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itz true g

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Everything posted by itz true g

  1. Nice pull keep up the good work guys
  2. was fun enjoyed the free rune scims from eop cya 2mor
  3. 1.stop acting like you're big cause you aren't 2.why haven't you declared yet? you told me you were gonna like 5months ago owait cause you guys are back to slumping already http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/fi...you-mad-tho.jpg Why declare when we can slap you around on the weekends m8, common sense now Stay on topic please. ye but do you?no. common sense now m8 your clans already back to slumping Oh my, i didn't realize Itz True G's mommy gave him his computer back... Pretty sure that clans that think they're big claim to be big. EOP's boasted quality and efficiency, not numbers. If you feel like they need to declare on you and win ONE fight to be declared better than you, but instead they just have fun and make your clan look like a riot of AIDS spamming these forums, then in this situation i think it places you in the "youmadbro?" category, as well as merely serve as an attestment that just because you try to make rules for people to follow, AND you think you're the best of the best because you're the only one who wins them... Then how can you even argue? EOP has obviously been intent on having fun weekend trips that smash the opposition by their code of honor, with themselves and themselves ONLY (no green mains), and judging by the vids and topics the past few months, they appear to have succeeded to me. The real question here is, based on your own classification of "#1" and the refusal of other clans to accept your terms, doesnt that seem to insinuate that you are not in fact the better clan since you can't win save under your own rules? And even then, do you always win under your own rules? EOP has boasted to be a PKING clan. One that is pure and alone, and they have done a marvelous job of backing it up. They've even done events following YOUR clan's rules and won. Perhaps they are the big guys here. "If you can't beat them, you sure as hell better get to where you can, cause unless you join them they're going to make you feel like the scum that god pooped out after he created hell" Tl;dr Oh my, i didn't realize Itz True G's mommy gave him his computer back... anybody wanna tell me what this is supose to mean r[]fl can tell this guys a retard but meh
  4. 1.stop acting like you're big cause you aren't 2.why haven't you declared yet? you told me you were gonna like 5months ago owait cause you guys are back to slumping already http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/fi...you-mad-tho.jpg Why declare when we can slap you around on the weekends m8, common sense now. Stay on topic please. ye but do you?no. common sense now m8 your clans already back to slumping
  5. 1.stop acting like you're big cause you aren't 2.why haven't you declared yet? you told me you were gonna like 5months ago owait cause you guys are back to slumping already http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/fi...you-mad-tho.jpg
  6. ye [ 13 ] [27.08%] no [ 35 ] [72.92%] lol
  7. Ok? You're big. Proud eop leader right here acting like hes big cause he can hit smaller clans lol. what a joke mate
  8. that is why u will never see it, declined everytime and now we have our ml back up to a reasonable number they wont redeclare on us ;0 runescape. yeah but you do realize that sitting half a clan for a matched prep would be a pain in the ass? just get your ml up to a more reasonable amount and lets have a real fullout, stop slumping already plz also, i wanna be cool too n say runescape. I really can't tell if srs, mm is one of the most inactive clans on weekdays when it comes to pulling members to preps. not sure if you're actually srs are trolling but we'd pull way more then tlp to a weekday prep and tbh with you should just stop trying.
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