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Posts posted by iChunk

  1. Really Useful/Inspirational Photoshop Links :)

    All of these links were put together and categorised by me, Chunkeh, but in no way do I own any of the content on any of the sites.



    These are links that will get your mind jogging, and help you get better and creative ideas + your mind flowing. :)




    40 Most Beautiful and Inspirational Website Designs of 2008




    50 Inspirational Website Introductions




    50 Inspirational Web Design Blogs




    50+ Beautifully Designed Blogs




    Top 50 Inspirational Websites for Designers




    30 Beautifully Blue Web Designs




    50 Beautifully Dark Web Designs




    40 Inspirational Black & White Websites




    25 Inspirational Black Websites




    33 Nicely Designed And Well-Colored But Simple Web Designs




    50 Inspirational Logo Designs




    50 More Inspirational Logo Designs




    70+ Inspirational Logo Designs




    30 Inspirational Logo’s From LogoPond




    62 Colorful Inspirational Logos





    Photoshop Resources

    These are a list of brushes, patterns, gradients, .PSD's etc.. that you can import and use in Photoshop.




    Photoshop Brushes on deviantART




    Photoshop Roadmap








    PS Brushes.net








    Top 10 Photoshop Brushes 2010




    1000 Great Photoshop free brushes by PaulW




    250 Hi Res Splatter, Spray, & Watercolor Photoshop Brushes




    500+ Space Brushes for Photoshop




    500+ Photoshop Brushes for Creating Textures




    400+ Floral Brushes for Photoshop




    14 Great Abstract Photoshop Brushes for Light Effects




    498 Photoshop Background Patterns, and so much more




    Most popular Photoshop Patterns on DeviantArt




    50 Free Photoshop Pattern Sets




    18 Excellent Sources for Free Photoshop Patterns




    50+ High Quality .PSD Files and Tutorials




    25 Amazing Free Photoshop PSD Files For Download




    PSLover- Free Downloadable PSD files




    Photoshop PSD Files





    Thanks for reading :)


  2. Lol I remember this. Basically you just said !Leet repeatedly to get levels?


    Just curious, why do you use an identifier alias to perform commands, which requires you to use /noop? Shouldn't you just use /score?


    I don't know it was quite long ago, but other people have commented on that before.

    I think it was purely coding preference, at the time.

    I wouldn't do that now :L

  3. Important:

    I made this a LONG time ago when I used to do mSL, which I don't anymore, so it might not work, but it used to ;]

    Quoted from: http://forum.swiftirc.net/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=15047








