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Posts posted by Flash_Cutter

  1. Fatality was walking down towards corp, and found TLP at vents. We began pushing them back towards corp, and then up to piper where the fight stayed until the ending. The fight was a very close, and enjoyable one until we finally gained the upper hand thanks to great returning from our members. Respect for the fight, TLP.

    you forgot to mention how we were already in a fight when you rushed us and that you teamed with cp to crash our fight against zenith.


    I'll remember to say something next time you make a topic crashing us. Although your clan is known for it kind of a Forte.

    I have a feeling that may be in your topic 2morrow.


    At least we didn't post the topic about your crash before christmas lol. Which we could have :). Bet you felt stupid then haha. You crashed us and another clan the other clan left and we stayed and cleared your clan. Eggs on faces haha.


    If I didn't see you tomorrow crashing people's fight i'd probably think your clan closed so I wouldn't expect any less from you :).

  2. Fatality was walking down towards corp, and found TLP at vents. We began pushing them back towards corp, and then up to piper where the fight stayed until the ending. The fight was a very close, and enjoyable one until we finally gained the upper hand thanks to great returning from our members. Respect for the fight, TLP.

    you forgot to mention how we were already in a fight when you rushed us and that you teamed with cp to crash our fight against zenith.


    I'll remember to say something next time you make a topic crashing us. Although your clan is known for it kind of a Forte.

  3. If Pure clans accept it, then it is considered Pure.


    The majority > the minority. One clan doesn't govern the pure world, the majority do. If the majority choose one thing then the others either follow or don't.


    The reason people make clans is to call it their own and to do as they wish with their clan. Peoples opinions outside of that clan should not affect that clans decisions.


    Don't like it? Tough ****.


    that's retarded, sorry. It's the minority who are making the decisions whether or not to accept turmoil and 30+ defence, it's the ranks in clans like EoP Cp and FOE who decide for the majority i.e their member bases whether it will then be acceptable for them, in a nutshell clan leaderships have ruined and abused an obviously OP MIDLEVEL ORIENTATED update to their own ends in the process, killing the pure community.


    clans who 'make themselves their own' as you put are main clans, not what pure clans should be which is specialist, if you want to look at it this way I'll gladly start apping clans with my 122 instead of a 73, because obviously it's their clan they can accept me with 92 defence just aswell with 1 because they want to, yours is a flawed argument friend.


    What is retarded?


    The minority aren't the deciding factor of the pure community. If the members in those clans wanted the clan to accept 1 defence only then that would be the requirement to join and those people that joined would not level defence. Understand?


    People make pure clans not to follow another clan but to compete with similar types of clans but at the same time be unique themselves they follow their own rules and standards based on what their members want and what their leadership decides in right.


    The majority of the clans that accept 30 defence are the HPC's because they are the well developed clans of pure community. Those clans have been here for more than half a decade. There are people in those clans that have been in runescape a lot longer, Including myself.


    People have always complained about defence and to be quite honest the people that are complaining don't know a thing. 20 defence was a pure in rsc and was very popular during 02-07 in Multi pking at varrock and solo in single and at castle.


    Iniatate appeared on the scene along with defenders and this brung about 20-25 defence pures from mistakes and also the fact those people wanted bonuses to be able to fight people their combat in the wild.


    1 defence maxed fails unless you are fighting pure clans.


    30 defence maxed with turmoil is fun and is good in both scenarios whether it be solo pking or multi pking. Why do you think maxed pures always leave the pure scene? Or have other accounts that they use more often than their pures? -.-.... Bottom line is people play for fun and they will do whatever they can to have fun.

  4. If having curses was actually a viable pking option i wouldn't care/could see why clans accept 30 def. but flat out if you get 30 def on ur acc, you can never pk in single ever again.


    Have you ever pk'd?


    If you are high level without curses you WILL NEVER pk edge again. IF you are a high level WITH curses you WILL pk edge again.



  5. I feel bad for you dude. Spending all this time making these topics.


    +1, good job on voicing your opinion though. As stated before people make clans in their own image and run it in that same way. The majority of pure clans accept 30 defence. You either adapt or accept. Simple.

  6. If Pure clans accept it, then it is considered Pure.


    The majority > the minority. One clan doesn't govern the pure world, the majority do. If the majority choose one thing then the others either follow or don't.


    The reason people make clans is to call it their own and to do as they wish with their clan. Peoples opinions outside of that clan should not affect that clans decisions.


    Don't like it? Tough ****.

