ambulance with it's lights on and you have to pull over to the side, to let it through?


    You see, you don't HAVE to do these things right? You could easily just be an ******* and just sit in the middle of the road blocking the ambulance, when somebody's life is in danger. Or you could easily just be another inconsiderate **** and cut in the middle of the funeral ceremony. Although these are unwritten laws to abide by, and definitely far more drastic than just "crashing a Runescape event" The gesture still stands though.


    If anybody wants to crash the fight, they easily could, it's their accounts, it's their time to do whatever they want. Did you expect us to really not have enough faith in the community to follow through? Or did you perhaps expect us to physically walk to people's houses to force them to play Runescape a certain way?


    The Makers of Mayhem wanted to be the assholes, end of story. You folks knew full well that you would be "banished" off the site. The "banishment" might not have effected you in the least bit (I personally hope it hasn't), but the message was at the very least delivered. The fact that you took the time to write about how the banishment and all the ******** hasn't effected you, in itself means it did.


    I would be more sympathetic with you guys if you were even SEMI-APOLOGETIC. But you continue to keep spitting back at "the staff". It goes hand in hand at the end of the day; Respect is mutual, it's a concept in the real world, and even if it's a small RS community that we have here, I would assume that universal human procedures apply. You guys spit in our faces, you guys showed zero respect. So why should we?


    But let's just keep this whole spiel off FOE's topic, and take it to PM if it needs to go on further.

    Nice job FOE, and happy 7 years stronk lads.

    The "banishment" made MM stronger than ever,in case you haven't noticed,my kind sir.


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