    on $*:TEXT:/^[!](set)?(def|name|rsn)/Si:#:{  if ($2) {	if ($len($remove($2-,$)) <= 12) {	  notice $nick 10[04Defname10]: Defname for04 $address($nick,3) 10set to:04 $remove($2-,$)	  writeini defname.ini name $address($nick,3) $remove($2-,$)	}	else { notice $nick 10[04Defname10]: The runescape name can only be 041210 letters long! }  }  else { notice $nick 10[04Defname10]: You need to enter a defname to set! }}on *:TEXT:*:#:{  if ($rsstat($1)) {	if ($len($2-) <= 12) {	  var %ticks $ticks	  set $+(%,prefix.,%ticks) $iif(@* iswm $1,msg $chan,notice $nick)	  sockopen $+(skill.,%ticks) hiscore.runescape.com 80	  set $+(%,erm.,%ticks) $iif(!$2,$iif($readini(defname.ini,name,$address($nick,3)),$v1,$nick),$regsubex($replace($2-,$chr(32),_),/\b(\w)/g,$upper(\1))))	  set $+(%,stat.,%ticks) $rsstat($1)	}	else { notice $nick 10[04Stats10]: The runescape name can only be 041210 letters long! }  }}on *:SOCKOPEN:skill.*:{  sockwrite -nt $sockname GET /index_lite.ws?player= $+ %erm. [ $+ [ $remove($sockname,skill.) ] ] HTTP/1.1  sockwrite -nt $sockname Host: hiscore.runescape.com  sockwrite -nt $sockname $crlf}on *:SOCKREAD:skill.*:{  if ($sockerr) { echo -a $sockerr | halt }  else {	var %read	sockread %read	if (Sorry, the page you were looking for was not found. isin %read) {	  $($+(%,prefix.,$remove($sockname,skill.)),2) 10[04Stats10]:04 %erm. [ $+ [ $remove($sockname,skill.) ] ] 10was not found in the runescape hiscores at all.	}	elseif (*,*,* iswm %read) {	  inc %stats.inc	  writeini stats.ini $remove($sockname,skill.) %stats.inc %read	}  }}on *:SOCKCLOSE:skill.*:{  if (%stats.inc) {	$($+(%,prefix.,$remove($sockname,skill.)),2) 10[04 $+ $gettok($($+(%,stat.,$remove($sockname,skill.)),2),1,32) $+ 10]: $gettok($($+(%,stat.,$remove($sockname,skill.)),2),1,32) for04 $replace($($+(%,erm.,$remove($sockname,skill.)),2),_,$chr(32)) 04|10 $rsstat2($gettok($($+(%,stat.,$remove($sockname,skill.)),2),1,32),$remove($sockname,skill.),$sockname,$gettok($($+(%,stat.,$remove($sockname,skill.)),2),2,32))  }  remini stats.ini $remove($sockname,skill.)  unset $+(%,erm.,$remove($sockname,skill.)) | unset $+(%,prefix.,$remove($sockname,skill.)) | unset %stats.inc}alias rsstat {  if ($regex($1,/^[!@.]Overall$/Si)) return Overall 1  elseif ($regex($1,/^[!@.]att(ack)?$/Si)) return Attack 2  elseif ($regex($1,/^[!@.]def(en(s|c)e)?$/Si)) return Defence 3  elseif ($regex($1,/^[!@.]Str(ength)?$/Si)) return Strength 4  elseif ($regex($1,/^[!@.](HP|Hitpoints)$/Si)) return Hitpoints 5  elseif ($regex($1,/^[!@.]Rang(e|ing)$/Si)) return Range 6  elseif ($regex($1,/^[!@.]Pray(er)?$/Si)) return Prayer 7  elseif ($regex($1,/^[!@.]Mag(e|ic)$/Si)) return Magic 8  elseif ($regex($1,/^[!