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Posts posted by Flash_Cutter

  1. Welcome to the elite community.


    I was one of the first (top 5) ever maxed pures 99 att str range hp mage. I don't need a welcome but thanks :)


    Yet you just got 99 sum...


    Why try and have ago at me when i dont give a flying horse ass if your the first ever maxed pure, geuss what, i still had was maxed with 99 sum before you? Derpa


    I'm not arguing, just pointing out :). This is my third maxed pure anyway derpa. Summoning wasn't out when I first maxed out either lol. :D

  2. I decided to finally get 99 summoning and had a big party :). I dropped 160-200m and it was ALOT of fun :). I'd thought i'd share some pics with you guys :). All Fi at the time was invited but I never advertised it so unfortunately alot of people missed out :(. Anyway I got 99 summoning and now rep the steel titan. This is my 3rd maxed pure and well I've never posted anything on this forum so here we go :).










    There was more stuff but i banked it by mistake the below shows some of it :)








    Starting the drop:









    Treasure hunt (consisted of me hiding in runescape and giving everybody clues first person to find me got the loot, the first winner won d claws which happened to be Chris aka addy daddy):























    Flash Cutter.


    @1st paragraph: We don't want you to respect us, nor do we expect you to respect us, you just think your clan is perfect, or thats what you like to tell your members, so you pretend to put all the blame on EOP, which is fine and dandy but it is inaccurate.


    @ 2nd paragraph: We declared in public because each time we declare on your forums, we get flamed, or the topic gets deleted right away and you guys ignore us. Atleast here, the mods won't delete the topic right away, and we can actually get a few answers that we are looking for. Btw our trips consist of us hitting just about every clan in the wilderness, you should be smart enough to know this by now. We hit whoever we can, whenever we can, we usuallty get a hit on almost every clan on every weekend, therefore what you just said is completely wrong. As for outnumbering you by 20 or 30, it's not our fault you pull 40-50 our of a 130 man memberlist.


    @ 3rd paragraph: We have fought for #1, and we still do....but not just for the rank, honestly I don't think many people in EOP care about being #1, we still fight MM when we can, like we did last weekend....we fought MM for the majority of our trip, so im not sure what your trying to say. There is no rule saying we have to fight certain clans, and certain clans only. As for always doing things the right way, if you always did things the right way, then your clan wouldn't be in the position it is now, you act as if FI is the perfect clan, and no other clan is on your level, your a chill guy and all but sometimes you have to think outside the box.


    @ 4th paragraph: We should not focus on trying to be #1, im not sure about FI but being #1 does not mean everything to us. We fought MM for months on end, we still fight them to this day, and to be honest, fighting the same clan week in and week out gets boring. We do fight the competition, we do fight clans like MM, TLP, FOE....not only in the wilderness, but during preps throughout the week aswell. We are allowed to fight who we want, when we want. If you don't think your clan is competition for us then thats fine, because neither do I, but that doesn't mean we aren't allowed to hit you because of past actions.


    @ 5th paragraph: We get more preps/wars than FI does, we have preps every week against various clans, the only clans who won't prep us is MM (because they dislike CWA fights) and FI (because of some dumb reason).....every other clan preps us quite often, and you can ask them if they get hacked/ddosed during our preps, they will tell you no. You made yourself look ignorant by saying that, next time think before you type.


    @ 6th paragraph: That seems to be your main excuse for not wanting to have fights with us. We don't need to hack or do any sort of ddosing to claim a win, FI just automatically thinks we will do something, and im not so sure why....if you'd just let us prep you, you would realize that we do not go to those extremes because it's not necessary. As for not having plans with us, I understand that, and it is a smart idea, because all your members know that the only extreme we will go to, is crashing all your trips and hunting you when your out, and there is nothing wrong with that, because it's the wilderness, and what goes on there is free game boy.


