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Posts posted by brotato

  1. Fondest memory without a doubt has to be my epic fight against Adrian Falco of the Guardians. Anyone that was there will testament to the epic lulziness of this, an example of what made our community so amazing throughout our time around #1 from 2010-2011



    The thread that started it all is here (vid was edited into OP after): http://eop-rs.com/forums/index.php?/topic/...__fromsearch__1


    Apart from that, i'd say;


    - Crashing all of Solo K1ng's f2p miniwars with #mithril

    - Anything #the-management related, what a bunch of lads

    - Our EoP Aussies vs im gentle dw fc fullout in early 2011, we pulled a good 25-30 people and wrecked 50 or so massers, it was the first time i'd had such an epic fight on aussie timezones since the old wild.

    - All of #mithril getting banned from irc after the great sandmonkies incident of 2010

    - That one time that Azrael left waterfiends to come to one of my Ascendancy miniwars

    - Leaking CP/Fi leaderboards, was good lulz

    - Winning 95v120 against CP in Jan 2011 and taking #1 f2p back

    - Just chilling with #bible lads, funniest people i know


    Loads more but its been a long time and its hard to remember. Thinking back the best moments were never really rs related, they were all just about having a laugh with the funniest lads in the pure community. the management/bible/mithril 5eva.

  2. if your still gonna have souvenires about this in the future or not.


    I have the first mithril scimitar I bought in Al Kharid hanging in my room. I asked for dragon, but the guy laughed in my face.


    he laughed at me too


    he was all like


    monkey madness? ain't no-one got time fo dat

  3. Unless you compare clans at their peaks as compared to their competition at the time then this is pretty difficult to create; guess i'll try tho

















    I would put TR below H and CPR, as H have been top 3 for years, CPR was top 3 basically their whole existance, but TR was only good for a short period of time (~2 weeks)


    irelands list is deserved tbh


    trv2 was just insane even if it was only 2 months.


    and out of these clans listed 3-5 the v1 was always wild based but v2 is where matched always got better. even in the v1 when we focused on trips (and doing f2p saturdays l0l) we 3-0ed cprv2 while never fighting h because we hated you so much. all 3 lived around 2 years respectively but hv2 (3) is just coming in too late to the game. this really should be your v2 matched peak but theres really nobody decent left (youre fighting a foe that lost to everyone and nme (and dont claim I didn't call that you snake rof))


    trv2 came about when foe were really at the peak of their 60 win streak. if you remember them back then not one other clan has ever been at such a dominant point and nobody but tr could have possibly come close and it came down to the luck of the draw for a 2v2.


    but what really put the exclamation point on it was beating hf in a 30v30 everything on without a def cap and tlp 30v40 or w/e it was. (i doubt even foe could have done either of those)

    You also got to remember you snaked a 1-1 3rd round from us by rushing us when we were unpotted, and you only beat us in PCL outnumbered the following Friday because Zack insisted on doing a bad spread. Havoc also came close to winning against FOE during their hot streak in where they came back from being down 7 due to Sam (Excellence) screaming in excitement making our members confused on who to pile. To say that TR was better than Havoc based from that isn't fair at all, be honest ;p oh yah not to mention that your "peak" consisted of having multiple Havoc members who left from spur of the heat


    your justification for your clan being better is that you only lost because one of your ranks did a bad spread, or because one of your ranks started screaming over ts so you couldn't pile?


    sorry but that only proves how dumb the two of them are, which is the complete opposite of what you were going for.

  4. Jonty, you left A for M, but came back because you missed me so much. Pretty sure you stayed until A closed and then rejoined M. <3


    I left A for M, then Chris pmed me and asked me to come back and said he'd give me HC so i'd actually be able to help the clan, then i rejoined and like 2 weeks later nothing had changed, so i went back, and then it did close :rolleyes:

  5. Started playing rs in 2005 when i was 13, because it was the new fad at school. My friend gave me his ****** lil account called fonzyfabio2, and i just used it mostly to explore rs. About 2 months after playing the game i went into the wild and got wrecked by a range pure 5 levels lower than me. I added him and pmed him how the **** he just did that, and he told me about pures, it's a shame i can't remember his name.


    So anyway i made my first pure, "m0l0t0v_pk3r", it was pure range and i got him to about 55 combat. It was about then i decided i'd finally get p2p, and i joined an aussie based rs-forum pure clan. I met a lot of mates here and we just pked or lured virtually every evening. They showed me how ownage ancients were, and i trained up my ****. One of these friends called "I C E D U P" got recruited to Atrocity, and introduced me to "official" clans.


