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Posts posted by AfrikaWoman



    So the first fight in which you claim you won, our fight got crashed by Crimson Knights (Main Clan) and EOP was in Clan Wars while FOE was still on Sperm Hill. Amnesia much?


    [18:36] @walli> we went back out withyout a bank

    [18:36] @walli> n beat ck


    FOE is pretty synonymous with being unable to take a loss.

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    hey im on that list!!

  3. We dont give lessons, You can intro and get to know some members and get to know us, However if you applied + are retarded you'd end up in the decline forums faster than half the clans dash in clanwars when they see FOE coming.



    i hate to have to point out my sarcasm :/

  4. This isnt a place to discuss solo pking, and what goes into it, But belive me, There is alot of skill needed.


    FOE Full Reqs require HYBRID stats, As Hybridding requires alot of skill.


    Even single style requires skill, Knowledge when to eat, When to risk, Dice or not, Skill is required.


    if all that is really as difficult as you say it is then where do i sign up for lessons?


    hell, maybe even get a foe member to sign my mouse pad

  5. Also remember FOE is an elite solo pking clan, We have high reqs from constantly building up our standards (However E reqs are still lower than FOE reqs 4 years ago when i joined).


    I know you guys might hate our vids and whatever else, but members are proud to be in this clan / show off their skills, Belive me if you guys could / Had decent stats THUS having vids people would want to watch......then yea you'd be about there.


    Believe me its difficult a Elite solo pking clan, Competiting with clan pking.



    solo pking in rs is basically a graphically advanced form of dice, the vast majority of it is based on luck, i wouldnt say there is skill involved or any thereof to be proud of

  6. I never said we won. I said that we were never cleared and FI was. And Actually Frosty about 45 seconds in i personally help with a pile against FI. Even with your height advantage.



    I've never heard of someone posting a video on their channel of them losing/tying because of a crash.

  7. So we were clearly losing, yet we weren't cleared and killed FI?



    Lol, so you are calling this a win because we were the first ones to get killed by the crashers (mind you that they did almost all of the killing for you guys), all the while we were wrecking you, I'm actually flattered that someone would create such a blatant lie to make it appear as if they actually competed with us.

  8. We didn't get pushed that far. I didn't really want to say this but we kind of outsmarted FI. My scouts told me CY and DP were logging into this world and that they were at chaos alter. So I simply told CP to go west so if CY + DP did crash you would be hit first so we could leave. Yes Im that ******* good. However, they did not come in time, we cleared most of you by the time they crashed. We all ran south and regrouped and walked to edge to enjoy our next Pkri.



    lol... you actually hardly killed any of us but w/e

  9. We had fights with FOE, IR, TLP, Ax+IR, EOP+Dv, DP+Cy, CR, as you'll see in our trip topic no doubt if it's added in.


    Other than getting beaten by M and CP, what did FI do this trip?







    I'm not sure where everyone is getting this idea that FI lost to CP and M from ><

  10. F2P Saturday


    1. MM - Had a good pull


    2. FOE - Heard you beat E


    3. E - Didn't hear from yuo, but ima give you the benefit of the doubt. Also stop crashing


    4. DV+EOP+C - Heard you had an epic pull, DP+CY put up a great fight against you guys until M crashed


    5. DP+CY - Peaked at 80, Cleared CP and FI


    6. CP+SD - Good pull, didn't hear much from you


    7. Malice



    Lol, it's funny how you tell others to stop crashing when you crashed Fi twice today, "clearing" us

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