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Everything posted by Fayth

  1. Cp might not have been on Team Blue, but they weren't Team Red either as they were hitting us (and killed oidwildy :() as well. As for MM, NME was one of the first clans they hit, they just wanted to ruin the event for everyone.
  2. it obviously wasn't serious, and it was only like 3 kids who were told to stop directly after. Hail Judaism must have misconveyed that.
  3. We had a 1v1 fest after and we "hit" MM for lolz
  4. Damn, we werent THAT far, and the only reason we were down so far was because we circled around the Lava after IR decided to kill our 2nd fall in leader. Then we saw Ef i believe it was :)
  5. Yea, and 2 of those fall in leaders were in NME from what I heard Th hit one and IR hit the 2nd
  6. WHile everyone else yelled "PUSH!!eleven@" all day, NME tactically cleared 2-3 smaller clans and pushed when appropriate ;) **** Red Team Pride.. NME PRIDE!
  7. would it be acceptable if i said no?
  8. Impossible. Wrote it all and took the pictures myself. I've only posted this here, on my old clan forums (which are no longer around), and sythe Will be posting an update tomorrow.
  9. A clan that closed 2 years prior to the opening of NME? For about a month, at the very start of Enemy we had 20-30 pulls SEE HERE and were competing with the likes of Integrity and Negative, and I'm fairly sure thats when Multi clanning was allowed as well. Having "all of the ex-epidemic" join our clan would give us 100 pulls off the bat (As we were having when Epidemic closed way back when), as well as a 150 person memberlist. In reality, what happened was me and 15-20 of my closest friends on this game decided to create a clan, it was simple logic that most of them would have been part of Epidemic. Needless to say, your theory that it was simply a surge of Ex-epidemic that brought us to where we are now insults every single Enemy member who has worked their absolute asses off to get to where we are now, the countless amount of hurdles we have metaphorically stumbled through, and the sheer effort that has been shoveled into an entirely original concept for pure clans. Epidemic and NME are entirely separate entity's. The only similarities are that I led both, and both have been overwhelmingly successful. You're implying Runescape takes effort. Oh god. You think leading a runescape clan doesn't take effort? The hours that gets put into the leadership of a clan is incredible, I imagine you are one of those "ignorant" members that thinks that as they are fed on a tray, everybody is. The reason ranks are ranks is because they can put in the time and effort, from planning events, setting up scouts, checking applications, running events, training, posting on forums, being active on site, irc and in game and juggling that on top of university/college/work AND a social life too? Runescape does take effort. I can assure you the members in my clan are far more busy than most of NME, and Runescape takes no effort whatsoever. Hence you have a client, people bot accounts instead of train. Warring is so easy it isn't even funny. Leading is easy even that ****** bag Hon0r can do it. Planning events can be done so quickly, activity requires no effort, just log on when your able. I will not put effort in a game that's meant for fun, sorry. Ignore Levi, the only times he's been ranked he didn't really do much so he doesn't know it actually takes a decent amount of effort to keep a clan organized and alive.
  10. Ownnt stop playing on fullscreen!
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