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Brutal Deth

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Posts posted by Brutal Deth

  1. Hello, I'm going to be hosting an event this weekend for the combat beta. The event is going to Pk run-ins. Unfortunately we can't have mini-wars at clan wars because it still isn't available in the beta, so this is the next best thing. It will most likely be held in the dangerous free for all portal at clan wars.


    We will have 2 teams set up; one will defend and one will attack, or we can just run around looking for each other to replicate an actual run in.


    The reason I want an event like this is because I want to have some team fights that will simulate actual team combat in the wilderness when the EoC goes live. I am pretty good at 1v1 and tribriding, so I want to start learning team combat as well now. I want to figure out what team compositions work and which ones don't. What abilities should be used and which ones shouldn't as well.


    Since I am simulating actual wilderness combat, I am setting a cap on risk. The cap will be 10m risk because I do not want people to bring maxed gear as that is not practical. At the same time though, i believe that is enough risk to test out decent items. Although in the wilderness people will mostly risk 200k-1m, this will allow us to test more things.


    I am looking for 20-30 people total, so the teams can be split between 10-15 people. Anyone is welcome, as long as you meet the requirements that i state. There are no combat level requirements or stat requirements.



    1) Moderately Experienced with the EoC and familiar with all the abilities of at least one style of offensive combat and all the defensive abilities. Sorry, no novices allowed because teaching people how to use abilities and what they do will just slow us down.


    2) Download Teamspeak. We will be using voice communication for each team. You do not need to have a microphone, which i highly recommend, but you do need to listen.


    3) Be Chill, Relaxed and have fun. We're here for testing and to learn something as well. Absolutely no raging will be tolerated or flaming. Trash talking is fine, for fun, nothing serious.


    I'll add in more requirements if I think of more.


    This event will be held on Saturday, September 8, 2012 at 17:00 PST (-8 GMT).


    If you're interested, respond to this thread. I will not be posting the Teamspeak information publicly, so we will have to talk first and get to know you a bit before I give it to you.




    Myself and a few friends are going to be making a Pk team when the EoC goes live so this will be the first of our practice sessions to start getting used to things. If you're interested in joining a team, this will be a great chance for you.


    You have to be 140-155 combat and I also have to feel you are qualified. No stat requirements as I feel it's not what your stats are, but how you use them in this new system.


    I will update this thread as necessary, so make sure to check in on it every day if you want to come.


    Update 1: I have updated requirement 1 as I just realize very very few people actually tribrid and most people stick to one style of combat.

  2. Hello, this is my 7th video. After leveling so much and pking so much i have gotten a little tired of playing so much Runescape, so it will be a while before i make another video, so i hope you really enjoy this one smile.gif.



    Seal Slayer by Deadlock

    Pure by Mors Principium Est


    Stats during the video:

    Combat 90+12 or 102

    78 attack

    5 defence

    99 strength

    99 ranged

    99 magic

    99 hitpoints

    52 prayer

    99 summoning


    Pk video 7:





    If you enjoyed this video, you might also enjoy


    Pk Video 6:



  3. npa.png






    Notorious Pkers Has Released Its 4th Pk Video


    ♫ Music ♫

    Muse - Bliss

    Thousand Foot Krutch- Scream

    Killswitch Engage- The Arms of Sorrow


    Edited By








    Make Sure To Subscribe To Np Tube.






    Got A 95 Stat With 82 Mage?

    Join Notorious Pkers At www.NotoriousPkers.com

    Irc: #Team-Np



  4. edit: Some douchebags flagged my vid, so it isn't working right now, anyone have any solutions? pm me on irc please, Brutal|Jimbo


    Hello, i haven't made a pk video in a really long time because i quit runescape for a really long time. I came back a couple of months ago and decided to max out and work on a new video, so here you go :).



    Sweet Cyanide by Callenish Circle

    The Mirrors Truth by In Flames

    Cursed by Belief by Skyfire


    Stats during the video:

    Combat 89+12 or 101

    75 attack

    5 defence

    99 strength

    99 ranged

    99 magic

    99 hitpoints

    52 prayer

    99 summoning


    Filefront link: http://www.filefront.com/14626291/pkvideo6.mp4/ STREAMING NOW


    Youtube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9t3gar4cpE

  5. I have posted on their forums the best possible evidence that one of their Veteran Members No honoring and they act as if it never happened. Should Fatality even be considered honor anymore? I made a thread on their forums if you want to join the discussion, ill post a copy of it here. http://rs-fi.com/index.php?showtopic=19003&st=0



    Go 6 posts down for the second picture i put up as evidence, which was supposedly photo shopped says the experts.


    Here's the video clip. It's the same person as the in the pictures below.



    The first rule on the list is no 1 iteming. I have seen Nhloc No honor me multiple times, praying 1v1, 1 iteming me after i own him. This time he did it during a run in Team NP had with RF.


    Here's the evidence, and no he did not just happen to be running next to a run in with a dds. I was vidding as well, I'm sure if i look hard enough I'll find something. Need more evidence?




    Discuss, and no i am not wasting my time on this. This is hilariously fun for me :thumbsup: .

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