    I was in Atrocity for a few months and learned a lot, unfortunately then the wilderness got removed, and i didn't enjoy at all the new bh crater system, and quit the game.


    Came back to the game in early 2009 as i heard the pvp systems had been changed. I went onto PC and looked around at clans. I checked out a few clans i made the reqs for, and went into the IRC's of IR, Dv, Vo, E and A. The first 3's IRC's were pretty dead at my timezone, and when i asked around in E's irc a bunch of idiots just tried to troll me, so i ended up joining Ascendancy. It was a really unique clan, most people that were in A will tell you it was the best clan they've been in, and a lot of the coolest people i've met in this game were from there. Eventually most of these people clanhopped to FOE. I stuck around and tried to keep A alive, along with people like i337 pwner, xx pure2000, illegalized and ven, but eventually i got sick of no-one caring and left, and after i left the clan closed.


    After this i joined Malice (original M), because they had a massive aussie community, and everyone there was legit. I was around for some of the clans biggest moments, like pulling 75 to a trip and clearing the likes of DP and Cy, that was probably our absolute peak. This was probably the only pure clan ever with a better community than A, we didn't take the game at all seriously really, and would spend more time just having a laugh. After Peter and Tom both stepped down and left Elmo and Iced Havoc to lead, we started to slump pretty badly, however most of the cool core was left. Then Iced also retired shortly before Elmo left to go on holiday, and while Elmo was away, Iced came back and closed the clan, because he didn't want to drag it on, despite still having a good 40 or so active members.


    Overall i'm really happy i was able to be in both Ascendancy and Malice, i think most people that clanned around the time, looking back, would have liked to have experienced those two clans.


    Once the clan closed, the cool people split into 2 groups. One group went to Malice, the other - NME.

    I followed the former and have never regretted it. Met a new bunch of amazing people that made me feel at home, most notably Jared.

    Did not like, however, some of the oldschool members who had some sense of superiority and felt like the clan should bow to them just because they were in Malice before.


    This was because Malice v2 was pretty much an embarrassment to the original, and those of us that loved the original Malice didn't like seeing the name get sullied like it was. Nothing against Inu or Nick or Aerdo who are all great people, but it wasn't Malice without the Tom or Peter (i understand they were supposed to come back, so it wasn't you guys's fault either).




    During this time i also helped run a lilguy clan called Insignia with Altus, Hugh and Bert. We had some good times, beating OB in a fullout (Duval and Htown's clan), and forcing them to close. We were probably the best lilguy clan at the time, but i think we all got a bit sick of having to lead it, and we decided to close.


    After Malice closed, the clan split in two, either joining MM with Elmo, or E with Tom. I didn't meet the reqs for MM else i probably would have joined, and as for E, especially at the time they were pulling massively, pretty much every idiot in the pure community was there, and i didn't really wanna have to put up with that. So i ended up joining EoP with Slushpuppy and Bert, and initially i was going to get declined for being a spy for either E or MM, although i managed to convince Goop i wasn't.


    So joined EoP in late 2009 as an "EoP Junior", shortly after Goop/w0w2many had gotten leader, and we'd started having big pulls and were competing with FOE. We pretty much dicked FOE week in week out for the first 2 or 3 months i was in EoP, until the 2v2's with EoP + E vs FOE + MM started. Honestly our organization was pretty **** at the time, however due to sheer opts, we were able to win most of the 2v2's. E's pulls started to drop though, and they realised we weren't going to win this in the long run, so they closed. We got about 30 apps from E, although FOE and MM continued teaming on us for another month, 200v120, and eventually most of those E kids got lured to DP by Prat and Luke, and we slumped.


    Anyway our pulls dropped from 130 to 40, most of our old ranks quit rs or went inactive, and in their place people like me, tayyab, milky, solo, derek, matty b and suwoop were promoted in their place. Cbf going through the next 2 years or so, but the tl'dr is that we became the strongest EoP ever, closed DP, Outrage and NME, slumped Fi and CP multiple times, and competed with FOE and MM for a long ass time despite getting probably 1/4 of the apps that they do.


    Eventually we got tired of working so hard just to keep up with MM's sheer volume of apps, ex-members and forum guests, and even if we did outpull them we'd usually get teamed on by HF or hit by mains in single non-stop. This demotivated a lot us and was the reason that most of us have moved on from the game. I retired on the 1st Jan 2012, came back in march for a few months, but didn't really care much about the game anymore, and retired for good in july, and haven't logged on rs since.

