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Everything posted by arsenal-fc

  1. another sign that the world is gonna end.. #yolo #swag #yoloswag EDIT: #swagyolo #yoloyolo #swagswag #SwAgYoLo #yOlOsWaG #toomuchswag #toomuchyolo #drakeyolo #drake #lilwayne #swagyoloswagyolo #swagswagswag #youonlylivetwice #secretelywearegay #swagon #swagoff #fullswagmode #clubswag #yoloswag #swagswagswagswagswag #yoloooooo #jerseyshoreswag #aids #hiv
  2. thats ****** up. If i were there i would of shot him with my ******* shotgun. ******* shoot his face off. Cut his ******* balls and feed it to my cats. My pet lion is 3 years old next month. jk i'd **** my pants
  3. And btw it's windows 8, probably more expensive than your albanian ass can afford. You are probably right. I can't compete with that. I have a wooden computer with parts found in the garbage. i personally fixed it, taped it and made it work better than before. Still runs better than your windows 8. I saved thousands of dollars just by switching to Geico. Don't **** with me.
  4. Time to give your 1975 computer.back to your grandma
  5. Thank you. Did you know that their is a tea pot orbiting Earth as we speak? As for your rant about Genghis Khan, I believe he existed because their are countless sources that say he did. Not just a few fiction books with plot holes. haha, you mean Russel's tea pot? Anyway, did you know some people don't believe in the holocaust? It's not that it never really happened, it did happen, but people just simply don't believe it happened, they think it was all lies by the government so the countries can feel bad for the Jews and find them a home in Israel. I'm only trying to say that you can never know this stuff is true, you can only believe it happened based on any evidence they put.
  6. You are completely right, i never read the bible. yeah these topics are usually all one sided and nobody has their own information on both sides at all, its always one or the other That is why Religion vs Science will always be a debate remaining for more generations to come.. Unless 1 crosses another as in science finally rules how universe began, or the Judgement Day.
  7. Einstein did believe in God. Not a personal God, but he did believe in a higher power out there. Probably as a universal energy. And i too don't look at the world in a religious way but a much greater and different way. I always used to think. We evolved right? From chimps-- to humans.. Are we done evolving? Or did human evolution slow down quite significantly because we have built our environment to suit our needs, and evolution is the process of species adapting to their environments? --------- Evolution is a THEORY widely accepted by evolutionary biologists and anthropologists. It's built on hypotheses, facts and laws.---------------------- What was there before the universe? The whole freaking universe just boggles me..!!!!!!!!!! And the idea that we're here, alive, with internet, food, energy, sun, tissue, pusci, numbers, letters, a fcckin choc bar(when you actually take the time to think about these stuff), all these things just freak me out.. Why the **** are we here, and who put us here..
  8. You are completely right, i never read the bible. yeah these topics are usually all one sided and nobody has their own information on both sides at all, its always one or the other im not a christian
  9. You are completely right, i never read the bible.
  10. Oh I think you have your own mind, it's just been manipulated through the prospects of social cohesion and it's benefits. I'm sure it calms a lot of your fears and anxieties, such as death, the afterlife, etc. You can have faith in things other than God you know - the universe with the potentiality for nearly anything and the gift of consciousness are much more liberating of concepts than a rigid set of rules and detest for your own flesh. Honestly, i don't ever think of the afterlife because i don't think of death. If i keep thinking of death it will eventually happen,so God forbid that. My dad always used to tell me there was no God, but then again, he left me 10 years ago.. I was actually a little atheist when i was 15 yrs old. Everything was ****, there was no God and only science. Growing up, little by little i picked myself up with the little faith i had in the end of the day. It's the only **** keeping me going. You may not believe it, but it actually works.. Watch the vid, It works if you understand it fully, it's real interesting it will change your perspective. It's not a religious vid.
  11. Whatever anybody throws at you, if religion has had a positive affect in your life and has helped you grow as a person then continue to believe at the end of the day it's all about perception. Btw: I watched your YouTube link, was very interesting m8. Only i can let my self down. And thanks. He is a great inspiration and sure knows what he's talking about.
