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Posts posted by walli

  1. Just a quick word to the rest of the pure world that foe will no longer have any 'set mandatory weekend pk trips'.


    Why? They have become completely pointless and boring. You spend on average 2-3 hours on a pk trip with only 20-30 mins of that actually fighting other clans. Even then most of that time you have to deal with mains or other clans crashing etc.


    The rest of the time we spend in lobby, in single, in edge, or walking around the wild... none of the above i find enjoyable or slightly interesting.


    Therefore we have made the decision to just not bother with them as they are not worth our time and we dont enjoy them. What we will be looking to do instead is getting organised fights with clans both in the wildy or out of it with all sorts of rules or no rules, dont really care. The main point and purpose is to make sure the time we are spending is pretty much only and entirely on massing and then actually warring / fighting a clan. That is what we enjoy and what we are clanning foe.


    If that interests you then feel free to pm me to set up fights and preps, open to discussion for any day mon-sun at any time with any rules.



    We will still pk for those who want to pk but whenever and wherever we want. Just incase any1 cared.


    Will be interesting if other clans agree or whether we are alone in this feeling.

  2. lost to a clan where most of them have not warred in years or ever, specially at this scale.


    also they had level 50s.


    no excuses for it really, put it down as a bad day in ur history and come at foe strong looking for redemption. I expect an epic battle and a tough victory when we get it.

  3. look old pker mate im not defending clans not fighting you. Foe still fights eop it is what ever.


    I just found it a joke that you seem offended or you will call out clans for not wanting to fight you for reasons such as ddosing when you openly say you will ddos.


    And then it was a seperate dig at the organisers for saying they will dq for freeze gltich but not for ddos.

  4. you are kind of missing the point.


    You cannot sit there and openly brag and say yes we hit clans and teamspeaks offline, and then openly say we will do it when they fight other clans. Then you expect people to not expect it to be you when they get hit.


    The main point is, and really only why i am raising this point is simply because i find it pathetic you have the cheek to call out any clans for not wanting to fight you. Whether you say you only ddos fi or not, why would any clan want to fight you just incase they do get hit off if they go 1-0 up.


    I think if you make your bed of being the big bad ddosers of FI then you have to lie in it and all its consequences. Personally as organiser, even though fi is nothing to do with me, if it was to me i wouldnt let you take part just for ddosing fi and ruining their chances. I dont want to beat a clan and have them have an excuse of being ddos'd. When i beat fi i want no excuses for them cept the simple fact we were better.



    We understood your point, did you understand ours?


    Cry wolf about something, and we'll join in for laughs. Do you expect us to just do nothing and accept the accusation, most of which is being used as a scapegoat? We'll turn it into something positive.



    this isnt a cry wolf.


    you openly admit and say you will ddos.


    This isnt about the sig itself, its about the principle it stands for.


    Maybe im just too old fassioned. Maybe we adapted in the wrong way.. actually on the game rather than out of it.

  5. p.s. dont get me wrong MM should fight you.


    Teamspeak or not teamspeak if they are truly #1 they should beat you and to be frank i think they would beat you.


    I see no logic in saying you dont deserve to fight us, a #1 v #5 should be a stroll in the park and a warm up for the real and tough fights challenging #1.


    Just saying you cannot be so ******* bold and cheeky as to complain as much as you do after the **** you preach

  6. you are kind of missing the point.


    You cannot sit there and openly brag and say yes we hit clans and teamspeaks offline, and then openly say we will do it when they fight other clans. Then you expect people to not expect it to be you when they get hit.


    The main point is, and really only why i am raising this point is simply because i find it pathetic you have the cheek to call out any clans for not wanting to fight you. Whether you say you only ddos fi or not, why would any clan want to fight you just incase they do get hit off if they go 1-0 up.


    I think if you make your bed of being the big bad ddosers of FI then you have to lie in it and all its consequences. Personally as organiser, even though fi is nothing to do with me, if it was to me i wouldnt let you take part just for ddosing fi and ruining their chances. I dont want to beat a clan and have them have an excuse of being ddos'd. When i beat fi i want no excuses for them cept the simple fact we were better.

  7. Just saw the topic calling out mm's decision to pull out of the pct because they didnt want to have to deal with the drama and ******** which comes with warring eop.


    Therefore my question to everybody and the topic for debate is should a clan which openly brags and boast like this..




    even be allowed to enter the competition at all?


    I do not think so. I dont mind warring eop, i know what to expect and what will happen if or when we do on a big scale and its sad but it is what it is.


    However for organisers to say they will DQ any1 who freeze glitches but will then let people who say they will hit off ts and people during their fights and during other clans fights.. Nice ballsack organisers.