    @ 7th paragraph (Jeez you really tried hard): EOP is a clan that doesn't care what others think about us....if you let other clans bother you because what they think about you, then theres something wrong....we don't tele, our members don't go around hacking people....if you could see our clan court section you would realize that anyone who hacked was booted...and we don't care what people say about us 5 years down the road lol, chances are none of us will be playing this game by that time, and people will know EOP as a clan who did work and made other clans fearsome of us, and they will probably look at FI and say damn, they were pretty respectable all of a sudden after 101 Sins left because they had no other choice, but they were in a slump for a long period of time because of EOP. Like I said I don't care what other pures think of us 5 years down the road, cause I guarantee every EOP member will look back and say that they had some major fun being a part of our clan, including myself and thats what matters most.


    We know what we did, and we know what we accomplished, and we have been more successful than your clan, and we are proud of everything we have done. We play with no regrets, and that is that...so im sorry if you think your wall of text saved you, but im pretty sure what had to be said has been said, and that is all.


    No hard feelings, just how things have ended up. :thumbsup:


    Ok. We didn't slump because of your clan. I don't even understand how you achieve such a statement. Your clan has played no part in the activity in Fi. The change in leadership was the fault.


    Your clan has done nothing to Fi but Ddos and hack and phish etc and that is why the war is declined. You're clan only declares on us because of some strange insecurity which is even shown when you must Ddos, hack, phish and do what ever you can to try and claim something over us. Your clan is successful yes but only in being no honour. The topic can be closed.

  4. Flash Cutter, just keep in mind it is Fatality that started this rivalry, might not have been your fault, or your current ranks, but 101 sins. Even after he left FI VH got brought into it, but it seems they are out of the question again now. Right now your looking at the negative side of things, instead of the positive. You claim that EOP is NH because we crash peoples fights when we want to, we only crash those who we choose to kill, the clans that are smart and don't start **** never get crashed. Crashing doesn't mean we are NH, there has been countless people in EOP who get hacked, phished, ddos'd, or whatever else you said above....you jump to conclusions too quickly imo, i bet if this war did go down, there would be no hacking, ddosing, or anything or the sort, right now it is just an excuse, if you guys don't want to war because you think there is a chance of you losing, then just admit it and let this topic be closed, instead of trying to wiggle your way out of it....it's not like we care, cause either way we're still gonna get some sort of action from you guys on weekend trips.


    When you say our clan is no honour and doesn't deserve to fight a clan like yours, what is that supposed to mean. 101 started **** and said he was gonna close us, so we retaliate and decide to hit you whenever we can? Last time i checked thats not NH, it's a part of the game. Right now we are giving you what could be the last chance for success (no flame intended).....this would be another chance to gain momentum, without this war there will be no momentum gained at all because we will continue to rag on you guys on the weekends until the momentum is dropped again.


    P.S: Please don't call me a newfag. :)


    Sadly your clan has been pulling this for many years way before Adam joined Fi. We don't respect your clan or leadership due to all the no honour extremes your clan has gone to. Its not part of the game at all.


    The war will be declined. Your declaration topics show an insecurity about your clan which I find quite sad. We will always have chance for success your clan is nothing to us despite what you think. Your pk trips consist of following us around with 20+ or 30+ more people every single weekend just so you can tell your members they did something, yes good job btw (sarcasm).


    There is nothing to gain from this. Don't you think its time your clan stop the no honour antics and fought for #1 and stopped trying to rag on clans you claim to be below you. You see this is the difference between our clans. We have always done things the right way, we have respectful fights and fullouts. We don't use no honour tactics to get somewhere in the pure community. We got to #1 on our own merit and we did it because we wanted it. Your clan wants to fight a clan which is below you for what? because you can't stand the fact we won't close.


    Your clan should focus on trying to be #1 and fight the competition. Instead of trying to gain momentum off clans that don't pull as high as yourselves. This topic just shows the mentality behind the thinking of your leadership which is seriously undermining of your past efforts made by yourself. I have respect for you Gabe but your clan and current leadership do not show any of the attributes they should have gained from being lead by you.


    Nobody preps/wars you because you have to goto extremes to win. You must ddos somebody or hack somebody or do something of the kind just to make yourselves happy. As milky pointed out on his sig 'if you dont like what we're doing we're doing it right'. Well clearly the blinded are lead by the blind.


    Fi dont have plans for eop we dont care for your clan and we dont care for having events with you. The trouble it causes only shows you cannot have events with us. We are aware of the no honour tactics and sadly due to these we won't be having any events with you for now. As you said you had eyes on our boards well good for you. This just shows the lengths you will go to which shows the support you get for your case.