@.]Cook(ing)?$/Si)) return Cooking 9  elseif ($regex($1,/^[!@.]W(ood)?c(ut)?$/Si)) return Woodcutting 10  elseif ($regex($1,/^[!@.]Fletch(ing)?$/Si)) return Fletching 11  elseif ($regex($1,/^[!@.]Fish(ing)?$/Si)) return Fishing 12  elseif ($regex($1,/^[!@.]F(ire)?m(aking)?$/Si)) return Firemaking 13  elseif ($regex($1,/^[!@.]Craft(ing)?$/Si)) return Crafting 14  elseif ($regex($1,/^[!@.]Smith(ing)?$/Si)) return Smithing 15  elseif ($regex($1,/^[!@.]Min(e|ing)$/Si)) return Mining 15  elseif ($regex($1,/^[!@.]Herb(lore)?$/Si)) return Herblore 17  elseif ($regex($1,/^[!@.]Agil(ity)?$/Si)) return Agility 18  elseif ($regex($1,/^[!@.]Thiev(e|ing)$/Si)) return Thieving 19  elseif ($regex($1,/^[!@.]Slay(er|ing)$/Si)) return Slayer 20  elseif ($regex($1,/^[!@.]Farm(er|ing)$/Si)) return Farming 21  elseif ($regex($1,/^[!@.]R(une)?c(raft(ing)?)?$/Si)) return Runecrafting 22  elseif ($regex($1,/^[!@.]Hunt(er|ing)$/Si)) return Hunter 23  elseif ($regex($1,/^[!@.]Con(struct(ion)?)?$/Si)) return Construction 24  elseif ($regex($1,/^[!@.]Summon(ing)?$/Si)) return Summoning 25}alias rsstat2 {  if (*-1* iswm $gettok($readini(stats.ini,$2,$4),2,44)) { return No Results Found. } | else { return $iif($gettok($($+(%,stat.,$remove($3,skill.)),2),1,32) == Overall,$v1,Level) $+ :04 $gettok($readini(stats.ini,$2,$gettok($($+(%,stat.,$remove($3,skill.)),2),2,32)),2,44) 04|10 Rank:04 $bytes($gettok($readini(stats.ini,$2,$gettok($($+(%,stat.,$remove($3,skill.)),2),2,32)),1,44),db) 04|10 EXP:04 $bytes($gettok($readini(stats.ini,$2,$gettok($($+(%,stat.,$remove($3,skill.)),2),2,32)),3,44),db) $iif($gettok($($+(%,stat.,$remove($3,skill.)),2),1,32) == Overall,$null,04|10 EXP to Level04 $calc($gettok($readini(stats.ini,$2,$gettok($($+(%,stat.,$remove($3,skill.)),2),2,32)),2,44) +1) $+ 10:04 $iif(*-* iswm $bytes($calc($etnl($gettok($readini(stats.ini,$2,$gettok($($+(%,stat.,$remove($3,skill.)),2),2,32)),2,44)) - $gettok($readini(stats.ini,$2,$gettok($($+(%,stat.,$remove($3,skill.)),2),2,32)),3,44)),db),N/A,$v2)) }}alias etnl { return $gettok(0 83 174 276 388 512 650 801 969 1154 1358 1584 1833 2107 2411 2746 3115 3523 3973 4470 5018 5624 6291 7028 7842 8740 9730 10824 12031 13363 14833 16456 18247 20224 22406 24815 27473 30408 33648 37224 41171 45529 50339 55649 61512 67983 75127 83014 91721 101333 111945 123660 136594 150872 166636 184040 203254 224466 247886 273742 302288 333804 368599 407015 449428 496254 547953 605032 668051 737627 814445 899257 992895 1096278 1210421 1336443 1475581 1629200 1798808 1986068 2192818 2421087 2673114 2951373 3258594 3597792 3972294 4385776 4842295 5346332 5902831 6517253 7195629 7944614 8771558 9684577 10692629 11805606 13034431,$calc($1 +1),32) }

