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Havoc March 20th Sunday P2P PK Trip

Ayo Loki

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Lololoolol, I returned the favor, and k soz that we didn't stand inactive for 3 months like Havoc, we don't resort to miniature wars. How can that be fun lmfao.


Pretty sure we lost to a one dimensional clan in F2p 3v1, so is that even a loss?


Next thign you want to say before I shoot you back down to the ground?



I can go all day bro

Pretty sure in the 7 times you guys opened you haven't accomplished anything, and never wll.


Anything else you want to close before you close DF again?


LOL Havoc didn't hit above 20 until Chaotic's leader went to you and you got them all ROFL!


Who are you trying to tell me who accomplished what, Havoc hasn't done **** all but a ******* mini in the past 3 months. Ever since you Reopened you've done crap all but a 15v15 prep in dangerous CLW's LOL

What I like about DF's community, is most people who leave DF who are my friends tell me how bad you guys are. They also make fun of you ;P I guess you're the new will-turb.


If we wanted to, we could bring invites and pull 45-50 with ease. We just prefer not to take an easy road, and slump to 15 pulls a few weeks later. Refer to this post when that happens to you guys.



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dF- Downies Forever.



Proud Leader of Crimson Project
Proud Dedicated Member of Havoc

"Pat take that off right now, you know how I feel about bareback riding." ~Loki
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You had 2 people leave defiance, must I show you a leaving/inactive spot on our forums? Cause we haven\'t had a post there since I booted Zack. He\'s the only moron you\'ll hear from, It\'s funny to say-The irony at it\'s finest...Wally came back home and told me just about everything.



Once again, I\'ll win everytime it\'s pointless for me to even respond to you.


CPR = Cant Play Runescape under the leadership of Sam. Poor bait their Sam, shows you\'re 22 going on 12.

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You had 2 people leave defiance, must I show you a leaving/inactive spot on our forums? Cause we haven\'t had a post there since I booted Zack. He\'s the only moron you\'ll hear from, It\'s funny to say-The irony at it\'s finest...Wally came back home and told me just about everything.



Once again, I\'ll win everytime it\'s pointless for me to even respond to you.


CPR = Cant Play Runescape under the leadership of Sam. Poor bait their Sam, shows you\'re 22 going on 12.

Wasn't talking about ex-DF from this version of Defiance. I'm talking about the other 7-15 times you guys were opened. Some of them just read our topics and told me "Man DF always 1itemed first when I was with them" and such. Talking about the ones that didn't rejoin/stay in DF with you this time, Mitch ;P No matter how much you begged them.



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Bro what on earth, who in their right mind would join Havoc after being in Defiance with me for over a month that's not named Zack or Richard.


NO ONE. Who're you talking for as of now??


&&& rofl Dave, you're wrong.

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Bro what on earth, who in their right mind would join Havoc after being in Defiance with me for over a month that's not named Zack or Richard.


NO ONE. Who're you talking for as of now??


&&& rofl Dave, you're wrong.

Tsk, tsk. You don't even remember your old members!


@Dave ;p!



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@Loki The majority of your comments are aimed at the a clans community and not OT and about your Sunday trip, would prefer if you changed that.


@Duval Regarding your comments about Defiance prone to closure, I suggest you look into your clan history as I'm certain I can create a list of clans that you've been an active part of that are now closed which wouldn't be far off from 15.

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ch closed once Syracuse closed it the second while i was at a job trip ******** moving into my new place. i have only lead OB and SMD since Chv2 i was apart of DP and VO and AAO and CT and to my known ledge Control is not ONLY open they are destroying **** clans like you everyday you lost today yo. Give up.


Proud Leader/Founder of the Number 1 MPC of 2010 Chaotic

Proud Current Leader of Vandalize

..:: #WeB - #MobCave ::..

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ch closed once Syracuse closed it the second while i was at a job trip ******** moving into my new place. i have only lead OB and SMD since Chv2 i was apart of DP and VO and AAO and CT and to my known ledge Control is not ONLY open they are destroying **** clans like you everyday you lost today yo. Give up.

How are you not banned from these boards yet.

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i think i stated my opinion like you did. and IMO you took a stab at me and since i stabbed you now u gotta cry. Grow up.



OT: Fun trip Havoc Good Job


Proud Leader/Founder of the Number 1 MPC of 2010 Chaotic

Proud Current Leader of Vandalize

..:: #WeB - #MobCave ::..

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