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Posts posted by Nippon

  1. You can apply for FI, of course theres no guarantees that all of you will get in before all of you apply and come to trips. If there is a clan that takes 5 people in without apps as a bulk I wish that clan good luck as they're not likely to see the end of the year.


    Why FI? Our rank team rapes in activity and experience. Had some rough times after all of our ranks suddently quit last summer, but now we're back with a bigger, better and more active rank team than ever.


    http://rs-fi.com/ and #Fatality


    gl applying.


    Edit: Oh miniz? Ya we got those.

  2. Gratz MM.


    To clear it up, Fatality was having a planned run-in with CP which DP crashed, we cleared DP and continued the run-in with CP when you crashed. Don't listen to everything people tell you. You crashed us second time when we fought DP at hill giants.

  3. FI beat us when?


    CP beat us when? As I recall, you guys had 48 majority of the trip compared to our 60.


    Stop saying we wont have a 'legit' fight because your clan leaders wont accept a fight. The only time we fight is when we have two fight two clans at once.


    1. MM


    2. FOE

    3. DP


    4. FI/CP


    5. EOP - Gj you closed DP today


    FI beat you at east of BH stairs before EOP crashed, also beat you when you crashed our fight against CP.

    But don't listen to me, read the topics yourself.


    1. MM

    2. FOE

    3. FI

    4. DP

    5. CP

  4. Damn what happened to FI! I remember when they were numbah 1 and now half of there members be running around in mith.


    When FI was number one they had more mith than any pure clans. Mith + melee rush was the signature of Fatalitys most dominant era. L2history.

  5. if its no longer forcing. then why do you claim it to be. and i still believe that theres a long way from encouraging to forcing. but lets just drop the wordplay as you call it, its getting silly. and im foreign so you're probably right.


    I said that strongly encouraging/forcing was the purpose of the topic, not that it succeeded in doing so due to a too obviously biased and poorly prepared start.


    Hmm relevance?


    Relevance not as much to your arguments as to the original purpose of the topic. If 30 def is indeed becoming dominant and pures are shifting to 30 def for PKing benefits, then doing as the topic asks is just pushing the inevitable. If it isn't then this topic has no point to begin with.


    ive been FOE since 2007. with pretty solid attendance ever since i joined. i highly doubt that uve attended half as many trips as i have. and if you have.. i wonder how uve attended so many trips in all those other clans at the same time..? then you must have been a heavy multi logger during trip times. its cool that you are proud of having been in so many clans and at their trips, but dont try to put me down for 'only' being around foe for 3 years. ive been in other clans aswell you know. but lets not continue this off-topic chat on this thread, actually id for you to post your more exact clan history in an introduction topic at ex thop forums :P


    In that case I'm wrong, I thought you only joined a year or 2 ago. Most of those clans I didn't stick around for very long, a few weeks at shortest, and yeah I'm proud of having been around that long, I've seen clans fall and history repeat itself. But yeah /offtopic, I'll make a post on thop later.

  6. Ofc.. but comparing dropping ur mith to not eating.. is abit extreme.


    I used a radical example because you didn't acknowledge it from my original message,


    i do not see this as an attemptof 'forcing' our ideologies on the pure community, at all. we are announcing it hoping that clans will follow us, i have no idea how you can claim this to be an attempt of forcing other clans to change their ways of PKing. id go as far as to say we encourage it.. but force it? get real. the reason im debating so passionately is because im bored, and i care, and i dont want you to leave the topic with a misunderstood impression.


    It's obviously no longer forcing since there has been this strong opposition against the idea, but let's say that only a few clans would actually have been on the naysayers list (as was obviously the original intention of this topic), I'd say that those clans would feel very much left out not joining the other pure clans. Forcing, strongly encouraging - whatever this is just wordplay again.


    and 3 years ago, a 30 def was an exception, TLP being one of the only clans having one. it is today relatively common, especially due to turmoil, and despite it not being a sky rocketing trend, it is still relatively popular, and in my opinion, a very unfortunate and disgraceful change to pure clans.