  7. I views these stats every so often


    you left out really key info such as the fact that FOE has more turmoil (95+ pray) accs than any other clan.


    Also TLP and FOE's herb averages and ridiculous lol soo f'ing high.


    Also FOE for most steel titans (beats any other clan by a mile).


    this topic is about clans and their addy.


    no 1 cares about stats on a ml, if thats the case yea. foe has titans, tlp has magic and cb lvls, mm is 1 def, eop have most def, and fi is half pure/half addy.


    is tht wht u want to hear? cuz i thought it was interesting enough seeing how much 30 def was in the "Known/Big" pure clans.




    That is your topic title Jet is right in pointing out other facts about Hpcs on a HPC clan facts topic :). If your topic is just to point out clans with 30 defence then that isn't really a clan fact topic is it. Your facts are based off ML's so if nobody cares about stats on an ml then why would you think people would care for this topic?


    Nobody cares about who has more defence other than the kids that moan about it. You could have made your topic really good and interesting and factual but you've totally gone beyond the point with all your replies. Its starting to look like a slander topic rather than a 'fact' topic.

  8. The "Big 5", the clans who have been around for over 4 years each, and are hpcs.


    This topic is to show the amount of 30 def each clan has, and to show how many "pures" have over 30 defence out of how many pures are on each memberlist.


    This isn't for any sort of flame so don't start talking about others def averages negatively, its their clan their choice.


    Mm 125 members, Highest Def 25, 0 Pures over 30 def.


    Fi 72 members, Highest def 36, 36 pures over 30 def.


    Eop 85 members, Highest def 36, 40 pures over 30 def.


    Foe 101 members, highest def 32, 34 pures over 30 def.


    Tlp 83 members, highest def 35, 39 pures over 30 def.


    Total pures out of the big 5, 466


    Amount of 30 def + in the big 5, 149.


    Topic was made inplace of pure boredom and i thought id just let u guys know.


    Corrected it for you.

  9. *Exceptions can be made for turmoil/handcannon pures.



    Total Members:130 Total Level (average):1,485 Kill/Death Ratio (kdr):1.26 Total XP:1,735,710,849 Citadel Level:1


    ^ EOP off rs forums


    Not understanding where you got these clan members numbers, runehead.com ml's are usually off.


    FOE - 137

    FI - 97

    TLP - 97

    EOP - 130

    MM - 153


    Fi's ML is accurate.


    The Runescape Forum ML is inaccurate as it contains people that are no longer in Fi.

  10. Speaking of 80%, we pulled 52 of 58 to a Thursday event today, well above 80%. Instead of focusing on our addy, focus on our dedication and determination. We have been the punching bag of the Pure Community for years, excuse us for wanting to prove people wrong. Put yourself in our shoes and I'm sure you would feel the same way, its all about perspective.




    52/91= 57%


    50% ml pull = the norm.



    Not saying you're not getting better, but don't come here and start boasting and talking **** the moment your clan starts winning stuff.


    That is incorrect our correct Memberlist size is 62. That chat consists of people that no longer play but like to chat with their clan mates when they get online once a year :)

  11. Clan Discussion :/

    FORUM HERO, you are WRONG! Talked to a mod and this is the correct location for this thread.


    who remembers when fi got smacked by foe when foe was down like 19 lol was crazy

    Who remembers TLP ever competing like this, EVER?





    That FI died a long time ago.

    That Fi is alive and well, and WILL return! MARK MY WORDS! quote this ****!



    doubt u could do this again




    You sound stupid. When your sole reason to post on a thread is to correct them on moderation options, maybe you should make sure you're correct about what you say they should fix first next time ;)

    You can sit here and post all of your three to four year old videos all you'd like but the state of your clan for the past two years leaves you no room to talk about anyone else.


    Don't be a ******.


    If you want to play idiots just compare clan histories and you can see how TLP doesn't compare. Or you can look at TLP today and look how they get out pulled by FI or other clans that aren't considered as good.

  12. U guys had 2 70s whioch were 79 and 72 and the rest 80+ which are maxed pures at that cb. I dont get it.


    Just looked up your level 79 cb "iDr Oriqinals" 75 atk, 77 str, 21 def, 90 range, 83 mage, 79 hp, 90 range. Looks like you shouldnt be complaining about being a lil guy and worrying about highering your reqs.


    Nobody is complaining or making excuses, I believe you have misread the situation.


    Our requirements have been the highest of any pure clan for over 1 year, idr oriqinals is a Minty, which is a future applicant :).



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