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Runescape Actionbars - Effecting the Clan World?


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I'm glad.


And for the WoW naysayers, World of Warcraft has 13 million subscribers.


Runescape has what? ~500k? Lol.


But let's put aside success for terms of how much more fun the game can potentially be. Way more leeway for PvP and PvM combat, way more "gaming" skilled involved, way more intricate way of combat [rather than click and flick prays for PvM], way more noob friendly [has an extremely lenient skill curve, as in easy to learn, hard to master], and lastly the best part about it would be the fact that it's not all RNG.


In any MMO, its great if RNG on your side, but you can live with it, you can adapt. In RS? Nope, it's life or death. Rags or riches. 2 mains with the same exact stats, same prayer, same timing on pot dosage, same EVERYTHING, click the spec bar for their AGS' at the same time. One guy hits an 880 and the other guy hits a 400. - Where is the logical caparison and fairness in this? Both players had the same amount of HP same everything. It just comes down to RNG.


The new button combat system would mean, no more faggots rushing you and thinking they're better than you just because they spec you out. No more retards running and spam clicking their AGS' speccing you out. Possibly no more DEFENSE imbalances - just think for a second in free to play... 40 def vs 40 attack, the chances of a rune scimitar hitting full rune is almost nill.


It may finally also mean that it's going to take a BRAIN to actually fight and succeed. For anybody who actually has played WoW or ANY OTHER MMO that involves button mashing and logical follow up, they would know that - clanning would be more alive than ever, because it'll be about a thousand times more fun fighting together as a group. It could possibly mean that pures might stand toe to toe with mains like they did in Runescape Classic.


Oh and before the ethug hardass kids who think "bridding takes skill". Ya, sure it does. Pressing three f keys, clicking on pixelated food, and hugging an obstacle and getting lucky with freezes and specs is really skillful. And before you individuals go into the whole "I'M SO GUD AT TIMING AND PREDICTING THING" - Just, lol. I could write a novel about how mind numbingly stupid the current game has become.


TLDR: New combat system might be a hit or miss, but I think it's worth a try, specially since the community is getting no influx of new players.


I agree with this tbh, i've played many other MMORPG's and the main thing that runescape lacks is a combat system.


In other games anyone has a chance against anyone because it is more about how you fight not how lucky you hit,


Keen for this update ^^


Proud @High Council of Hazard


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Its too late to create an entire new game changing environment for runescape. Thats not a fact, just my opinion.


The days of free content on the internet aren't uncommon anymore. RS sold as being the most popular free MMO, thats why you used to see a big fanbase in schools growing up.

But nowadays you can freely pirate counterstrike, diablo, pretty much anything... And l.o.l. is growing steadily as the new best free game available.


In this respect I agree its make it or break, but since most already consider this game broken... I dont know, gl Jagex you better make this CPR attempt on your best sellin game a little more creative, unlike your recent RWT exploits.


Will we finally see an update to improve the game? or will this be another uncreative, flashy gimmick to attract people who would rather buy their accounts for hundreds of dollars in rl money

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Honestly i only stay for clans tbh. So... if it does effect clanning in a negative way ill be done most likely. For good




tbh, if pures do get nerfed, ill probably just train my main and join some main clan ;3



warlord.gifCorrupt Pures Legend
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