    If 30 def becomes superior to 1 and 20 defence there is no reason why pures should exist after a certain cb, or at all. The point of being a pure is to be able to dominate people of your own level with your stats, if this is not possible (as it probably isn't in the future with more def updates), then pures are a dying breed, and there's no point in hanging on to traditions. But until then I'd love to keep a clear concept of what a pure is, so that I can still call myself pure when I log on to RS and people know what I mean.



    Youve probably been to more FOE trips than i have in the past 5 years you say? Hmm unless you have a spy i dont even think thats possible. but okay.. and what is your point? your oldschool s0/fatality, ex fi-hc and still a pretty active OP in their channel? do you not consider yourself retired fatality?

    this is wayy off-topic though and im not sure why your making a big deal out of it. claiming that your clanless seems kinda strange to me though..


    Yeah I most likely have, I used to go to FOE trips every weekend a few years ago, back when I still knew the leaders (though I doubt Dave would oppose to me coming along anytime nowadays either ;) ). I'd also say that I've been to more MM trips than most current MM members and more EOP trips than many current EOP members. How long you been FOE, a year, two? yeah...

  7. giving away advantages in form of not using mithril is NOT like tying your hand behind your back or not using food. so no i do not understand.


    You don't see the similarity in making your PKing more difficult in both cases?


    again you dont seem to get the point, this is not about defining a pure, or changing reqs of pure clans. this is about armour wielding at trip. idk if you just dont get the point, or if you are ignoring it or why you seem to keep changing the subject. the line have recently been extended to 30def. we are setting the example and setting the line in the opposite direction. it is our personal choice. it is not about us drawing the line for you. please try to understand.


    As I've said I have nothing against FOE wearing whatever they want on their trips, I'm just annoyed by your attempt at forcing your ideology to the pure community as a whole. Call it "announcement" or whatever you want but it is what it is, you debating about the matter with me so passionately pretty much proves my point. 30 def isn't any recent development, I can remember TLP having 30 def people on their trips 3 years ago. Nor is it a rising trend that the pure community needs to be saved from.



    your an OP in fatality, and relatively active, i wouldnt call that clanless, id call it retired FI leader. and clans wont get divided like that. at all. however people may get different impressions from the few clans who allows 30def armour at trips and the few that enforces 1def armour at trips.


    I've also been in many other clans, including TLP, TP, VD, EOP, CP, SO, EO and AL and I've probably been to more FOE trips than you have over the past 5 years. I have op in #fatality because I deserve it and use it well, it has nothing to do with the subject at hand. I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't try to make arguments ad hominem anymore.


    We'll see how 1 def works out for you, good luck on your endeavours.


    PS. Russell get in IRC if you're reading this.

  8. this is really going nowhere. completely misunderstood on both parts probably.. are you saying that there is no point in pking in 1def gear and that not using 20def armour is like tying ur left hand behind ur back or not using foods? because that doesnt make any sense.


    I didn't say anything about 1 def gear. Giving away advantages you have, like def bonuses, is like making your PKing harder in other ways, like tying your hand behind your back or not using food. Understand?



    the 'big enough' difference in using leather is nowhere near the difference using mithril is. small things makes a difference as they add up, and we aim for perfection. but theres still a looooong road from that and to using mithril, addy, etc.

    and again, i repeat, this has nothing to do with definitions or essential forbiddings.


    Well, first theres leather, then theres iron, then theres steel black and mith... who draws the line? You? Nty. Rather I'll have the line drawn where it's always been drawn in the history of pures in RS2 (and in most parts in RSC).



    i thought that it WAS an announcement with the hopeful intention of other clans joining us, nothing more.

    but i didnt see it as a way of calling out clans who prefers using mithril/addy.

    and any clan-announcement topic is a sort of promotional topic, even a fullout-war topic is promotional... so what? we're mainly promoting 1 defence, the essence of being pure. a clan like MM would benefit alot more from this than FOE if all clans would follow up. and we are not promoting anything in the expense of other clans, but ofc it comes automaticly if someone wants to wear 1def and would prefer MM over FI for instance, same goes the other way around if a 20def is looking for a clan. why is it that you feel threatened by us doing this though? who knows you might even get 20def apps from foe in the future.


