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  1. ITT: MM using ls as an excuse for giving s0 our locs all trip when there hasn't been a single shred of evidence provided showing ls was even out today.
  2. Wow. This is the most elaborate, meticulously embellished, thought out, and frighteningly accurate description of MM. MM pathetic clan. Rofl. yeh then they get some spastic like derrick to ban anyone afterwards on pw that points out what actually happened I agree. That pink clan is full of idiots who call mains and Higher Force or whatever to hit EOP. You should write a novel of truth, with truth so inspiring and captivating that perhaps it'll be a New York Times bestseller. Maybe you should write it seeing as you clearly have nothing going on for you outside of this game.
  3. lol at Fi being barely being able to get 90 for a fullout anymore, i look forward to our pct final in 2 weeks foe :)
  4. How did you "clear all 98 eop" if you had 65 kills in the first fight? The opts sound like a load of bs to me, not to mention that TLP was camped at corp killing all our returners and s0 were camped at the maze entrance, making any chance of us winning a fight while getting hit on login impossible. The second fight where you rushed us after we'd been fighting s0 for 20 minutes, there wasn't anything we could do when s0 was sniping only our returners, and our ts got ddosed, and people say we're the nh clan lol. Despite getting 2v1'd you couldn't even clear us in the 2nd fight and ran all the way from piper to east of gdz to logout while our 20 or so remaining chased after you got and got some free kills. Today pretty much pointed out why pure clanning sucks these days lol, you outpull your opposition so they team with a main clan and hide from you for 90% of the trip except until after you've been fighting said mains for 20 minutes and ran out of prayer.
  5. today; 1. MM + s0 - got the better of us today, also got helped by TLP in the first fight for some reason 2. EoP - got teamed on by numerous pure clans/main teams all day 3. TLP - Sniped our returners then logged out from us twice 4. Whoever else
  6. if it owns so hard it makes me wonder why your leaders persist in choosing to not allow it so they instead have an excuse for when they lose fights :P yeah why don't your leaders get 99 def, why don't we get 99 defence. fking obvious. mm gets 35 def, every other clan gets 45. it solves nothing. MM must always be put at a disadvantage b/c of their extremely high skill. Dont believe? How come no1's beat mm in the last 100v100 matched in past 3 years in f2p with all these disadvantages? imagine if we didn't have them. imagine... dunno but it may have something to do with the fact MM have declined the last 3 also considering all the fullouts are 1 def there is barely any difference, if anything MM have the advantage at 1 def because you guys practise tanking in robes in big fights every weekend while other members of clans get used to being able to tank/drag large numbers of people in mith or addy.
  7. Considering there isn't 1 active member or rank remaining in EoP from 2007 i don't think its haunting anyone as none of us were even there. Unlike your fullout loss to a clan you branded as "w57 massers", which was 6 days ago :P
  8. seems like fi always gotta moan about something
  9. weird that of the 4 PCR 40v40 f2p quarter finals, 3 of the clans couldn't pull lol nme/foe/z
  10. I thought Mm was the #1 f2p 0.o They are, but Fi was before. Ohh ok :) Actually EoP is, seeing as MM refuse to fullout us and this will be proven further tomorrow, provided MM don't slide away to clanwars to watch this fullout when they realise we've got as big as pull as they do.
  11. we lost in round 3 cos we got a +7 lead +7 is just the most unlucky number for us, from now on if we get a +7 lead a rank is gonna leave fc so we don't lose
  12. if foe pull within 20 i think they can win it
  13. if it owns so hard it makes me wonder why your leaders persist in choosing to not allow it so they instead have an excuse for when they lose fights :P
  14. The fact that you argue on about your pulls makes me crack up. Great job on your 33 man pull idiots. Far too easy, I was on the phone the whole "prep" which we spent more time massing then actually fighting. Thanks for the "prep" E ha http://nme-rs.com/forums/index.php?/topic/...874#entry185874 HA i cheesed
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