  4. Important:

    I made this a LONG time ago when I used to do mSL, which I don't anymore, so it might not work, but it used to ;]

    Quoted from: http://forum.swiftirc.net/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=16711


    alias score {  if ($prop == lvl) { writeini leet.ini level $address($nick,2) $1 }  if ($prop == pnt) { writeini leet.ini points $address($nick,2) $1 }  if ($prop == exp) { writeini leet.ini exp $address($nick,2) $1 }  if ($prop == wait) { writeini leet.ini wait $address($nick,2) $1 }}alias logo return $+($chr(3),10**,$chr(32),$chr(40),$chr(3),06,$1-,$chr(3),10,$chr(41),:)on *:TEXT:!rules*:#YOURCHAN:{  .notice $nick $logo(Rules) Check your PM.  .msg $nick $logo(Rules) Thanks for using this game. Here are some rules you need to know.  .msg $nick $logo(1) You 06ARE10 aloud to use timers.  .msg $nick $logo(2) Any flaming/spamming or anything of it's kind, you will be banned from the channel, and the game.  .msg $nick $logo(3) Have 06Fun!  if (!$readini(leet.ini,level,$address($nick,2))) { .msg $nick $logo(Leet) To get started, type 06Let's Go!10, Exactly the way it's spelt there, in PM. }  .msg $nick $logo(Extra Info) Level 061010:06 Voice 10- Level 062010:06 Halfop 10- Level 063010:06 Temp Op 10- Level 064010:06 Op 10- Level 065010:06 Aop}on *:TEXT:*Let's Go*:*:{  if (!$readini(leet.ini,level,$address($nick,2))) {	.msg $nick $logo(Leet) Let's Go! Your ready to play, to start.. type06 !leet10 in06 #YOURCHAN $+ 10.	noop $score(1).lvl | noop $score(1).pnt | noop $score(1).exp	close -m $nick  }}on *:TEXT:!leet:#YOURCHAN:{  if (!$readini(leet.ini,level,$address($nick,2))) {	.notice $nick $logo(Leet) You cannot yet play. First type06 !rules10 to start playing. | halt  }  if ($readini(leet.ini,wait,$address($nick,2))) { .notice $nick $logo(Leet) Please wait the full06 $duration($readini(leet.ini,wait,$address($nick,2))) 10before having another go. | halt }  var %rand $r(1,$floor($calc(($readini(leet.ini,level,$address($nick,2)) *21.6673) /2)))  noop $score($calc($calc(%rand *1.5) + $readini(leet.ini,exp,$address($nick,2)))).exp  .notice $nick $logo(Leet) You are06 %rand $+ $chr(37) $+ 10 leet. That gives you06 $calc(%rand *1.5) $+ xp10, towards your goal of06 $floor($calc($readini(leet.ini,level,$address($nick,2)) *21.6673)) $+ xp10. You now have06 $readini(leet.ini,exp,$address($nick,2)) $+ xp10.  if ($readini(leet.ini,exp,$address($nick,2)) >= $floor($calc($readini(leet.ini,level,$address($nick,2)) *21.6673))) {	noop $score($calc($readini(leet.ini,level,$address($nick,2)) +1)).lvl	msg $chan $logo(Leet) 06 $+ $nick 10has gone up to level06 $readini(leet.ini,level,$address($nick,2)) $+ 10. They now need06 $floor($calc($readini(leet.ini,level,$address($nick,2)) *21.6673)) 10exp til their next level.	remini leet.ini exp $address($nick,2)	noop $score($calc((%rand /1.6) + $readini(leet.ini,points,$address($nick,2)))).pnt  }  if ($readini(leet.ini,level,$address($nick,2)) == 99) && (!