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Posts posted by Bond

  1. First off there is no such thing, the only clans that are being chosen are ones that do not post a lot of topics in the clan warfare section (you could say TLP was an exception but when I was in there maturity was the last thing that was valued). Pure warfare accelerates immaturity from clans therefore those that do not post here will be seen as the most 'mature' ones.

    Maybe they don't post a lot cuz they know its an immature kids' paradise so they purposefully avoid it? Idk that's what TH does anyway lol.

  2. Homer vote goes to TH. Only reason I joined was because no one really takes it seriously, we don't post any topics on PW, and I've known a lotta the guys from way back when I first started clanning and 90% of us are 18+ years old.


    Non-homer vote I'd say TLP though.

  3. Agree with OP. lol @ people acting butthurt because the dudes from MM or w.e If you read his post you wouldn't need to make such idiotic posts.


    Anywho - all the huge, high level clans are probably never going to resolve their problems. The smaller clans are honestly better, however still not like what it used to be. I think what it all boils down to is the fact that there is nothing to do in the wilderness anymore except fight other clans. You used to be able to go on ANY world back in the day and still run into a team of mains, a bunch of massers, etc. which kept the pk'ing clans busy. Now, you'd be lucky to find 1 guy in full rune past lvl 20 in any non high risk world.

  4. If you do not know the other clans starting opts, do your best to guess it, then add 15.


    That was brilliant. Everything is true. You should add that at the end of the day your clan trip topic is extremely important and definitely won't be forgotten after you post next weeks topic. So be sure to argue as much as possible if people disagree with you.

    lol I will add that in. Also if anyone else has anything else they would like me to add, let me know.

  5. So your weekly pk trip just ended and its time to let all the folks over on Pure Warfare know how you stacked up this week against the competition. Follow this guide and its guaranteed that your clan will become #1.


    First things first, you always want to start out a topic with an oversized header picturing your clan's name, banner, slogan, and make sure at the bottom there are links to your forums, memberlist, irc channel, ts channel, clan history page, etc etc. This way, when people view your topic, they will immediately click all the links and join your clan. More clan members = better clan = #1. This method is absolutely foolproof, as hundreds of clanless pures regularly peruse the Clan Warfare section of PW and will only consider joining your clan if you make your topics as bad-ass as possible.


    Next, you will want to write a paragraph or 2 introducing the trip. Your main objective here is to at first sound like it looked like it was going to be a terrible pull for your clan because of [insert excuse here], but then you always gotta end with "but somehow we managed to peak at [record high amount here] opts!!!#!$#@" You then describe how you set off into the wilderness hunting [insert clan who is far superior than you and you have no business fighting]. This will make it sound like you are in the league with [clan x] so that people think you are more bad ass than you really are, and surely they will join. It is for this reason that we recommend you stick in another GFX after the opening paragraph that also includes links to your forums, memberlist, irc, etc. If the clanless pures did not click your links from your awesome header, then surely they will click them after reading your opening paragraph.


    Now it is time to post about your first fight of the day. First, state the starting opts of both clans. If you do not know the other clans starting opts, do your best to guess it, then add 15. Now, we will assume for the first fight, since it was early in your trip, that this run-in was straight up 1v1. If not, proceed to the next paragraph for further instruction. After the starting opts and you say how the fight commenced, you always want to give the impression that the other clan took a huge lead and things were looking hopeless. Then, when everything was about to be over, talk about how you miraculously got this ridiculous ko pile going and after [insert some bad ass reason] you managed to comeback with a decisive victory. Reasons could include: sick tanking, filthy spamming, dominant organization, lightning-fast returning. In the other clans ending opts, ALWAYS put down that they had 1-2 people log and/or run into single. This will belittle them and guarantee that nobody will ever join their clan again. In the case that you actually got beat in a run-in, there are several things you can do to ensure that people will still think highly of your clan. 1) wait a few minutes then all return via canoes at the same time, then when nobody is there create a spam tower saying "[enemy clan initials] cleared" and post the screenshot, 2) claim the other clan cheated, or 3) disregard the fight from your topic altogether. After this paragraph, make sure to include another GFX with a round of links. If people didnt follow your links the 1st two times, there is a 100% chance they will now after reading how you manhandled that other clan.


    As your day of pking continues, there is no doubt you will engage in a fight that was crashed. If you are the one that is doing the crashing, then please proceed to the next paragraph. Anyway, say you are fighting Clan A when Clan B runs in midway through and clears both groups. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to make yourself look good and belittle the other clans. First of all, ALWAYS state that it appeared your clan had the upperhand when Clan B crashed. This is essentially the same as getting a win in the 1st place. Next, make it very obvious that Clan B are douchebags because they crashed your fight. Belittle them in any way possible. It is also recommended that you claim they were teaming with Clan A. This way it appears as if you were fighting two clans at once, and thats just ****** bad ass. In the ending opts part of the topic, even if you got beat, NEVER say that you had 0 ending opts. Always say that you retreated into single, then put in parentheses next to it (because Clan B crashed). For the other clans ending opts, make sure Clan A's is zero and Clan B's is significantly lower than their starting. This way, people will be amazed that despite being at a huge disadvantage, you still took down a good chunk of their members. Once again, now is the time to put another GFX and more links. After seeing how you epically fought two clans at once, how could anyone not click the links now???