  12. Another thing. My mum believes there's a higher power, my dads an atheist. I am 19 years old, don't you think I have my own mind? I can do anything I want, I am independent. I can drink alcohol, **** bitties, smoke weed, shrooms mollies, religion doesn't stop me. I choose to believe because my way of how I see life and the universe I think it would be worthless without a little faith. Love thy neighbors as u love thy self.. What's so bad about it.. (Don't need to tell me) I live my life as any other normal teenager.
  13. better safe than sorry is another way i look at life. I can agree with some on this text. Remember that science cannot prove how universe began. (in ur view neither can religion, i can respect that) If you wanna read a book, you start from Page 1. Page 1 in science is blank lol. Mate, the world began by chance. That's the scientific view of it, evolution and all stuff took place afterwards. It all feels like a made up story in order to keep the actual truth hidden from us... to avoid a moral panic and all that sht. Think about it, if life had no purpose would you live your life the same way you would now? theres a good chance the earth would be chaotic people would no longer accept there position in life. Another thing about religion which keeps the rulers in power are people accepting there position in life, if there poor "It was god's will, we must accept this and we will be rewarded in the after life" this avoids the chances of people standing up and fighting against the legal system. All the scriptural religious texts are past on from generation to generation to keep the rulers in power, and for that reason they will continue to rule among us. I'm not radical I just hate life xD. If men back then were so dumb, who the hell thought of God? you say it began by chance, i say God created. See the difference. it can never cross each other. We will always have our opinions others can't touch it. Therefore we are all sheep and stay irrelevant in this life, until a meteorite hits us or Jesus/other prophets/Mohammed(peace be upon him) appears
  14. But i don't get defensive about it tbh, i really don't care. People have their own views in their life and i respect how they should spend their life. There is a very very crazy way i look at life which i'm too stubborn to share with the rest. Only God can judge me. I don't care how many times you can tell me there is no God, because there's no actual proof that God does not exist. There is no way, no way whatsoever that science will have actual proof how the universe was created, therefore Religion will stand strong. In addition, there will always be Religion vs Science debates, because there's 1 thing that science cannot and will never proof of how the universe began. So until Jesus or Mohammed(peace be upon him) show up on earth, Religion vs Science will forever exist in this world. Till the end, death, we will finally see ourselves. I'll give you a little lesson in logic: 1) You are asking us to disprove an unfalsifiable claim. What you expect of us is completely impossible, the sentence itself has no meaning that corresponds with reality. We can not prove that God does not exist, it is simply impossible because... 2) You are making a positive claim. You are the one that is claiming the existence of something, therefore you are logically obligated to prove that claim. A negative claim would be saying God does not exist, but that does not need to be proved, that is assumed. We don't simply assume anything that could possibly exist as a being does so in actuality; for example, do you believe there are millions of tiny little men walking around your room at night and ******** on your floor? I wouldn't expect you to disprove that either. 3) You're way off topic. The actual question is are they compatible. yes i know i went off topic. i went to history not science. Let's start with science. Science is ******* great, it has helped us live longer, cure cancer and soo many other good shitt.but it has also it has ****** us up as well(mass destruction, weapons,missile,nuclear bombs) When you start to read a book, you start from page 1 right? We'll assume when the universe began is Page 1 of a book, and it's blank.. ( there is no proof how universe began <-- can we leave that at here) I agree that we don't know where the universe began. Still, we can speculate and form theories based on the evidence we provided. This is why I don't believe the two are compatible; one is rigid, fixed and outdated while the other is constantly changing as new evidence presents itself. Religion is a belief, science is proof. (not 100%) But they will never cross one another. Religion and science is here to stay.