$readini(leet.ini,99,$address($nick,2))) { msg $chan $logo(Leet) Now that06 $nick 10has made it to level06 9910, they are truly leet, and they get06 999810 access and a06 1337 skillcape10! | cs access # add $nick 9998 | writeini leet.ini 99 $address($nick,2) On }  if ($readini(leet.ini,level,$address($nick,2)) == 10) && (!$readini(leet.ini,voice,$address($nick,2))) { msg $chan $logo(Leet) Now that06 $nick 10has made it to level06 1010, they get voice. | mode # +v $nick | cs access # add $nick 3 | writeini leet.ini voice $address($nick,2) On }  if ($readini(leet.ini,level,$address($nick,2)) == 20) && (!$readini(leet.ini,half,$address($nick,2))) { msg $chan $logo(Leet) Now that06 $nick 10has made it to level06 2010, they get halfop. | mode # +h $nick | cs access # add $nick 4 | writeini leet.ini half $address($nick,2) On }  if ($readini(leet.ini,level,$address($nick,2)) == 30) && (!$readini(leet.ini,tempop,$address($nick,2))) { msg $chan $logo(Leet) Now that06 $nick 10has made it to level06 3010, they get temp op. (061hour10) | mode # +o $nick | .timertemp. [ $+ [ $address($nick,2) ] ] 1 3600 mode # -o $nick | writeini leet.ini tempop $address($nick,2) On }  if ($readini(leet.ini,level,$address($nick,2)) == 40) && (!$readini(leet.ini,op,$address($nick,2))) { msg $chan $logo(Leet) Now that06 $nick 10has made it to level06 4010, they get op. | mode # +o $nick | cs access # add $nick 9 | writeini leet.ini op $address($nick,2) On | .timertemp. [ $+ [ $address($nick,2) ] ] off }  if ($readini(leet.ini,level,$address($nick,2)) == 50) && (!$readini(leet.ini,aop,$address($nick,2))) { msg $chan $logo(Leet) Now that06 $nick 10has made it to level06 5010, they get aop. | mode # +ao $nick $nick | cs access # add $nick 1337 | writeini leet.ini aop $address($nick,2) On }  noop $score($calc($readini(leet.ini,level,$address($nick,2)) *1.90)).wait  .timer 1 $readini(leet.ini,wait,$address($nick,2)) remini leet.ini wait $address($nick,2)}on $*:TEXT:/^[!@](Leet)?Info */Si:#YOURCHAN:{  var %info $iif($2,$2,$nick)  var %out $iif(@* iswm $1,msg $chan,.notice $nick)  if ($2) && ($2 !ison $chan) { %out $logo(LeetInfo) 06 $+ $2 10isn't on the channel. | halt }  %out $logo(LeetInfo) Info for:06 %info |10 Level:06 $iif($readini(leet.ini,level,$address(%info,2)),$v1,0) |10 Points:06 $iif($readini(leet.ini,points,$address(%info,2)),$v1,0) |10 Access:06 $iif($readini(leet.ini,level,$address(%info,2)) > 50,1337,$iif($readini(leet.ini,level,$address(%info,2)) isnum 10-19,Voice,$iif($readini(leet.ini,level,$address(%info,2)) isnum 20-39,Halfop,$iif($readini(leet.ini,level,$address(%info,2)) isnum 40-50,Op,$iif($readini(leet.ini,level,$address(%info,2)) isnum 30-40,Temp Op,None))))) |10 Exp til lvl06 $calc($readini(leet.ini,level,$address(%info,2)) +1) $+ 10:06 $calc($floor($calc($readini(leet.ini,level,$address(%info,2)) *21.6673)) - $readini(leet.ini,exp,$address(%info,2)))}on *:TEXT:!buy level:#YOURCHAN:{  if ($readini(leet.ini,points,$address($nick,2)) >= 400) {	noop $score($calc($readini(leet.ini,level,$address($nick,2)) +1)).lvl	msg $chan $logo(Buy) 06 $+ $nick 10has gone up to level06 $readini(leet.ini,level,$address($nick,2)) $+ 10. That cost them06 40010 points. They now need06 $floor($calc($readini(leet.ini,level,$address($nick,2)) *21.6673)) 10exp til their next level.	