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Posts posted by Aly

  1. 75ed.png

    Site | Applications | FoeTube


    Videos of the Day



    - he11


    Being uploaded






    Woooooooo the war date had finally arrived, we knew opts were gonna be positive form the beginning of the week. I am proud of every FOE member for showing up and stepping up the call of war, we had well over 100 people at start. Anyways the talk from both sides ended here the polls now meant **** all it was just 2 clans fighting it out. We were the underdog in this case, biggest p2p pure war of all time.

    Enjoy mates thanks TLP.




    Round 1


    The first round was all key in our heads not only for 1-0 but physiologically because we knew our opponent would be pressured to take the next one. Anyways we got inside after a lagfest to get to portal, we didnt reach 100 in 10 seconds like we intended but got it seconds after. We were of the task of attacking first in this best of 3, we knew that TLP was spread from their side South to North around the West trees. We equalled that spread on the other side and charged them. After initial charge it was close to the point 98vs91 then we dropped 5 in row than the fight didnt look from then. Round one gave way to FOE after TLP members left single.




    Final Ownage Elites Starting - 98

    The Last Pures Starting - 99


    Final Ownage Elites Ending - 78


    Round 2


    After taking a convincing first round the momentum was on our side and we were not going to let it go. Restocking on supplies we were ready to go even with the constant lag that didnt let us get 100 at start for the first 2 rounds. We were to defend so we took the same stragedy to defend away from jail north of south when the gates fell. TLP member attacked us and we were off to work, the fight was pretty much won because TLP got too clumped around the middle where it was impossible for them to attack us. We identified the pile quick and made sure the middle was taken care of first, props to our north and south side keeping it together.


    Final Ownage Elites Starting - 98

    The Last Pures Starting - 97


    Final Ownage Elites Ending - 80


    Round 3


    Props to TLP for giving us the 3rd fight, it was no different from the others a bit more clean from our side as we finally got 100, the spread was simple from both sides east to west and charge when the gate drops. It seemed to me we had killed TLP's spirits and they didnt want to fight with the lackluster fight but nevertheless respect. We took control of the trees in the middle than pushed them all the way north until single.

    We had lots of fun a bit laggy but we all had to deal with it.


    Final Ownage Elites Starting - 100

    The Last Pures Starting - 94


    Final Ownage Elites Ending - 87















    Sorry for the lack of pictures, it was laggy really was not advised.




    Right so we had a pk trip after, kind of bit disappointing that we lost 30 people but well the deed was done, we went around mainly pking. We heard that Destructive Pures were roaming around, we got scouts on the world then fought them east of 18 portals. They near clan wars then spread and fought us, we took care of the people to the trees than slowly pushed them towards the group near the lake and eventually cleared them to clan wars.




    Final Ownage Elites Starting - 71

    Destructive Pures Starting - 70?


    Final Ownage Elites Ending - 52




    Apparently Mayhem Makers rushed us from south of BH then the war moved from south of bh to 18 ports then to clan wars. We were winding down on the pk trip and the day so our opts were low, thanks to MM for giving us a fight. It was pretty close until we started to push them from 18 ports.




    Final Ownage Elites Starting - 60ish

    Mayhem Makers Starting - 52


    Final Ownage Elites Ending - 43
















    Oi memo to all TLP members from your leader.


    (22:32:35) <Cory> hey can u edit in ur topic that any tlp flamming will be striked, and put my name





    Join our forums and apply to Final Ownage Elite today!


    Don\'t forget to check out Foetube for the latest on Foe run ins!

  2. 75ed.png

    Site | Applications | FoeTube


    Videos of the Day


    Being uploaded






    Saturday before the TLP war, our members have been pumped for this war and I personally was pumped for some Saturday F2p action, we were hoping to build on F2p momentum from last week. It was a hell of a day for us we had some good action and great fights to all the clans that fought us. It was good fun and great experience that will lead us to improve in F2p.




    After hoping back and forth between worlds, our great scouts kept us informed of the clans out and they advised that EOP was lurking around 32 ports with CP and DP. We chilled at NW bh stairs hoping that EOP came to rush us, eventually both clans got to fight and met at NW bh stairs. The fight went back and forth until we pushed EOP to single, there was 1 more attempt to push back from EOP but we came away with the victory.

    Great fight mates from EOP, respect.




    Final Ownage Elites Starting - 72

    Eruption of Pures Starting - 68


    Final Ownage Elites Ending - 58














    After a pleasant surprise in which Fatality came back with a fury and pulled 90 we were hoping for more of the same this week. Fatality seemed to be hunt DP or CP but our scouts got a world on them and waited from them to step out of SC to get a clean fight. We were a bit of guard when they charged us south of bh / SW of CA but had to fight them. The initial charge from them pushed a bit spread but we got regrouped at the trees and had a good 5 minute fight. It was back and forth as both clans tried to pushed each other but both held their ground. We finally after a pretty lengthy fight were able to push and clear them to BH and SC.