  15. Listen and weep it.. ( it's nothing religious ) has changed my life.
  16. I was not informed of this.. Why was i not informed of this? Who informed you of this?
  17. But i don't get defensive about it tbh, i really don't care. People have their own views in their life and i respect how they should spend their life. There is a very very crazy way i look at life which i'm too stubborn to share with the rest. Only God can judge me. I don't care how many times you can tell me there is no God, because there's no actual proof that God does not exist. There is no way, no way whatsoever that science will have actual proof how the universe was created, therefore Religion will stand strong. In addition, there will always be Religion vs Science debates, because there's 1 thing that science cannot and will never proof of how the universe began. So until Jesus or Mohammed(peace be upon him) show up on earth, Religion vs Science will forever exist in this world. Till the end, death, we will finally see ourselves. I'll give you a little lesson in logic: 1) You are asking us to disprove an unfalsifiable claim. What you expect of us is completely impossible, the sentence itself has no meaning that corresponds with reality. We can not prove that God does not exist, it is simply impossible because... 2) You are making a positive claim. You are the one that is claiming the existence of something, therefore you are logically obligated to prove that claim. A negative claim would be saying God does not exist, but that does not need to be proved, that is assumed. We don't simply assume anything that could possibly exist as a being does so in actuality; for example, do you believe there are millions of tiny little men walking around your room at night and ******** on your floor? I wouldn't expect you to disprove that either. 3) You're way off topic. The actual question is are they compatible. yes i know i went off topic. i went to history not science. Let's start with science. Science is ******* great, it has helped us live longer, cure cancer and soo many other good shitt.but it has also it has ****** us up as well(mass destruction, weapons,missile,nuclear bombs) When you start to read a book, you start from page 1 right? We'll assume when the universe began is Page 1 of a book, and it's blank.. ( there is no proof how universe began <-- can we leave that at here)
  18. better safe than sorry is another way i look at life. I can agree with some on this text. Remember that science cannot prove how universe began. (in ur view neither can religion, i can respect that) If you wanna read a book, you start from Page 1. Page 1 in science is blank lol.
  19. 1) You acknowledging that scientific theories are constantly changing in order to accommodate new knowledge is a prime example of how science has no invested interest in maintaining any form of hierarchical structure. The same cannot be said for religion - Religion is structured in a rigid, unchanging way in order to maintain a institution of inequality. 2) No, I do not believe Moses parted the Red Sea. Yes, I do believe in Genghis Khang. This is because there is hundreds of thousands of pieces of evidence indicating the mass genocide of a population did happen. This includes the remains of thousands of individuals, documented cases of the massacres that have taken place - Including documented first hand accounts. In actuality this didn't occur that long ago; less than a thousand years. If you want to adopt a Greek-skeptic-position then keep in mind it also applies to your own, infallible, bible. Now, I would like to counter your question - What evidence do you have that suggests the red-sea was by Moses? 3) Which do I believe is more believable as a theory? Well, in the past 100 years there have been a plethora of mass genocides happening. Of course the most notable being Hitler. It just so happens I've never heard of a man having the ability to part massive bodies of water at will, however.. 4) Copying and pasting physics articles that are highly debated amongst the physics community does not prove anything. I never once claimed to know the origins of this universe, nor how we came to be. That is the difference between science and religion - Religion claims to know, science is humble enough to admit we do not know everything. We're searching for the answers. Oh mate, you still haven't answered my question. Did Genghis Khan existed? How can you possibly tell me he existed when there is no visual proof of him. Documented pieces? The Bible/Qu'ran is a legitimate document proof. Do you know why you think Genghis Khan existed? It's because you BELIEVE he existed, but you have fcck visual proof he ever existed. Do you know now? That's how religion is. We BELIEVE there is a God. Just like how you believe there was a man name Genghis Khan because some dude with a Ph.D wrote a History book, like fcck was he there? Did he see genghis Khan? And no, those bodies aren't proof. It's been thousands years ago since Genghis Khan, they could be anyobdy living from all that time that due of natural causes. They had no vaccination back then did they? And back the life was real short. Avrg life span was around 40s? and document names? I'll start now.. Chin Chan Chou repeat x1000 Chi Yang Ming repeat x1000.. No fcking visual proof whatsoever of these thousands of man who died from the sword of Genghis Khan. Just names, and some bones that could of been ANYBODY who wasn't even killed from Genghis Khan. You're a sheep. From school/college/work, your whole life. That's all we will ever be. Sheep. Because we will never ever get out there and learn this **** ourselves instead we search up shlt that we don't even know if it existed, we just believe it did, hope that it did and it wasn't all a lie. The past will always be just a belief, if we have no visual proof of it. it's fcking crazy how i observe the world from smoking too much GANJA. shrooms mollies, all that shitt... Yes he existed you god damn pleb. If you need visual sense-data experience for everything deemed as true knowledge then how can you possibly believe that God exists? It seems as though your refutations aren't coherent with your actual belief system. Being a radical epistemological skeptic and having an impossibly high standard of justification to reach is self-refuting. If we can't know anything, then why bother trying? There is plenty of evidence indicating the existence of Genghis Khang, you're just too attached to your own beliefs to acknowledge that. No matter what evidence I present you have a firm psychological attachment to your religion. Pretty ironic calling me the sheep lol. \ 1. We are all sheep. 2. The existence of Genghis Khan will fall in same category as the existence of Jesus/Mosses/Mohammed. No one alive today saw them, therefore no one can say they existed, only believe they existed. I wish you could have my brain for a day. You will see life in a totally different perspective and everything about the universe. You just can't see it how i can.. Your only way of viewing this world is, science overrules religion. science science science. democracy? NOOO, science. feel me? i hope you can understand that simply little joke i put in the end.
