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EOP ends on top once again


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Ending on top on the last ever f2p trip of the bh era was a huge achievement, but we wanted to continue that dominance into the first saturday of the wilderness. Today we set out with about 83 EoP warriors and peaked at 90 or so ready to do work, and we did that, remaining undefeated and beating any clan that dared to challenge us. After a quick drop party (shout outs to estranger1 and sejoyo), we set out.


Special Appearance by 110jha1.pngMod Mark K





..::X G O O P X ::..

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Eruption of Pures vs Fatality


Eruption of Pures Starting: ~80

Fatality Starting: ~63


We immidiately wanted some revenge for the CP & Fi teaming yesterday, and straight away went to Fi's homeworld. We found them at Ca gap, where we quickly pushed them back into the altar and cleaned the remaining.


Eruption of Pures Ending: ~70-75

Fatality Ending: 0








Eruption of Pures vs Mayhem Makers


Eruption of Pures Starting: ~83

Mayhem Makers Starting: ~70? Need confirmation


We heard that MM, FOE, Fi & CP were all in the same world, so we hopped and intended to hit the first clan that we ran in too. We heard MM were south of green hill, and we stood up there waiting for an attack. On their rush their fallin leader was 1 banged, and from there it was easy to disorganize them, where we pushed them west off the hill and they scattered into single. They stood grouped up on the edge of multi and tried to lure people off the hill, but we just ran straight onto them. We chased MM in single all the way to like level 5 wild, then regrouped on green hill and left with our loot.


Eruption of Pures Ending: ~65

Mayhem Makers Ending: ~20 in single








Eruption of Pures vs Corrupt Fatality


Eruption of Pures Starting: ~80

Fatality Starting: ~60?

Corrupt Pures Starting: 57


After clearing MM, we asked everyone for runins but no-one was interested in setting something up. Fortunately we again got a track on Fi who were at hills. We waited at hill giants, after hearing that CP were also around, and to our suprise Fi rushed us at hills gap. We swiftly pushed them back up towards sperm hill, when suprise suprise CP rushed in to aid their allies. We retreated back into the hill giants hut where Fi and CP couldn't avoid each other as easily. This plan worked well, as white dots dropped left and right. We were dominating the fight, when FOE came in foe some free CF/Ci/FC loot. We pulled south and let FOE finish them off.


Eruption of Pures Ending: ~55-60 before FOE rush

Fatality Ending: ~15-20 before FOE rush

Corrupt Pures Ending: 48 before FOE rush








Eruption of Pures vs Corrupt Pures


Eruption of Pures Starting: ~50

Corrupt Pures Starting: ~45


Having already secured our #1 position for the day, we decided we'd go hit a main war in w73, and allowed some people to leave if they wanted too. On our way up we ended up unexpectedly running into CP who were waiting on lava gap hill. We pushed up onto the hill and pushed them back to the gap. CP fell back to the rocks, which worked temporarily in luring a few kills, but we soon pushed onto them and killed the last few.


Eruption of Pures Ending: ~30

Corrupt Pures Ending: 0








With our second consecutive #1 saturday, and emering as the top contender in the new wilderness, we decided to end. Not before we found a Mod Mat K at gap, who did some mindfucking trickery, teleporting over the lava onto this lil island.




Thanks for the fights everyone, and cyas soon :)







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that mod is like god :D

----- Clan history -----
----- Founder of Iron Legion 2009 -----
~~~~~ Council of The Last Pures 2010 ~~~~~
Iron Legion for life, and The Last Pures till i die.
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Will power abuse later to become 1st

Proud Founder of Carpediem
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gj eop, but it seemed more like you called foe at hill hut to help you out :/ No need to sugarcoat it. Plus you had way more than 50 ppl at lava gap where we were expecting you to rush us, but gj there. good trip guys


Corrupt Pures CrownLeader.gif[supreme Elder]
Since 09' | #Clan-CP | www.cp-rs.com
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we had like ~60 at the green hill fight and there was 40 of us at level 11 cleaning you up and when we walked to edge we saw you non skulled walking to monastery with those who ran with their loots..



was fun


[@riggz] streetzafk the eop spy who deleted eop forums



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gj eop, but it seemed more like you called foe at hill hut to help you out :/ No need to sugarcoat it. Plus you had way more than 50 ppl at lava gap where we were expecting you to rush us, but gj there. good trip guys


FI+CP back to back, and even if we had called FOE, are you guys the only ones allowed to team or something? lol.

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gj eop, but it seemed more like you called foe at hill hut to help you out :/ No need to sugarcoat it. Plus you had way more than 50 ppl at lava gap where we were expecting you to rush us, but gj there. good trip guys


FI+CP back to back, and even if we had called FOE, are you guys the only ones allowed to team or something? lol.


FOE came out to help us against CI but its a shame they did as we ended up dominating that fight anyway.


I guess we should have more faith in ourselves next time :teehee:

Proud to have been EoP's longest serving @Leader 2006-2012.
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