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lol? We did win because you called df to come kill us BECAUSE you couldn't kill us by your selves ... idiots imo. We cleared ch, then you rushed in , cleared most of you, ch returned , then you called df and came in and killed us all? If df wasn't there we would of beat you ..

dF hardly touched you, they were fighting CH returners, you guys lost for this reason. You let yourself get clumped in that lil pig pen letting CPR take the gate cutting off your returners, we then wittled your numbers down and cut the final blow. If when you saw CPR running across the lava bridge you ran out of that pen and spread south of it trying to lure us out you would have cut our returners off from GDZ some of us would have died from fighting CH, when that fight was over you should have ran back in and cleand us up. That tactic was viable as when we rushed in IR did already have control of the Gate. N CPR were too busy killing CH to stop you from running out.


You cant say "oh the clan we were fighting stopped us from returning, so therefore we win."

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Sorry i just thought cos u pulled 45 or 50 to saturdays trip....



Dno bout p2p but I think you did good from wot ive been told.


I think it's because you said 'overall f2p'


which would include matched opts, full outs, last few saturday trips.


So putting CP up there just yet and being a CP member could make you appear biased.




1. cp

2. mm/foe/eop

Founding Leader of Enemy
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Honoured Member of Epidemic
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MM beat fi :S thought it was pretty clear




this is when we decided to hop out, as you can see no fi around

Why is there a purple dot in that picture with a rune sq shield? I didn't know MM brought mains until now. If you had mains i think TLP has the edge over u..



1. FOE

2. TLP

3. MM

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this isnt a IR vs DF+CPR topic, this is a topic where kids bait each other all day, lets get back to it now



1. Foe/MM

2. ^

3. Fi

4. TLP

5. EOP

6. CP

7. IR

8. CH


nah tiger, don't be biased, EOP is probably sharing the pedastal with TLP





2. Winner of FOE/MM

3. FI - Only reason is because we're decent in both servers.

4. TLP/EOP - both have been making big gains, but still incredibly weak in one server. A few more weeks with prove it.

5. DP

6. CP/IR

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1. FOE - Uncontested #1 overall currently

2. MM - Been falling down a bit

3. TLP - Pretty obvious

4. FI/EOP - Pretty obvious

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i think you saying we are "incredibly weak" in f2p is misleading since we placed above you yesterday


Valid point, maybe not incredibly weak, but one weekend does not prove it :blush: You've been improving though


P2P Sunday


1. FOE

2. TLP

3. FI

4. MM

5. DP

6. EOP

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yes we have been #3 for atleast a month


we can claim #3 number because no other clan has proven yet they are good in both servers than we have


and just to tell you we are making our way back up (please dont take this as a threat) clans can make turn around you know


and no TLP and FI are still not tied at #3 overall until 1-2 more weeks of the great activity you all have shown us


1. TLP


tiger stop it. We don't need any more flaming right now




1. FOE

2. MM

3. FI - For now

4. TLP/EOP - TLP is closer to # 3 every weekend, you might take it soon. But we'll give you a run for your money :happy:

5. DP


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you haven't even been #3 for 1-2 months


and you can't still claim to be #3 after doing so poorly the past 3 weeks while TLP has done nothing but improve, if anything TLP and FI are tied at #3 overall.



1. FI


^ That


F2P overall


1. MM - No one will take this spot unless MM gets butt ****** in a fullout.

2. Foe - Keep it up

3. EoP - Can beat all of the below with ease.

4. TLP/FI - TLP with the edge.

NO ONE LIKES US, WE DON'T CARE. Click the link below to go beyond the limits.




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1. Foe - Dominate

-small gap-

2. MM - Needs to maintain focus

3. Tlp - Huge gains in f2p, #2 in p2p.

4. Eop/Fi - Eop is a major force in f2p, Fi is definitely slipping in both servers.

5. ---

6. DP

7. CP/IR - Each making gains in both servers I hear.

8. ---

9. Ch/Cpr - Idk

10. ---


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Apologies to any clans who can and will take Fi's f2p spot, for the moment we aren't done with them, but when we are we'll let you know and you can also enjoy the free 26k's ^__^




1. FOE

2. MM/EoP

3. ^

4. CP

5. TLP

6. Fi/DP

7. ^




1. FOE

2. TLP

3. MM

4. Fi

5. DP/EoP

6. ^


overall this weekend;


1. FOE = 1+1

2. MM = 3+3

3. TLP 2+5

4. EoP 2.5+5

5. Fi/DP


nuff said.



@High Council of the #1 pure clan.


If you don't like how we run our clan, we're doing it right.

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Apologies to any clans who can and will take Fi's f2p spot, for the moment we aren't done with them, but when we are we'll let you know and you can also enjoy the free 26k's ^__^

u crashed fi in all their fights on saturday, i dont think it can get much worse. i also dont think other clans will actually just let u crash their fights and not hate/team up against u, in turn hurting u more than it does fi. u see, the thing is, what u did on saturday made fi's trip pretty fun. good luck m8 ^__^


f2p overall








p2p overall







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Mid clan p2p scene


#1 IR - Because you have the numbers, atm no other mid clan could pull 45 to a full out

#2 CPR - Best averages out of all Mid clans, pulling a solid 30

#3 POT?? - Not really been following you guys recently, but you seem to be in a bad place at the moment

#4 CH - Recently got screwed over by dF when they died into CH then pulled out a week later

#5 dF - Good members, just needs the numbers

#6 WAR - Not got the experience or the numbers currently but there is a lot of potential here.

#7 CP - Doesn't focus on p2p, when they do go out they normally team with TR

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3. EOP

4. CP/DP

5. CP/DP



P2P (not sure we never go p2p xD)






5. idk

6. idk

7. idk



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3. EOP

4. CP/DP

5. CP/DP



P2P (not sure we never go p2p xD)






5. idk

6. idk

7. idk

Holy shamoly.


If you're basing it on this weekend, TLP would be higher, as they we like #5, Fi were beating DP before it was crashed. As for P2P, FOE were #1, TLP #2 and Fi beat MM for #3.


Just thought I'd give you some help because it was quite a way off based on this weekend.


P2P Sunday


1. FOE

2. TLP


3. Fi

4. MM

5. DP?

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