    To me your clan is no honour the worst of them all. In the future in 5 years time, pures will look back and say eop the scummiest clan of all that cheated and hacked and ddos'd in an attempt to be better than their competitors. They will remember Fatality for never quitting when things got tough and for being #1 and rightfully deserving it. This won't mean much to your clan but it will mean much to the pures that look back.


    No hard feelings just how things have ended up.

  5. Read the post on your previous topic. Please show some respect and honour for a change.



    Also on a side note. if your clan is as good as they say why do you declare on clans that are as bad as you claim. Shouldn't you be fighting for #1 instead of fighting clans below you? Surely the only thing you are showing here is that you are frightened Fi might gain momentum from our recent fullout and therefore would try anything to stop it taking place. This shows some insecurity. Maybe you should divert your attention to trying to be #1 instead of fighting clans below you :). I don't say this as a way to back out I just say it as common sense and logic. What do you have to gain from declaring on a clan you claim to not even be in the top 7 when your clan you claim to be in the top 3?. Shouldn't you be fighting clans within your range for a higher position instead of fighting clans lower than you to reassure yourselves? hmm.

    simmer down with the wall of texts, use that momentum you claim to be gaining to accept it.


    it's Runescape.


    Edit: you just made it even longer, lmao.


    I know :D It is runescape but some clans take it to extremes as pointed out above which is why people look at the pure community these days and say its dying because of the scummy tactics used.



    Also on a side note eop havent even talked to our leadership, only made public insecurity announcements.

  6. Read the post on your previous topic. Please show some respect and honour for a change.



    The way we will look at this:


    Fight EOP and have our members hacked/ddos'd/phished and our forums and TS constantly ddos'd because that is what they do. Fight EOP and have flame directed as us more so from your members and leader than usual. Fight EOP and have them try to hack our leadership. Your clan is no honour and doesn't deserve to fight a clan like ours despite what you think. Our clan will fight yours when we see fit and not when you show your insecurity publicly like now.



    Also on a side note. if your clan is as good as they say why do you declare on clans that are as bad as you claim. Shouldn't you be fighting for #1 instead of fighting clans below you? Surely the only thing you are showing here is that you are frightened Fi might gain momentum from our recent fullout and therefore would try anything to stop it taking place. This shows some insecurity. Maybe you should divert your attention to trying to be #1 instead of fighting clans below you :). I don't say this as a way to back out I just say it as common sense and logic. What do you have to gain from declaring on a clan you claim to not even be in the top 7 when your clan you claim to be in the top 3?. Shouldn't you be fighting clans within your range for a higher position instead of fighting clans lower than you to reassure yourselves? hmm.

  7. To be honest I'd love to see a matched battle between you two. However since this is a fullout I believe TLP will have it on quantity. Havoc is a new clan compared to TLP and have shown leaps and bounds to the quality and potential they possess whatever the outcome I bid goodluck to both.

  8. Pm [Fi]John to discuss. He is est so try in 7 hours. This topic should be locked too. This is not a PCR declaration it is a normal declaration which requires the proper channel of communication to be used. Please note this next time eop.

  9. I can tell you now, this publicity stunt won't get you far. You're a no honour clan with no honour tactics which deserve no respect in the pure community. You should do what real leaders do and pm the leader of the opposing clan first. You know? like the usual protocol for a declaring clan. Like I said in my previous post lack of experience was expected.

  10. Hard work pays off. Obviously not a high pull for us but next time it will be much better. On a side note 30s-40s on trips and then what could have been 80s-100 on a full out. The importance of declaring on a clan with such history and devoted loyalty from its past and present members was shown today. Fatality should be proud and the pure community should take notice that Fatality will NEVER die sure we might seem like we are in a bad way from trips pulls but take notice. Full outs are the most important clan vs clan event in the pure world, A prestigious clan like Fatality will always put up a fight, we are the dragons of the pure world we sleep with one eye open.



    feel free to declare on us =D


    great job today both sides



    feel free to declare on us, 2 v 1 im down.


    Is this some newfag stuff? Clan leaders these days :)

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