noop $score($calc($readini(leet.ini,points,$address($nick,2)) -400)).pnt  }  else { .notice $nick $logo(Buy) You need06 40010 points to do that! | halt }  if ($readini(leet.ini,level,$address($nick,2)) == 99) && (!$readini(leet.ini,99,$address($nick,2))) { msg $chan $logo(Leet) Now that06 $nick 10has made it to level06 9910, they are truly leet, and they get06 999810 access and a06 1337 skillcape10! | cs access # add $nick 9998 | writeini leet.ini 99 $address($nick,2) On }  if ($readini(leet.ini,level,$address($nick,2)) == 10) && (!$readini(leet.ini,voice,$address($nick,2))) { msg $chan $logo(Leet) Now that06 $nick 10has made it to level06 1010, they get voice. | mode # +v $nick | cs access # add $nick 3 | writeini leet.ini voice $address($nick,2) On }  if ($readini(leet.ini,level,$address($nick,2)) == 20) && (!$readini(leet.ini,half,$address($nick,2))) { msg $chan $logo(Leet) Now that06 $nick 10has made it to level06 2010, they get halfop. | mode # +h $nick | cs access # add $nick 4 | writeini leet.ini half $address($nick,2) On }  if ($readini(leet.ini,level,$address($nick,2)) == 30) && (!$readini(leet.ini,tempop,$address($nick,2))) { msg $chan $logo(Leet) Now that06 $nick 10has made it to level06 3010, they get temp op. (061hour10) | mode # +o $nick | .timertemp. [ $+ [ $address($nick,2) ] ] 1 3600 mode # -o $nick | writeini leet.ini tempop $address($nick,2) On }  if ($readini(leet.ini,level,$address($nick,2)) == 40) && (!$readini(leet.ini,op,$address($nick,2))) { msg $chan $logo(Leet) Now that06 $nick 10has made it to level06 4010, they get op. | mode # +o $nick | cs access # add $nick 9 | writeini leet.ini op $address($nick,2) On | .timertemp. [ $+ [ $address($nick,2) ] ] off }  if ($readini(leet.ini,level,$address($nick,2)) == 50) && (!$readini(leet.ini,aop,$address($nick,2))) { msg $chan $logo(Leet) Now that06 $nick 10has made it to level06 5010, they get aop. | mode # +ao $nick $nick | cs access # add $nick 1337 | writeini leet.ini aop $address($nick,2) On }}on *:CONNECT:{  ns id ruleet  cs id #YOURCHAN ruleet  remini leet.ini wait}on *:JOIN:#YOURCHAN:{  if ($readini(leet.ini,level,$address($nick,2))) {	msg $chan $logo(Join) 06 $+ $nick 10has joined. 06|10 Level:06 $iif($readini(leet.ini,level,$address($nick,2)),$v1,0) |10 Points:06 $iif($readini(leet.ini,points,$address($nick,2)),$v1,0) |10 Access:06 $iif($readini(leet.ini,level,$address($nick,2)) > 50,1337,$iif($readini(leet.ini,level,$address($nick,2)) isnum 10-19,Voice,$iif($readini(leet.ini,level,$address($nick,2)) isnum 20-39,Halfop,$iif($readini(leet.ini,level,$address($nick,2)) isnum 40-50,Op,$iif($readini(leet.ini,level,$address($nick,2)) isnum 30-40,Temp Op,None))))) |10 Exp til lvl06 $calc($readini(leet.ini,level,$address($nick,2)) +1) $+ 10:06 $calc($floor($calc($readini(leet.ini,level,$address($nick,2)) *21.6673)) - $readini(leet.ini,exp,$address($nick,2)))  }}



