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Everything posted by badger

  1. badger


    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_OawJA68jI i've spent the last 2 weeks hidden in my room wearing a tinfoil hat and doing ketamine and reading conspiracy theories
  3. don't be shy, let's see it. it's not my job to go scour the internet for your proof. you guys also claimed korrawi was getting hit off but he was fighting the whole time?
  4. <10Solo> u can go ahead <18:36:14> <10Solo> and copy/paste that onto PW
  5. when I joined EoP in early 2011, we were a hell of a lot more respected, and i personally am ashamed by the actions of my clan. I'm trying my best to stop it, what more do you want from me? if you're not willing to give them a chance for change, then that is your choice. I, however, will stand by my clan if they decide to do the right thing.
  6. your leaders once payed an eop member to give out Solo's password, and then hacked him you did the same thing, but now you've stopped it. give eop a chance to stop it. we all make mistakes, we all do **** we're not proud of. this is a final attempt to fix what's wrong
  7. Stopped reading there. you're what's wrong with this community, if you aren't even willing to accept that they want to stop the endless cycle of ddosing.
  8. let me point this out seriously, if that's not offering everything possible, i don't know what is?
  9. post logs. post DC pics from now on. the last 4 or 5 times EoP was framed for ddos, there wasn't a single picture that I saw showing the alleged ddos. take some confidence that they're going to try and stop it. sometimes it takes an act of trust. maybe you believe they haven't earned it, but how about giving the community a chance and not just giving in to the notion that it's utter ****.
  10. From EoP Forums. So let me say this. I don't think you guys are perfect. I think a good amount of you take part in DDoSing, although you'll never admit it. But I beg this of you. Give this community 2 weeks. Give us time to play without the flame, and the dirty tactics. If you simply show proof of an EoP member ddosing, it will be stopped. They will be removed from the clan. EoP is willing to change. They will stop retaliating, and I will do my best to stop it too. You wanted this, here's your chance. To the members of other clan's who take part in DDoSing: You know you exist. It's not like EoP is taking down their own teamspeak, and every disconnection in the community cannot be pinned on them. I beg you to stop. Let the last of our time as a community be one of fun. We can fix the dirty tactics and end what we stared with, a decent community based on ingame skill, not the size of our botnets. To those who want to flame on this topic: Grow up. EoP is taking responsibility for their actions, the retaliations that they made and otherwise. They are willing to change. Are you?
  11. Exactly. Pretty pathetic. This kid skilzy probably doesn't even know who plays 2nd base for the braves r0fl The only thing they haven't said yet is that you guys ddos'd but it will come soon just you wait. you just missed it seriously, just take a loss.
  12. fatality exemplifies how not to lose a fullout, gratz guys. the best part is that CP showed fi so much respect the whole fight, waited for FI's teamspeak to go back up third round, never spammed anything mean, and still get's flamed by fi. just goes to show what cockiness does, but at the end of the day, the better clan won.
  13. the same thing that happens every time the same clans fullout each other
  14. illuminating, your contributions to the community will never be forgotten
  15. my belly is full from all the good eatins
  16. i'd love my 3 minutes back
  17. things have always been ****** and we've always whined about the golden age. i remember back in 2006, everyone would make topics about how people cheated in mini wars lmfao
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