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Posts posted by `Rage

  1. Well, lately I'm pretty sure we have the upperhand, But I suppose we will find out next weekend. Im pretty confident.


    no offense son but your clan has no room to talk **** about Cp, or any other crap about us "avoiding" people


    I''ll play rough because I've had enough of u samefagging the topic about dp's apparent "superiority", Malice destroyed u guys Saturday for one, nice ******** propaganda u guys managed to accomplish


    Second, take a nice, close look at what Dp has done last 2-3 months, teaming with Cy, crashing fights, doing nothing but running away and losing to other clans who are respectful enough to not come here and flame ur clan for all it was doing


    Third, if you're going to talk **** about Cp or Malice or Tlp and what not, where they've done absolutely nothing but been humble, mature and nice to the clans that deserved to be shunned for the ******** they've done that has ****** up the pure community


    Then alright, if you're gonna play that way, then maybe those clans will start playing that way too, so shut your mouth, dont talk the "shouldve, wouldve, could've" game because that never gets anything accomplished


    All im asking is u dont involve Cp for one, in ur drama ******** of us "avoiding clans", "x clans owns Cp" type of ****


    Anyway, that's all i gotta say, enjoy the game and don't make it anything it doesn't have to be

  2. Quick question: Zo, why is your sole intention to crash Epidemic when it is guaranteed that your clan will come off worse?


    i'll answer that for zo and say because we've been there before way back, and i dont know about how they feel about it but if they do it they must see some fun in it?


    i know we did back then lol, but now crashing is just inconvenient, if ur a crasher now, ull most likely be crashed by another clan instead and be the crashed, making it a clusterfuck and those are never fun unless ur the last clan there to clean house

  3. Anyway question to guys talking **** whoever, if not spamming the top list


    What does it matter u had a good fight? u guys cry over ******** like "oh we should've done this, or couldve done that"


    but u didn't, that's why E's the better clan or whoever other clan will claim the same thing, why are people even comparing themselves solely on a single weekend vs a clan who wasn't a 1 weekend show?


    cmon guys, this really annoys me because 1. you lost, u can't make anything of it because u lost, just make ur lists and not spam 2-3 pages of a ******** arguments


    anyways that's all i gotta say, have fun

  4. *********, this topic is still up and thinking it was closed/deleted 10 min after it was made


    anyway, disregard what the topic says, watch videos and see for urself


    and that ut war wasn't -5/+5, that's completely idiotic, it's called a FULL out war for a reason


    Ut's leader apparently pmed drunk/honey 1 minute before the war started to create that condition but they never got/read that pm, still kinda dumb to me, we'd have dropped half our guys


    but that's all i gotta say here, really wish this wasn't made

  5. didn't mean to crash (personally didnt even see dp by the time we crashed, M had 50+ and thought it was a formal 1 on 1 with em)


    we didn't even lose people when u guys did "payback', just went back out and fought M 1 on 1 again and finished that fight up since they weren't completely cleared like it was said, clearing that up

  6. @dp kids and company here, stop saying **** u dont know, and stop saying **** about Cp that's not true because we don't do that here and we try to keep the peace with every clan and not have FORCED DRAMA RUNESCAPE **** that was fun years ago but not now


    all we did in the first fight, was save dp from a formal defeat, Malice pretty much destroyed Dp, like wow, M gave us a damned good fight if they had just fought another clan because it didn't seem like they even fought anyone before that. It's a joke how delusional some of these lists are, it's terrible man, relax on that ****


    no offense, this is the only fight in months Cp's "crashed", if ur gonna spread ur crap, pretending Dp or whoever else, doesn't crash intentionally or accidentally, then that's being hypocritical, quit crying and come back next week, give us a shot if u want to, but don't talk **** when u haven't proven ****


    anyway, that's pretty much all i got to say, bothers me when people make up garbage because they got styled on and are mad, we can seriously make it much worse by responding but were better than that and not cause e-drama that makes the pure community more **** than it already is, so basically i just speak for cp on this as a rep here


    tldr; improve the pure community by not talking **** or making **** up and being dillusional on what is clear on these topics, mods gotta do a better job at deleting obvious bs posts, also cp wants nothing to do with ur e-drama ********, play nice kids

  7. Today


    1. foe

    2. MM

    3. Epidemic

    4. CP - Beat us

    5. Malice - Pulled 65 at beginning and held around 57 for most of trip

    6. TLP

    7. IR - Saw you guys crash our first fight with dp

    8. DV

    9. DP - You would be higher if your pull was just DP, and not cy

    10. CY -^


    yeah gf, peaked at 65 ourselves, always a nice fight with u guys, didn't know u had that many so i just rushed without knowing, but i guess we still won out, respect given


    was a fun trip for us

  8. You did good last week, you had Ax and A with you, but im basing the list on past few weeks and potential, i really dont think fi are near what they used to be so yeah i think you gone way down hill, and you need to stop commenting on everything bad or people not ranking fi high, coz its quite stupid if im honest




