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Guide To Prayers


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prayericon.png Zaney's Guide To Prayer Bonus/Drains prayericon.png

In this guide I'll try to explain how you can calculate the prayer drain/prayer pots, so you can find out how long you can stay at Aviansies, Zammy Warriors, Bandits etc.



- Prayer Summary -



Prayer is often used by Pures, who have the acquired level, to beat high level monsters or players, that would otherwise rip through their low defense. Using a Prayer spell drains the player's Prayer energy at varying speeds, and once this energy is depleted, Prayers can no longer be used; therefore, use of any and all Prayers is temporary. To slow the rate of drain, players may equip items that add Prayer bonuses, such as a blessed holy symbol or priest robes, which reduces the drain rate by increasing Prayer bonuses. Increasing Prayer level does not reduce the drain rate of prayers. Once the player's Prayer points reaches zero, all Prayers will deactivate and no Prayers will be able to be in use until the player recharges their Prayer points, through various mediums. Your prayer level will drain slowly or fast, depending on what prayers you have activated, here is a list of the regular prayers and how they drain.



- Normal PrayerBook -



Players can also use some Prayers at the same time with others, though doing so will compound the drain rate of these Prayers. Some Prayers cannot be used simultaneously and are marked in the table with the same background color. For example, activating the Smite Prayer while the Protect From Melee Prayer is active will automatically deactivate Protect from Melee as they are incompatible Prayers.


thickskin.pngThick Skin - 1 point per 12 seconds

burstofstrength.gifBurst of Strength - 1 point per 12 seconds

clarityofthought.gifClarity of Thought - 1 point per 12 seconds

sharpeye.gifSharp Eye - 1 point per 12 seconds

mysticwill.gifMystic will - 1 point per 12 seconds

rockskin.gifRock skin - 1 point per 6 seconds

supermanstrength.gifSuperhuman strength - 1 point per 6 seconds

improvedreflexes.gifImproved reflexes - 1 point per 6 seconds

rapidrestore.gifRapid restore - 1 point per 26 seconds

rapidheal.gifRapid heal - 1 point per 18 seconds

protectitemsprayer.pngProtect item - 1 point per 18 seconds

eagleeye.pngHawk eye - 1 point per 6 seconds

mysticlore.gifMystic lore - 1 point per 6 seconds

rockskin.gifSteel skin - 1 point per 3 seconds

supermanstrength.gifUltimate strength - 1 point per 3 seconds

improvedreflexes.gifIncredible reflexes - 1 point per 3 seconds

protectfromsummoning.gifProtect from summoning - 1 point per 3 seconds

protectionfrommagic.pngProtect from magic - 1 point per 3 seconds

protectionfromranged.pngProtect from ranged - 1 point per 3 seconds

protectionfrommelee.pngProtect from melee - 1 point per 3 seconds

eagleeye.pngEagle eye - 1 point per 3 seconds

mysticmight.gifMystic might - 1 point per 3 seconds

retribution.pngRetribution - 1 point per 12 seconds

redemptiona.gifRedemption - 1 point per 6 seconds

smite.pngSmite - 1 point per 2 seconds

chivalry.pngChivalry - 1 point per 1.5 second

rapidrenewal.pngRapid renewal - 1 point per 2.5 seconds

piety.pngPiety - 1 point per 1.8 second

rigourp.pngRigour - 1 point per 2 seconds

augury.pngAugury - 1 point per 1.8 second



- Ancient Curse PrayerBook -



These are only available to members. Similar rules from the regular Prayer list apply: Sap Curses cannot be used with leech curses. Deflect Curses cannot be used together, except Deflect Summoning can be used with another Deflect Curse.


protectitem.gifProtect Item - 1 point every 18 seconds

sapwarrior.gifSap Warrior - 1 point every 2.4 seconds

sapranger.gifSap Ranger - 1 point every 2.4 seconds

sapmage.gifSap Mage - 1 point every 2.4 seconds

sapspirit.gifSap Spirit - 1 point every 2.4 seconds

berserkerb.gifBerserker - 1 point every 18 seconds

deflectsummoningd.gifDeflect Summon - 1 point every 3 seconds

deflectmagic.gifDeflect Magic - 1 point every 3 seconds

deflectmissiles.gifDeflect Missiles - 1 point every 3 seconds

deflectmelee.gifDeflect Melee - 1 point every 3 seconds

leechattack.gifLeech Attack - 1 point every 3.6 seconds

leechranged.gifLeech Range - 1 point every 3.6 seconds

leechmagic.gifLeech Magic - 1 point every 3.6 seconds

leechdefence.gifLeech Defense - 1 point every 3.6 seconds

leechstrength.gifLeech Strength - 1 point every 3.6 seconds

leechenergy.gifLeech Energy - 1 point every 3.6 seconds

leechspecialattack.gifLeech Special Attack - 1 point every 3.6 seconds

wratho.gifWrath - 1 point every 12 seconds

soulsplit.gifSoulSplit - 1 point every 2.0 seconds

turmoil.gifTurmoil - 1 point every 2.0 seconds (3.0 seconds with Castle Wars Halo equipped)


- Prayer Drain Calculations -



These are the prayer drain rates without any prayer bonus, with prayer bonus you can calculate like this:


A player has a drain rate of 2 points per 3 seconds, if that player equips prayer Armour to get a prayer bonus of 20 the the prayer is slowed by 0.035 * 20 = 0.7


Therefore the drain rate will become 3 * (2 + 0.7) = 2 points per 8.1 seconds or 1 point per 4.05 seconds.


This might seem advanced, just keep in your head that the formulas will always be 0.035*Prayer bonus


As you would pray range for Aviansies you would need a total of 705.88 prayer points (If you are praying Protect Range only and wearing 20 prayer bonus)


The prayer potion formula is a bit easier; 7 + (Prayer level / 4)


So if you had 43 prayer, you could get 17.75 prayer points restored by 1 dose of a prayer potion.




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prayericon.pngZaney's Guide To Prayer Bonus/Drains prayericon.png

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Another guide brought to you by Zaney =) Please leave comments/suggestions/Ratings!

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Thats actually pretty useful man, nice job ;)


-Proud member of #TLP
-Proud former member of #Dpures

(14:27:02) <@Furious> Next season I hope there will be a "most biased and hated moderator award" I would hands down win it
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  • 3 weeks later...

If you have an Amulet of Zealots and Zamorak's halo, you can use ultimate strength prayer for longer and a 20% increased bonus. Seems worth it if you have both, needs more testing though

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