  6. No cronic i meant a win thats not an Lpc and such and leech caller wow.

    Yes, as I said before. This is our first week back to PW. You don't know what we've been up to.

    Unless ;o? Unless you like us a lot and come to all our preps :]?

    sometimes i do to watch u get 3-0 but usually is just a 2-1 :( but yea 1st win vs a non lpc but grats anyways


    you must have a lot of time to come watch our preps, considering your clan has no events during the week :D

  7. EoP vs CP - Was probably the most fun rivalry i've ever had, we were #1 f2p at the time, then CP mass recruited 120 people out of nowhere and gave us the **** for about 2 months. Despite this our pulls kept going up each week until we eventually beat them 100v120 in gwas alley, and from then on we gave them the **** every single trip for about 3 months until they had virtually no members left.


    Also very significant in the history of pure clans, as it was the first rivalry where ddosing really came into play (once we started dicking CP, our ts would just go down every trip), and there was a lot of hacking done, with numerous EoP members hacked. Also was the first big leaderboards leak, when i paid Leech 5m for CP leaderforums. The whole "chain69 cc" joke i started has also lived on to this day :)


    Honorable mentions:


    EoP vs MM+ FOE - Because it was the only time that the two of them have had to team up to beat one clan in a rivalry


    M vs Vo - Everything a rivalry on this game should be, so many lulz had by both sides, because both clans were just full of chill, hilarious people trolling each other non-stop.

  8. ok i'll finally do mine


    MM: A thousand 13 year olds all trying to out-troll each other on their forums, and thinking they're witty or internet savvy by copy pasting off reddit all day. So eager to fit in on their forums that they will also spend the majority of their evenings hunched over their laptops complaining about peoples defence levels on here. Sometimes some funny **** does go down though.


    FOE: Clan of English and Dutch people whose primary aim on RS is to become famous or to have a big enough bank that they can post a vid or gallery of it on their forums. Since Walli discovered zyzz and the lifting craze about 5 years after the rest of us, now attempting to turn their forums into misc with the exception that no-one actually lifts.


    EoP: Clan of Americans and Latins (not very many Mexicans left though, they hopped to Fi), spending all day ddosing for the lols. No-one there actually seems to care about RS anymore, and just hangs around the community as an opportunity to make fun of everyone else. Most of the people that made them a top clan for the last few years have moved on from the game, and now the people in their place are unable to pick up where they left off.


    Fi: Everyone in this clan is either fat or dutch, the majority only started playing rs 3 months ago, with the exception of their elders who seem to have been here since the beginning of time, and now in their late 20s are the only people still taking this game seriously. Became #1 for a few weeks by making 39 defense mandatory and booting everyone below 111 combat. Despite the animosity between our clans, theres actually some cool people here though.


    TLP: Never feels like theres anyone in this clan when you go on their forums, irc or trip, yet suddenly pull like 65 people if they have a p2p prep. Spend the majority of their trips in lobby yet none of them seem to care, seeing as a lot of their members seem to have been there for ages, or have rejoined 500 times. I feel like everyone in this clan used to lead some lilguy p2p clan.


    CP: For the past 2-3 years, especially since Chain left for EoP then went back to CP and got his leader back in a day, have just been trying to be EoP juniors. Probably even more ddosing/hacking than EoP, seems to be a pretty immature community, but everyone there has a lot of fun. Same 3 people running the clan for the last 4 years or so, literally do not know 1 other CP rank and i don't think anyone else in the clan actually does anything.


    Z: Probably have the worst ranks out of all the clans on this list, they all seem to have either a speech impediment, or are unable to type in coherent sentences. Have some pretty good warrers but don't seem to have anyone particularly smart in their clan thats able to step up and make them actually good.

  9. MM: Too immersed in their image and ideals to get the bigger image. Could actually improve this community but only help destroy what's left with their attitude.


    FOE: Great history but mediocre and non-serious leadership of late has led them in the wrong direction.


    EoP: Use(d) illegal means to achieve their goals and only recently adopted the "don't give a ****" attitude because they're not doing too hot. Overall, full of excuses.


    Fi: A little too obsessed with controling accounts of their members.


    TLP: Inconsistent


    CP: The EoP of Med clans


    Z: Immature and emotional leadership has inhibited you from becoming #4 multiple times throughout your history.

    you're still mad we decked you in that fullout lol

    what's new


    why are you flaming him, he gave you the best compliment imaginable!

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