    At some point or another, you also probably ran into two clans already fighting each other. This is a great opportunity for your clan to gain lots of what I call "e-p33n points". There are multiple ways to approach this part of the topic. 1) claim you were hunting the stronger of the two clans you ran into and say you had no idea the other clan was there, 2) say that when you ran in, both clans still had a lot of opts so it was actually a fair fight, or my personal favorite, 3) claim that after seeing you run in, the other two clans teamed up and both were only going after you. Surely you will win because you caught the other 2 clans off guard, so make sure you show the starting opts for all the clans next to each other, followed by the ending opts, with both the other clans ending with zero. This way, it appears to the casual observer that you just took out two clans at once. Or even better, state the starting/ending opts as [enemy clan A + enemy clan B]. You know what to do next - post another round of GFX and links in case anyone was caught up in how awesome your clan was and forgot where to find your forums and memberlist.


    Finally, in the conclusion, state that the trip was one of your best ones in weeks and always end with "GF to all clans we saw today". This makes your clan appear classy, and will appeal to potential clan members who actually might have some intelligence. End with another big banner linking people to your forums, memberlist, irc, etc. You'd be surprised how many people there are out there with an attention span of less than 2 seconds that may forget where to find your links between the time it took for them to get from reading the intro to the end of your topic.


    Some other basic rules to follow:

    -if at any point you were attacked by people in rune, assume they ONLY attacked your clan and therefore were teaming with the enemy

    -NEVER admit to defeat

    -post a lot of screenshots at the end showing 6 of your clanmates killing the last member of the opposing clan while spamming "[your clan initials] [ enemy's name]", it only works at the end of a fight cuz then it appears you are dominating them with your killer organization

    -if anyone questions the validity of your trip, be sure to argue with them until they go away... your weekend pk trip topics are the single most important thing in determining the future success of your clan -`Pure

    -if another clan posts a topic claiming they defeated you, post the screenshot of when you all returned to mossies 5 minutes after the fight ended with the spam tower of "[enemy clan initials] cleared". This screenshot is the ultimate argument and anyone denying its accuracy is a troll





    How to Reply to a PW Thread - coming soon.

  6. Hey all,


    The talk of the wilderness coming back has gotten me to check back here occasionally, although I still don't think I will be making the return to playing. Anyway, an idea I had from reading other threads is to make a Pure Clan Database. Looking back, most of the people I used to play with are long gone, and only a few people I even recognize still play. In the future, this number will continue to dwindle until eventually everyone has moved on. Except Omni who will play until he is 52, but that is besides the point. :rolleyes:


    That being said, to prevent all our work from being forgotten, I feel we should make a topic that simply lists every pure clan to ever be formed and maybe some basic facts about it, such as when it formed/closed, some of the big accomplishments, basic facts, leaders, etc.


    Now I feel like these have existed before, but this one will be different. Instead of constantly being updated, it will simply be stickied somewhere and only allowed to be read. The reason for this? Simply that there will always be a place where all of our accomplishments are written down and won't be forgotten, and also so that future players will be able to look back and see just how great the old wilderness was.


    The main reason for this is that I feel with the wilderness inevitably coming back, we will see a new generation of 12-13 year olds take over the clan world - the same way a lot of the older folks here did many years ago. As they mature, all new clans will rise and most likely a lot of the traditional clans here will fall. Since having a Hall of Fame will only lead to problems, why not have a database of every clan that ever existed? I feel there is still enough of us here to figure out the general facts about every clan to have ever existed.


    This is an example of the basic entries I have in mind:


    The Forgotten Pures

    Formed/Closed - unknown

    Uniform - Purple Cape with Purple Top, Black Wizard Hat

    Background - Was once one of the most feared masser clans, but after proving to actually have decent organization decided to formally enter the clan world. Eventually closed because the members wanted a fresh start from of all the haters who claimed they still massed.




    Formed/Closed - not sure

    Uniform - Green cape

    Background - Formed from the merge of the Solar Spartans and Forgotten Legends. Had a lot of early success and grew to be one of the top mid-level clans at the time. Started going downhill when about a third of the clan branched off to form their own clan, Chivalry, due to internal conflict between the leaders.




    Note that the entries aren't too long, but long enough to give the general idea about what each clan was about. Information should be presented in as neutral a tone as possible.

  7. If you're bored and want a good laugh, go into the Rants section on the RS forums and make fun of all the idiots there. Since it has gotten pretty much out of hand, the mods are virtually non-existent, so feel free to wreak as much havoc as possible.

    Hey love :blush:

    O hi. Zell emailed me about this whole debocle and I figured I might as well help and be as obnoxious on the RS forums as possible.

  8. As a huge hockey fan and frequent HF Boards poster, I would just like to say that Crosby is better than Ovechkin. Is he a whiner? Yes. Is he a baby? Yeah. Does he dive? Sometimes. But is he the superior player? Definitely.


    Ovechkin is an enormous talent and the most entertaining player in the NHL. However, Crosby, while less flashy, is much more likely to help his team win. Not only does he score consistently, he plays a solid 2-way game that not many forwards in hockey could match. Just look at how the Penguins and Capitals have fared recently - Washington just ended an 8-game losing streak in which Ovechkin did almost nothing, while Pittsburgh won 12 in a row with Crosby scoring goals at a near Gretzky-like pace.


    I still don't like him, but if I had to choose between the 2 of them, to give my team the best chance of winning I'd take Sid anyday.

  9. I haven't played RS in about 2 years so most of you probably either don't know or remember me but I got an email from an old friend of mine who told me about this and I voted with every account I ever made and/or could remember. Even though I could never get back into playing again, this would be huge for the community and I wish you guys the best of luck in getting this to happen.

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