  20. But i don't get defensive about it tbh, i really don't care. People have their own views in their life and i respect how they should spend their life. There is a very very crazy way i look at life which i'm too stubborn to share with the rest. Only God can judge me. I don't care how many times you can tell me there is no God, because there's no actual proof that God does not exist. There is no way, no way whatsoever that science will have actual proof how the universe was created, therefore Religion will stand strong. In addition, there will always be Religion vs Science debates, because there's 1 thing that science cannot and will never proof of how the universe began. So until Jesus or Mohammed(peace be upon him) show up on earth, Religion vs Science will forever exist in this world. Till the end, death, we will finally see ourselves.
  21. 1) You acknowledging that scientific theories are constantly changing in order to accommodate new knowledge is a prime example of how science has no invested interest in maintaining any form of hierarchical structure. The same cannot be said for religion - Religion is structured in a rigid, unchanging way in order to maintain a institution of inequality. 2) No, I do not believe Moses parted the Red Sea. Yes, I do believe in Genghis Khang. This is because there is hundreds of thousands of pieces of evidence indicating the mass genocide of a population did happen. This includes the remains of thousands of individuals, documented cases of the massacres that have taken place - Including documented first hand accounts. In actuality this didn't occur that long ago; less than a thousand years. If you want to adopt a Greek-skeptic-position then keep in mind it also applies to your own, infallible, bible. Now, I would like to counter your question - What evidence do you have that suggests the red-sea was by Moses? 3) Which do I believe is more believable as a theory? Well, in the past 100 years there have been a plethora of mass genocides happening. Of course the most notable being Hitler. It just so happens I've never heard of a man having the ability to part massive bodies of water at will, however.. 4) Copying and pasting physics articles that are highly debated amongst the physics community does not prove anything. I never once claimed to know the origins of this universe, nor how we came to be. That is the difference between science and religion - Religion claims to know, science is humble enough to admit we do not know everything. We're searching for the answers. Oh mate, you still haven't answered my question. Did Genghis Khan existed? How can you possibly tell me he existed when there is no visual proof of him. Documented pieces? The Bible/Qu'ran is a legitimate document proof. Do you know why you think Genghis Khan existed? It's because you BELIEVE he existed, but you have fcck visual proof he ever existed. Do you know now? That's how religion is. We BELIEVE there is a God. Just like how you believe there was a man name Genghis Khan because some dude with a Ph.D wrote a History book, like fcck was he there? Did he see genghis Khan? And no, those bodies aren't proof. It's been thousands years ago since Genghis Khan, they could be anyobdy living from all that time that due of natural causes. They had no vaccination back then did they? And back the life was real short. Avrg life span was around 40s? and document names? I'll start now.. Chin Chan Chou repeat x1000 Chi Yang Ming repeat x1000.. No fcking visual proof whatsoever of these thousands of man who died from the sword of Genghis Khan. Just names, and some bones that could of been ANYBODY who wasn't even killed from Genghis Khan. You're a sheep. From school/college/work, your whole life. That's all we will ever be. Sheep. Because we will never ever get out there and learn this **** ourselves instead we search up shlt that we don't even know if it existed, we just believe it did, hope that it did and it wasn't all a lie. The past will always be just a belief, if we have no visual proof of it. it's fcking crazy how i observe the world from smoking too much GANJA. shrooms mollies, all that shitt...
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