    I'm clanless and retired, I don't feel threatened by anything. I don't feel the need of dividing clans to 1 def clans, 5 def clans, 10 def clans and 20 def clans, or even 30 def clans... the system works quite fine as it is, with all defence level pures fighting each other. The amount of 30 def pures is minimal in pure clans, and I don't see it as a rising trend.

  9. In my eyes you cant compare hitpoints and defence like you are doing. i guess we will just have to agree to disagree on that.


    I could've just as well used the example of tying your left hand behind your back when you PK, the point isn't whether it has anything to do with the defence skill, the point is that there's no point PKing like that. You can try if you want.


    it makes a difference. just like 2 def makes a difference from 1 def. but what actual difference does it make? when it comes to it, how big is that difference? i was abit bleh when typing that argument because i think arguing leather as armour is a joke. and again, its the very basics, its 1 defence, it has no negative weight effect or negative offensive effect like mithril armour has. and yes one of the reasons we should do this is in my opinion to be proud of the type of pkers we are, and not act like mains just because we got a few def lvls.


    As I already said, it makes a big enough difference that pure clans make use of it. Mains have nothing to do with this, the definition of a pure is and was 20- defence. Some of the best and most famous pures are 20 defence and use 20 defence when PKing, theres no reason why the definition should suddently change, other than whatever personal purposes you/FOE may have.



    yeah i meant to say it 'WAS' just an announcement lol. now it got extended to this. but still, its not directly an attempt of making other clans look bad. we believe in this, we are proud of being pures, we want to act & pk a 100% like pures, and would love for other clans to follow us. whats wrong with that? you like how it already is, you are happy for that, so you fight for it to stay that way? nothing wrong with that either.


    I can't believe you're still saying it was just an announcement... it was clear the minute this topic was posted that it was nothing of the kind. I've been acting and PKing like a pure for 5+ years, this includes all defence levels between 1 and 20 on several accounts. If I had a 20 defence account I'd call it pure 'til the end of RS2, and I'm sure that many other pures wouldn't like to be characterized as mains either.


    If it's up to me FOE can PK in whatever the **** they want, I couldn't care less. If you want you can all get 40 def and start using rune. But I'd appreciate if I didn't have to see any more topics where you supposingly present an idea, but in effect only promote your clan in the expense of other clans, and even go as far as to make immidiate false assumptions on the participance of the other clans.

  10. defence is a factor that effects the enemies damage. in runescape, by accuracy. but healing is a completely other thing (as i see it). i might be wrong though, your welcome to explain to me why healing is a thing related to defence. (yeah i know that healing keeps you alive and is therefore a defensive mechanism so to speak. but what does it have to do with the defence skill in runescape?)


    Defensive advantage != defence skill. Defensive advantages include being able to click fast, having a lot of people around you, and yeah, eating. The point isn't to argue about the meaning of the words, the point was my example that shows how eating helps you defensively just like defence bonus and how the use of both is common sense.


    and yeah equipment.. obviously you use the best you can, as a pure.. but lets talk about leather for instance, something that relatively, makes no difference apart from the mental plus it gives knowing that your chances are optimized. and either way, it is 1 defence, the very basics. nothing extra, nothing aimed to get, no stats trained.


    Having more defence bonus makes a difference, otherwise people wouldn't use it. I don't understand your second argument, on another occasion you said that this is about being proud of our skills, about being a pure (definition of which is and has been for 5 years 20- def).


    and this is not about essentially forbidding other clans using certain items. its upto each clan to decide what they want. this is merely an announcement of FOE's choice. and from my perspective, alot of fine reasons for doing this have been presented so far.


    "Merely an announcement"? Allow me to quote:


    "Save the Pure World"


    "Will you drop your mithril or adamant sets to help save the Pure World?"