    And that's it, but, remember to replace #YOURCHAN with the channel you are going to use it in.

  5. Important:

    I made this a LONG time ago when I used to do mSL, which I don't anymore, so it might not work, but it used to ;]

    Quoted from: http://forum.swiftirc.net/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=15047


    Current Version: 1.0



    I was so bored, I needed to try something different. I hadn't made a dialog in ages, and this is how it has turned out ^.^





    How to use

    Put the script into remotes, and right click on a channel or nicklist.

    Then begin filling out the drop down boxes.


    The Script

    Hmm.. and finally, here is the script ^.^


    menu * {  -  .iChunk|'s Advanced Youtube Dialog: /dialog -dm youtube youtube  -}dialog youtube {  title "iChunk|'s Advanced Youtube Dialog"  size -1 -1 390 447  option pixels  tab "Results", 20, 12 153 370 261  tab "Favourites", 21  box "", 1, 6 1 378 136  text "Query:", 2, 13 14 37 17  edit "", 3, 68 13 134 23, autohs multi  text "Duration:", 4, 213 16 49 17  combo 5, 264 14 114 79, drop  text "Language:", 6, 12 39 51 17  combo 7, 68 39 310 160, drop  text "Category:", 8, 12 64 48 17  combo 9, 68 63 310 160, drop  text "Sort Results By:", 10, 11 89 79 17  combo 11, 92 87 286 90, drop  text "Uploaded:", 12, 12 113 52 17  combo 13, 68 111 135 70, drop  button "Search!", 14, 206 109 172 25  list 15, 20 180 352 223, tab 20 size  box "", 16, 6 137 381 307  button "Open the URL", 17, 48 414 93 25  button "Add to Favourites", 18, 142 414 94 25, tab 20  button "Close", 19, 237 414 93 25, cancel  list 22, 20 180 352 223, tab 21 size  button "Delete Selected", 23, 142 414 94 25, tab 21}alias language return $gettok(All Languages.Arabic.Bulgarian.Catalan.Chinese (Simplified).Chinese (Traditional).Croatian.Czech.Danish.Dutch.English.Estonian.Finnish.French.German.Greek.Hebrew.Hungarian.Icelandic.Italian.Japanese.Korean.Latvian.Lithuanian.Norwegian.Polish.Portuguese.Polish.Romanian.Russian.Serbian.Slovak.Slovenian.Spanish.Turkish,$1,46)alias category return $gettok(All Categorys.Autos & Vehicles.Comedy.Education.Entertainment.Film & Animation.Howto & Style.Music.News & Politics.Nonprofits & Acitivism.People & Blogs.Pets & Animals.Science & Technology.Sports.Travel & Events,$1,46)alias srb return $gettok(Relevance.Date Added.View Count.Rating,$1,46)alias durations return $gettok(All Durations.Less Than 4 Mins.4-20 Mins.More Than 20 Mins,$1,46)alias upload return $gettok(Anytime.This Month.This Week.Today,$1,46)on *:DIALOG:youtube:init:0:{  var %x 1 | while ($durations(%x)) { did -a $dname 5 $v1 | inc %x }  var %x 1 | while ($language(%x)) { did -a $dname 7 $v1 | inc %x }  var %x 1 | while ($category(%x)) { did -a $dname 9 $v1 | inc %x }  var %x 1 | while ($srb(%x)) { did -a $dname 11 $v1 | inc %x }  var %x 1 | while ($upload(%x)) { did -a $dname 13 $v1 | inc %x }  var %x 1 | while (%x <= %fav) { if ($gettok($readini(yt.ini,fav,%x),1,64)) { did -a $dname 22 $gettok($readini(yt.ini,fav,%x),1,64) } | inc %x }}alias lang  {  if ($1 == Arabic) { return Ar }  elseif ($1 == Bulgarian) { return Bg }  elseif ($1 == Catalan) { return Ca }  elseif (Simplified isin $1) { return Zh-Cn }  elseif (Traditional isin $1) { return Zh-Tw }  elseif ($1 == Croatian) { return Hr }  elseif ($1 == Czech) { return Cs }  elseif ($1 == Danish) { return Da }  elseif ($1 == Dutch) { return Nl }  elseif ($1 == English) { return En }  elseif ($1 == Estonian) { return Et }  elseif ($1 == Finnish) { return Fi }  elseif ($1 == French) { return Fr }  elseif ($1 == German) { return De }  elseif ($1 == Greek) { return Er }  elseif ($1 == Hebrew) { return Iw }  elseif ($1 == Hungarian) { return Hu }  elseif ($1 == Icelandic) { return Is }  elseif ($1 == Italian) { return It }  elseif ($1 == Japanese) { return Ja }  elseif ($1 == Korean) { return Ko }  elseif ($1 == Latvian) { return Lv }  elseif ($1 == Lithuanian) { return Lt }  elseif ($1 == Norwegian) { return No }  elseif ($1 == Polish) { return