    I know you did but preps are to train new members etc and i wasnt there 2/3 of em and i heard we didnt use vent on any of them, and i dont think ur really organised in wildy fights, just my opinon from an outsider


    and i dont think ur leadership is bad i know it is, you are good but other ranks arent, you had a good leadership a year ago but now its not so good, and if you think how long you play makes you better then lol


    Can't blame u for not knowing any better since we dont post events here, just have our vids on yt and i make our own topics on our own forums every weekend


    leadership today is overrated and probably not needed as much, just have a basic approach of not taking things seriously and eventually u'll be fine, i think this is the best most stable one we've ever had since no1 gives **** to any1 and we just do things for the fun of it

  9. Was a real good one when we fought A+dy+tgg i think in a 30 minute prep, was like 45 vs 45, and we just owned it up, was a great highlight of what we did last year since it probably wasnt heard of before for us


    for smaller miniwars, probably that entire pcl tourney miniwar thing last year too, beat the best miniwar units fi and mm outleveled pretty bad


    now i just cant stand miniwars, done too many im just sick of them or just getting on rs period

  10. Anyway thanks for deleting my post mods, it was extremely tame compared to these other ones


    Basically what i said was, Cp didn't crash Malice, we didn't even touch Malice in both instances that we "crashed malice", we only fought M and Fi in 1 on 1s after instead of running away like other clans would who did 'crash' after


    We didn't even know who was fighting, if you honestly think were good at tracking, then that's completely wrong lol


    Just hate when I see false information about Cp when we don't even say or post **** here to anyone, thanks

  11. Cp never touched malice in the first run-in, we never intended on attacking M either, we just wanted to kill the Fi who were there because we didn't even know Malice was there period


    In the 2nd fight, we were going to rush Malice who was south of cwars, but Fi intercepted us, where we fought it out and eventually won that fight, then went to pray inside, Ax had made a fail crash attempt and we beat them too


    The 3rd fight, we just went there knowing absolutely nothing, we just went there expecting to be the clan who got analy raped by a 3 clans coming in but we didn't expect 3 clans to be there already so we apologize if we crashed


    anyway that explain's cp's side of things, so u guys dont talk for us lol

  12. Greatest clan ever


    When i was with main clans, whenever we heard Di was out, we would end our trips


    Di would have Di vs world events and di would win every time


    I was in zfl and when di beat zf they closed, just like with every other #2 at the time Td, devilz, etc.


    were #1 for so long, was a good run

  13. Cp's reqs were like 40+ and i applied under reqs, and I was accepted by Drunk. Actually went and saw Eop's forums first but didn't meet reqs so i didn't apply before i did to Op(cp)


    Kinda funny stuff


    Well that was almost 4 years ago, so today I just think it's how it's been the past few years and starting any clan isnt easy, u gotta have been open for a while and just have some sort of rep to be decent and just be patient and have the will to live whenever ur down and just not give up

  14. Sorry for that lol, we were told you were having a bs fest. <_<



    1) FOE - Dominating last two weeks.

    2) MM - Still stronger than the below.

    3) Epidemic - Got a decent fight with CP which got crashed by CY <_<

    4) CP - I heard you pulled a lot at the start but it droped in the first 30 mins? We got a fight wtih you early on and from my point of view we had cleared most of your high levels beofre CY rushed in. I think it was still nearly even opts. We regrouped in CWars after CY crashed and had 40-45 left, 50 at altar after few more returners.

    5) TLP - I'm just guessing really, Idk exactly how many you guys had/what you guys did.


    Yeah was a really nice fight in the beginning, we ended with like 55 as we got into cwars when u know who crashed, dont think they even killed one of us, still think u guys had a small upper hand though from my perspective


    We dropped to that many and had a really good trip after, beat fi, m, dp etc and what not, was way better trip than with what we had started, really better off not having that many guys to lead without vent..

  15. F2P:


    1. Fi

    2. mm/foe

    3. foe/mm

    4. Cp

    5. Eop


    I usually don't make lists like these but for sure i can say that this list is just based on consistency in where each clan has been at 1 point another, and this is not a "peak vs peak" list, more of a long term list of who's been there and who's done it before


    The whole peak vs peak thing has its problems too, no1 really knows, it's all couldve, would've, shouldve things


    Honestly, for those guys putting E, Th, Aao, fl, etc. up there, that's just kinda messed


    The 5 clans I've listed, besides Eop, have never closed, died, and have been up there in F2p doing their thing for as long as people remember about pure clans


    I honestly don't think u can measure 1 clan's single "successful" year vs 4 years of just being pretty damn good and all even being #1 arguably at some point in time, these clans are all hitting 4+ years and that's pretty much my base argument

  16. If were going to do this again, were gonna have to make it clear, last clan/team standing wins, because that's how it is with mains, keep returning for god knows how many hours and that last clan there can claim a win, obviously if they dont just return with 7-10 people but the last ending opt pic for the blue team was atleast 200 opts


    That's my take on it, not gonna care anymore about this

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