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Posts posted by Sleepy

  1. Walli = Perez Hilton of Runescape.


    I can guarantee you MM didn't pull out because of the "drama" that goes on with fighting EOP they pulled out because they know they would lose.

    last time mm lost in a 100v100 f2p. Just tell me.



    your claim stands no ground and is only backed up by air.


    Listen here buddy, Thats old mm, if you think mm is the same watch EOP's Trips the past 2 weekends.

    MM crashing fights while EOP had 5 previous fights then gets pushed around and eventually cleared.

    All these clans claiming "summer is ours" Naw... Summer is EOP's. You mean to tell me going on the same TS as EOP during the full out causes drama? Just admit it, Your clan is washed up and scared, the current ranks have dug out a deep ass grave that needs 13th and the old ranks to return in order for you to actually me considered competition anymore. This is our summer, Full out us or just stfu and admit that you are scared.


    You judge mm/eop off of what happened in the past, I'm pretty sure our member base is 10X stronger then a bunch of lvl 80's with 1 defense. Adapt or die mm its obvious you are scared.


    FI/FOE/TLP/NME and whoever else that wants to doubt us keep at it, we will wait for someone to grow balls and fight us.



    1st. Pick what clan youre in.

    2. You dont know **** about Bob and how he leads the clan.

    3. Bob was the MAIN CALLER while 13th was coleader.

    4. I remember specifically one time hitting FOE at login at mini maze clearing them. EOP crash we walk to single walk down few wildy levels turn around go into multi and give EOP "walk of shame/walk the plank" ALL THIS DONE BY BOB. Yet you try to say he put us into a mess. Please proceed to hang yourself.

    5.@the guy saying most recent preps our ts wasnt ddos? yeh, i have a vid of that so their goes all your argument.

  2. Post on topic....gets hit off for half an hour. lololol pw




    edit:@Badger.....you say their is no proof of alledged recent ddos. My prep vid is enough proof.

    don't be shy, let's see it. it's not my job to go scour the internet for your proof.

    you guys also claimed korrawi was getting hit off but he was fighting the whole time?



    He was as the fight was ending/ as I was getting online. He didnt get back on the forums for 1-2 hours after.


    check pm

  3. aTommy lets be honest, why would we fight EOP? Go fight declare on some other clans, then proceed to win and we'll see. Were not gonna fight someone to have leaders/callers/ts drop instantly. Saw someone say something bout korrawi saying he got ddosed. Well he did and he couldnt get back on till bout an hour or so later. I still dont see how you want our leader to accept something from you guys when that was just pulled off. Gack speaks the truth on this thread, dont expect another response from me.




    He got ddosed so hard that he was able to survive until nearly the end of the fight despite being sniped by 2 people and drag those people north of the fight.


    Wheres the excuse generator when we need it.

    k, you live in Ohio?

  4. aTommy lets be honest, why would we fight EOP? Go fight declare on some other clans, then proceed to win and we'll see. Were not gonna fight someone to have leaders/callers/ts drop instantly. Saw someone say something bout korrawi saying he got ddosed. Well he did and he couldnt get back on till bout an hour or so later. I still dont see how you want our leader to accept something from you guys when that was just pulled off. Gack speaks the truth on this thread, dont expect another response from me.

  5. how much did mm pull?

    I think we peaked a little under 110


    Well done to both clans! MM done well with there 1 defence compared to foe 30-40 defence levels.


    Foe are the best p2p pure clan ever.

    MM are the best f2p ever.



    Its a shame mm has to deal with everyones defence.

    I mean all of MM isnt 1 defense and all of FOE isnt 30+


    Were still at a disadvantage but its whatever.

  6. Thus why putting us against scum clans like fi and eop who ddos each other over wars is a waste of our time. Just put MM vs FOE finals for all categories and leave the rest of the scum clans to fight it out.

    It was randomized. Your clan is not special. Get over yourselves and just compete and hopefully have some fun in the process. Complaining about it isn't going to help your cause.


    +1. Funny how we're a scum clan now, because we're the ones getting ddos'd. However, I feel like the outcomes for the 10v10, 20v20, 40v40 will be surprising. However the only exciting Full-Out (first round) will be between Fi & Foe.

    I dont see how Foe and Fi are the only exciting fullout..... :facepalm:

  7. Could have just done in clan wars where there wasnt mains/1itemers/and looters....


    Grats on win though

    I think both clans wanted this to be a true fullout and didnt think other clans/mains would be such faggots and ruin it. FOE sure as hell surprised me with a 130 pull which is something that they wouldnt of been able to do with clanwars. I think we had a bit below 110? Just a shame about the mains and ****.

  8. we did great out opted by 20+ not cleared once and over half of foe with turmoil not sad at all gratz on ur pull too bad u had to adapt to earn the win

    Its literally impossible to get cleared with 100+ people at a return spot like gdz. mm did get pushed quite a bit though, nonetheless mm did do a good job considering all of foes advantages.

    could just auto barrage gdz but that is impossible when 90% of u were just nig ranging with snakeskin and mauls :/


    most of you guys were in monk robes etcs...

    Hiiiiiiiiiiii Shivan :) For this war I was pretty set on returning in straight mage, after dying 5 times in mage from getting camped by mains it just wasnt worth it. I was doing **** ton more damage with maul+titan then I was just sitting there having to eat.


    Shame mains and other clans have to ruin an event that could have been amazing. We went out there and fought 20ish down. GJ FOE on the W today. GL tomm if we get some fights in.


    For shivan and hater aka emo semtex :)




    Sorry for the **** talking but you splashed sooooooo many times on me. Gonna take a wild guess and say you were brewed down to like 10 mage.


  9. lol'd @ the sleepy guys vid



    who leaked o.O


    #1 Blindfolded tank.

    the youtube.... it leaks everything

    and ye ur blind folded was on par with your normal tanks :whistling:

    Yeh I think the 1st one I would of lasted a but longer if I could of got my pray back up.

  10. zenith spammed times up and got a fall in in single we weren't cleared

    It was supposed 2 be a 30min return fight ended up being 2hrs and it just got boring @ the 2nd hour so thats it.

    I mean thats cool and all we dont mind time caps but should of pmed our leaders and said hey were ending at 8. Little more heads up next time :P

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