  8. Why does the kdr show that you have 112 kills before one mm/foe died?

    Why does the kdr show that foe has 95% of mm's deaths(-the 112 kills), but mm only has around 75% of foe's death? Foe died 110 times to mains(prob more due to mm killing randomers)? And mm only died 10 times to mains?

    Why does the kdr show that 30% of mm have 0 individual kills when they there for the entire hour which is impossible tbh, maybe 1-2, but 30%? all u have to do is snipe and u get a kill.

    KDR was obviously bugged. Why It worked so much in foe's favor idk. Hell I'd even go as far as saying that foe knows a glitch how to delay your kills/deaths from showing up. (skype moms got 112 kills in 5mins?)

    Why was failed again there on his rune pure, why was player 38423785y237523h752 there? Why is it that the same clan keeps showing up to rag on his p2p vs foe? Obviously You can't control every kid, but I'm pretty sure the 2 I named are respected in foe community and still showed up to ruin this event which says alot.

    edit: nvm i think failed again was on his 32 def, Players and failed again sniped me down and I just read it wrong(as FA as players) 120803230811.png



    This is what I was looking at earlier: 120803231017.png


    Gf though, it's hard to fight low level mains with pures when we our 10 combat levels lower on average and in worse gear and out opted

    My video:

    23-10 or 11 + this 1 random I killed.

    Also we never broke 110 lol, not even with scouts in our fall in.



    I thought the excuses were our thing.


    we are a better p2p clan.


    always have been


    always will be




    game over.

  9. I died about 50 times, and killed about 30 kids all a mixture of FOE and mains.


    Lost about 46 sets of zuriels, and a few sols.


    Meh, not gunna say it was fun because half the time it was too laggy, and I literally had mains/110 raggers camping the **** outta me with mauls and steel titans. I reckon those 126 main with yaks were happy with the bank they made...


    At the very least I was a part of it though.


    Gj today - and nice pull.


    Oh and we peaked at ~107 ingame, no where near the ~120 range.





    you go girl

  10. Foe-Logo.png


    Just over a week ago Mayhem Makers approached Foe and challenged us to our #1 p2p spot. They wanted to have a war before the Eoc that was more spectacular than any war in the history of pures and how full out wars should be. Foe gladly accepted and it was incredible to see some old faces some even from years ago making an appearance to ensure Foe kept the title they built and earnt all them years ago.

    Today Foe managed to get a pull of 125 members including the elders who returned for this, the biggest turn out we have ever had. MM like wise had in the region of 110-120 people. This set the scene for an epic battle and one which was hard fought by both clans with members from both clans returning until the very end.

    The rules were simple, Prison rules... anything goes and he who dares goes in dry. The time cap was 1 hour.

    It is safe to say though that Foe dominated from the very start, with every foe member proud to wear the white hat hat and eager to get in the face of an mm member. With foe piling on the pressure it wasnt long before foe had completely bossed MM across the wilderness moving them from old gate almost to new gate. This is where we stopped and set up camp east of greaters keeping MM returns being 1 hit and the rest of their clan at arms length being dropped to the east.

    After about 30-40 mins of the 1 hour cap it was fairly infested with mains and pures from almost every clans either looting or ragging or both. That being said they didnt affect the fight too much and we continued to dominate but the kdr shows how little impact they made.

    with 10 minutes to go MM made a push inside the hut, why I have no idea but they were met by foe's full force and as they got 1 banged time after time they slowly got thrown out of the hut and this is where Foe cleaned it up until the 1 hour mark was hit and the end was called.

    Foe won as the KDR below will show and I am proud to be able to say I lead such a clan as I still had 120 people on teamspeak with similar number falled in on me at the ending.

    Much Respect to MM for putting up a fight and giving us the war we have craved for years, they truly are our greatest rivals, and yet true allies in this pathetic excuse of a pure community.


    Picture dump














    Vids on the way

    As a closing note, it was a shame to see so much of this pure community trying to ruin something great, and then wondering why we cant have nice things.

    Thanks to all foe, gj boys. Thanks to MM, unlucky. See you all in the PCT soon.



  11. its w/e were or wernt just annoying and i never once said it was an excuse, dont really see why you look to flame or troll. Foe didnt or i certainly didnt when we have you in our back pockets... yet this is something you call out eop for weekly lol

    We didn't flame at all, we defended ourselves from your accusations that we only won because we were using spies/leaks - when no ranks did anything of the sort. Either you had someone leak to their friend in Fi, or purely coincidence that your pile ran.



    was a general statement about your members, not your ranks. Dont often have problems with your ranks. However if it happened to Fi im pretty sure and i think i have in the past been accused of the same so its not like it was unjust to be ****** and suggest it at least.



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