    Gf Fatality good to see you back.




    Final Ownage Elites Starting - 72

    Fatality Starting - 65? (confirm)


    Final Ownage Elites Ending - 58














    Now in the latter part of our trip we were hoping to get another fight with Fatality but couldnt find them, so we went through a hop fest to fine other clans. We eventually matched worlds with EOP and wait at the trees south of clan wars for them to come out. They were roaming around and potted as we charged and locked horns at the house hut. We took control of the hut and meleed them until they retreated to clan wars.

    Good fight again cya next weekend guys.




    Final Ownage Elites Starting - 63

    Eruption of Pures Starting - 60


    Final Ownage Elites Ending - 51









    Well in a nutshell that was our day of F2p, we cordially invite you to watch our full out P2p war vs TLP tommorow Sunday at 3:30 PM EST | 8:30 GMT. Hope to see you all there and thanks again to all the clans who we fought and we will sure to see you guys next weekend :banana:




    Join our forums and apply to Final Ownage Elite today!


    Don\'t forget to check out Foetube for the latest on Foe run ins!

  3. As much as I am Pats/Brady fan I have to say the better QB still Manning.


    Brady is 2nd best no questions but Manning makes amazing throws that nobody makes. Peyton had like 350 yds not bad just he choked last 2 mins.


    If I had to start a franchise I am going with Manning as of now, Brady plays well but sometimes gets int that are unnecessary.

  4. 75ed.png

    Site | Applications | FoeTube


    Videos of the Day



    - Chics Range


    Being uploaded







    So it was back to work for Final Ownage Elites, we were hoping to improve on opts from the past week in which we reached 80. We did surpass our previous high and all around are pleased with the opts that we brought to the battlefield. The usual trash talk from EOP throughout the whole week and so we were not gonna take it. MM made it clear they wanted to settle the score with EOP so they got the first crack at them. Dont be daft we got plenty of action, stay tuned....




    Corrupt Pures asked us in PM for a planned in run-in. Both sides agreed to fight since the options were pretty much the same, give or take a few. Final Ownage Elites set up to charge CP west of corps coming from the lava next to dwarves. The charge worked to perfection, we cleared CP in literally 1 min, not sure what happened on CP side. Loading page lag? but regardless we cleared them to single and took the victory without question.

    Gf Corrupt Pures





    Final Ownage Elites Starting - 78

    Corrupt Pures Starting - 80


    Final Ownage Elites Ending - 67
















    After MM got to feast on Eruption of Pures, we got our crack at them. We were at altar then knew that EOP were lurking around clan wars and wanted a piece of us. Eventually they came out from south of clan wars and the fight emersed at the trees. FOE used them to our advantage to tank to max and own, eventually we meleed them out of the trees and then ranged from trees to the ones outside. When the time was right leadership called a push to take care of the few EOP that were outside.

    Gf EOP





    Final Ownage Elites Starting - 60

    Eruption of Pures Starting - 63


    Final Ownage Elites Ending - 41















    At the conclusion of our trip we got a PM from Destructive Pures that wanted to have a PKRI with us. We were seconds away from ending but got a bank and altar then were ready to roll. We used the success we had at the trees south of clan wars to defend. DP were taking forever to attack or do something, moving from east to north and then west, eventually we got impatient and took the initiative and attacked them with a charge that seemed to catch them off guard. The charge worked well and they got scattered all around, the fight at this stage was just pickings and got all the DP to bh.

    We beat them but props to DP for asking to fight.




    Final Ownage Elites Starting - 60

    Destructive Pures Starting - 60


    Final Ownage Elites Ending - 48












    I would like to personally thank all the clans we fought, all put up great fights and hope to see you guys for more fun next week. Caps off to the clans that defeated us today, well done and we will try for you guys next week. From all of Final Ownage Elites we had a fun day and hope you did as well until next time PW. :blush:



    Join our forums and apply to Final Ownage Elite today!


    Don\'t forget to check out Foetube for the latest on Foe run ins!

  5. looks like honey rather wants this declined than accepted

    The man knows what he saying.


    The rules we chose are also fair, if you want you can fight us in pvp with those rules you are giving us.


    If you guys wont chill out and be reasonable then how we work it out?

  6. Don't know which side of your head you got dropped on, But we declared on you.


    Accept the more than fair rules, which many different clans have replied as "fair", or ***** out like you did last time and fake a site hacking.

    Don't play that game you know where I am coming from, you made your rules we slightly adjusted.

    Sorry but the call is up to you now, decline or accept.

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