    "Clans who support:"


    "Clans who do not support:"


    "whats it gonna be FI, support or no support "


    etc. etc.


    You and I have a very different idea of what is "merely an announcement"


    To me it seems that this is another attempt from FOE to pursuit their own gains and make other clans look bad, another attempt at making the pure community do something that offends half of its members or alternatively a very poor and biased presentation on an idea that brings nothing new to pure clan PKing, but rather downsizes the already poor selection of equipment that pure clans can use on fights.

  11. food is not a defensive advantage. its healing. prayer is also different from the deffensive advantages im reffering too, and also gives a significant OFFENSIVE bonus (prayer that is). the armour i wear is for offensive purposes. not defensive. its not about being possible to pk a guy in 20def gear. i thought i had already made it clear that this is far from the point.


    Healing is not a defensive advantage? Think again.


    I don't know how FOE deals with equipment but as far as I know all clans encourage the use of defensive bonuses where possible; boots, leather vambs when binding, staffs and d'hide to tank and so on... it's common sense for a clan that likes to win their fights.


    Dont get me wrong, its not that i think 20def ruins the fun or anything. i just think it would be fun to try warring in 1def, and see the difference.


    This is not a new idea in any way, many clans (I know FI does) constantly war/mini in 1 def armor. To suggest what is essentially forbidding the use of other than 1 def armor entirely is another thing.



    I still fail to see any use at all to the pure community as a whole from this. Don't get me wrong, I'm 1 def and I think 1 def is superior to any other defence levels, but the people promoting this idea have failed to present a single good reason for such a drastic change.

  12. Refer to my 1st post. mainly i think its because being a pure, pking as a pure, is different from PKing in 20defence, defence is often gotten due to mistakes, and there are no reason for using mistakes as an excuse to get a cheap advantage.


    Theres no reason to use your own personal gains to take away advantages from people who have chosen to/accidentally gained defence for black/mith/mystic/whatever. Oh nvm you're doing this to save the pure world...


    we should take pride in the way our accounts are build for PKing. we are meant to use our offensive advantages, not our defensive ones. dealing damage and running from dmg instead of taking dmg as a tank is far superior with our type of accounts.

    and im sure FOE/MM etc will prove the point


    Most people use both offensive and defensive advantages in their PKing... or do you often PK without food/protection prayers and naked? Using 20- def armor is just another advantage along with those. If it was somehow impossible to PK a person in 10/20 def armor I'd understand your frustration, alas as far as I know it isn't.


    furthermore i just think it would be fun to act 100% like pures. and i see no harm in doing it/trying it out atleast.


    Perhaps it's fun to you, personally I love the extra variety 20- defence armor brings to clan PKing and warring especially in F2P... the fact that you have to consider what your opponent is wearing instead of blindly clicking at anyone in monk robes makes all the difference - funwise!



    Pure clan PKing is worse than it was in the days, but it certainly has nothing to do with the traditions passed on from pure clan to pure clan for years, the definition of a 20- def pure. Instead it has everything to do with the recent (or not so recent) changes made by Jagex Ltd, as well as changes to the way pure clans fight each other, including returning/spying/crashing. I wonder who introduced those.

  13. ok ill take as a no


    What a nice way of treating my neutral opinion as a retired pure community member as the answer to a question you directed at a specific clans leadership. Try again.


    EDIT: I would like to ask Pure Warfare moderators to remove this topic or the entry on the first post stating that I am a representative of FI clan.


    DOUBLEDIT: Nvm he fixed it. I still believe that the starter of the topic is making false assumptions on the participance of certain pure clans and the topic should be carefully moderated for flame baits.

  14. 1-20 has been the definition of pure for as long as I remember, this is because 10 def and 20 def both have some advantages in F2P and P2P, in solo pking and in clan pking. I don't see any reason to change how things are.


    I'm 1 defence.


    It's not like pure clans only fight each other (or that they should). Being able to tank worth that extra defence bonus is an advantage that I doubt anyone with 20 defence would like to give away. Thus this idea is doomed to fail as it has in past years.

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