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Controlling The PCL | 07/01/2011

P0ke N Die

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We were not going to attend the PCL today because of the time being really bad for us. We have a lot of GMT+1 and GMT+2 who said they couldn't attend but after we heard Chaotic and Hysteria would be attending, we figured we'd be able to pull enough to put up a fight at least and so started massing. To our suprise, 33 Control members massed up to fight side by side which was higher than we had predicted. We fought Chaotic, Hysteria and Zenith winning 3-0.








Control vs Chaotic


The first fight of the day was against Chaotic. We were expecting a high pull from them after pulling over 30 people to the war against Exclusive. Sadly Chaotic didn't have many and couldn't really give us a fight. Thanks for having the balls to fight us down by 7 people guys, we'd do the same for you.


CT Starting - 30

CH Starting - 23


CT Ending - 29

CH Ending - 0




Control vs Hysteria


The second fight was much more difficult. We put ourselves up against Hysteria, the highest levelled clan at the PCL. Their high 80s, 90s and 100s towered over us as the fight started, and with them being quite a brick wall it was hard to break down their numbers. After some time we started to gain an advantage and then took control of the fight.


CT Starting - 33

HY Starting - 27


CT Ending - 25

HY Ending - 0




Control vs Zenith


We were about to rematch Hysteria when out of the blue, BLUE capes appeared strong as ever, standing strong inside clan wars. Our goals changed and we immediately turned to Zenith for a fight. We went in and fought them head on, having a terrible start because of our first pile Josh hacking Runescape and getting red barred by 30 people. After that we recovered and took Control of the fight. I hope this clears up the flaming that went on yesterday.


CT Starting - 30

Z Starting - 28


CT Ending - 23

Z Ending - 0

















Joined the Pure Community March 2006
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Outoptd everyone and holy **** you guys have a lot of lvl 70s in mith.


Easy epidemic@


Nice job Milords


We started taking that **** early too, I was depressed that we couldn't keep it.



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Outoptd everyone and holy **** you guys have a lot of lvl 70s in mith.


Easy epidemic@


Nice job Milords


We started taking that **** early too, I was depressed that we couldn't keep it.




70s in mith? More like 60s in addy! Did you see us out there, we r ****** mains!

Joined the Pure Community March 2006
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Wait... you had 33 people yet refused to fight us?


I thought you had less then us.

Surely if you can beat us 30 vs 30 which your topic said and was 100% accurate whilst on low food, you surely could of taken us on full vents.

Yet you refused to fight us.


Good job or w/e

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