Pl }  elseif ($1 == Portuguese) { return Pt }  elseif ($1 == Romanian) { return Ro }  elseif ($1 == Russian) { return Ru }  elseif ($1 == Serbian) { return Sr }  elseif ($1 == Slovak) { return Sk }  elseif ($1 == Slovenian) { return Sl }  elseif ($1 == Spanish) { return Es }  elseif ($1 == Turkish) { return Tr }}alias upd {  if ($1 == This Month) { return M }  elseif ($1 == This Week) { return W }  elseif ($1 == Today) { return D }}alias sort {  if ($1 == Date Added) { return video_date_uploaded }  elseif ($1 == View Count) { return video_view_count }  elseif ($1 == Rating) { return video_avg_rating }}alias cat {  if ($1 == All Categorys) { return all }  elseif ($1 == Autos & Vehicles) { return 2 }  elseif ($1 == Comedy) { return 23 }  elseif ($1 == Education) { return 27 }  elseif ($1 == Entertainment) { return 24 }  elseif ($1 == Film & Animation) { return 1 }  elseif ($1 == Howto & Style) { return 26 }  elseif ($1 == Music) { return 10 }  elseif ($1 == News & Politics) { return 25 }  elseif ($1 == Nonprofits & Activism) { return 29 }  elseif ($1 == People & Blogs) { return 22 }  elseif ($1 == Pets & Animals) { return 15 }  elseif ($1 == Science & Technology) { return 28 }  elseif ($1 == Sports) { return 17 }  elseif ($1 == Travel & Events) { return 19 }}alias dur {  if ($1 == Less Than 4 Mins) { return Short }  elseif ($1 == 4-20 Mins) { return Medium }  elseif ($1 == More Than 20 Mins) { return Long }}on *:DIALOG:youtube:sclick:*:{  if ($did == 14) {	if ($did(3)) {	  if ($did(5)) && ($did(7)) && ($did(9)) && ($did(11)) && ($did(13)) {		youtube $+($did(3),.,$did(5),.,$did(7),.,$did(9),.,$did(11),.,$did(13))		did -r $dname 15 | remini yt.ini sites | unset %x	  }	  else { noop $input(You need to select something $+ $chr(44) in all the dropdown boxes!,wo,Error!) }	}	else { $input(You need to enter something to search!,wo,Error!) }  }  if ($did == 17) {	if ($dialog($dname).tab == 20) {	  if ($did(15).sel) {		url www.youtube.com $+ $readini(yt.ini,sites,$v1)	  }	  else { noop $input(You need to select something!,wo,Error!) }	}	if ($dialog($dname).tab == 21) {	  if ($did(22).sel) {		url www.youtube.com $+ $gettok($readini(yt.ini,fav,$v1),2,64)	  }	  else { noop $input(You need to select something!,wo,Error!) }	}  }  if ($did == 18) {	if ($did(15).sel) {	  inc %fav	  writeini yt.ini fav %fav $did(15).seltext $+ @ $+ $readini(yt.ini,sites,$v1)	  did -a $dname 22 $did(15).seltext	}	else { noop $input(You need to select something!,wo,Error!) }  }  if ($did == 23) {	if ($did(22).sel) {	  did -d $dname 22 $v1	  remini yt.ini fav $v1	}	else { noop $input(You need to select something!,wo,Error!) }  }}alias -l nohtml { return $remove($regsubex($1-,/(^[^<]*>|<[^>]*>|<[^>]*$)/g,$null), ,",$chr(09)) }alias youtube {  if ($sock(yt)) { sockclose yt }  writeini yt.ini info query $replace($gettok($1-,1,46),$chr(32),_) | writeini yt.ini info dur $iif($dur($gettok($1-,2,46)),$v1,sdfvf)  writeini yt.ini info lang $iif($lang($gettok($1-,3,46)),$v1,sdfvf) | writeini yt.ini info cat $iif($cat($gettok($1-,4,46)),$v1,sdfvf)  writeini yt.ini info srb $iif($sort($gettok($1-,5,46)),$v1,sdfvf) | writeini yt.ini info up $iif($upd($gettok($1-,6,46)),$v1,sdfvf)  sockopen yt www.youtube.com 80}alias yt return $remove($readini(yt.ini,info,$1),sdfvf)on *:SOCKOPEN:yt:{  sockwrite -nt yt GET /results?search_query= $+ $yt(query) $+ &as=1&and_queries= $+ $yt(query) $+ &search_duration= $+ $yt(dur) $+ &search_hl= $+ $yt(lang) $+ &search_category_type= $+ $yt(cat) $+ $iif($yt(cat) != all,&search_category= $+ $yt(cat)) $+ &search_sort= $+ $yt(sort) $+ &uploaded= $+ $yt(up) HTTP/1.1  sockwrite -nt yt Host: www.youtube.com  sockwrite -nt yt $crlf}on *:SOCKREAD:yt:{  var %read  sockread %read  if (<div class="vlshortTitle"> isin %read) {	sockread %read	inc %x | .writeini yt.ini sites %x $gettok(%read,2,34)	did -a youtube 15 $replace($nohtml(%read),&,&,',')  }  elseif (No Videos found for isin %read) {	did -a youtube 15 $nohtml(%read)  }}

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