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Foe vs Eop 30 minute Prep!

Scotty is w0rst

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could be done if you recruit normally :)

That's not what i ment. It would mean that EOP needs to "GG" their members. Like do some tank tests/spamming events(firestrickewar). Building up their core.

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0wnage all you ever go on about is how EOP mass recruits, why flame-bait a FOE vs EOP topic when your in DV. Incase you haven't noticed, a month ago when we were pulling 40's, our ml was at 79, it is now at 99, therefore in the last month we have only actually gained 20 members, 25 tops....thats because all of our apps needs ATLEAST 2 events needed in order to get accepted. 79-99 members in a month is less than 1 accepted app per day, in fact its roughly 1 accepted app every 1.5 days, not sure about you but that doesn't seem like mass recruiting to me. Trust me if we wanted to mass we'd just accept every member that apps, in which case our ml would be like 130....we declined alot of members for slacking on their apps, and there are some members that apped like a week ago and still haven't been accepted, some of them even being closed to max pures...so that clearly shows we're not mass recruiting, but thanks for trolling this thread and making yourself look like a clown.

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matt, this is why i will never join eop

Why must you harass me? Is it because my videos get more view than yours?


I wasn't there, but I heard it was a close fight and was good practice.

Damn you're a nigger.

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Why must you harass me? Is it because my videos get more view than yours?


I wasn't there, but I heard it was a close fight and was good practice.

only a close fight cuz eop had like 7 more than them, as shown in round 3

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Gf FOE all 3 fights were very entertaining, our vent crew did alright even though only 50/70 were able to make it in (**** our vent lol).


You guys still got your game, don't let any other clans tell you that FOE is slumping, because you guys got a nice core group of members to work with, which is something we did not have. Many new applicants and members on our behalf, and by the looks of it they have alot to work on, and we have alot of room to improve.


I think we did well though, there were points where FOE took the lead, and we made comebacks to switch the lead to our favour again, but nothing big enough to give us a win. Theres no shame on our behalf to lose to a clan like FOE, you guys got loads of experience in big option fights, we learned alot from this war and hopefully we can do it again sometime.


Thanks for the fights FOE, was very clean on both clans behalfs and it was great fun. You guys deserved the win. :wub:




Looks like a pretty tense battle on runescape, ashame I missed it.

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gf foe i thought 2nd round was ours...either way it was a gf we still got to work on organization with big numbers, then again you guys been in top for a long time and were just starting to get there and need to work better with the numbers we got now, hope this isn't the last war we have with you guys. we'll do better next time :biggrin:

(15:26:05) <@[CP]Drunk> i told u idiots

(15:26:08) <@[CP]Drunk> u dont fight eop

(15:26:10) <@[CP]Drunk> of coursem y officials

(15:26:12) <@[CP]Drunk> are to stupid



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