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Everything posted by badger

  1. who are you and where is mace
  2. you must have ddos'd. zenith never loses anything unless they get ddosed
  3. bloody brains divine hybrids tenacious ownage pures supreme ownage the pures
  4. as your body senses it vital organs rapidly shutting down, DMT is released via some unknown and archaic mechanism, resulting in transcendence to the 12th dimension and meeting with the machine elves that inhabit higher planes then nothing, because once we die we can no longer perceive
  5. i watched, jesus christ TLP you guys have the best f2p organization of any clan i've seen recently
  6. mm, they can go from a 40 pull on a saturday to a 120 pull the next if they feel like it no other clan can pull that off
  7. guy in the bottom pic is wearing a ***** neck shirt with nipples harder than a prosthetic leg just thought you should know
  8. inb4 why mm lost/which leaders were and werent there gj cp
  9. nme thinks they're going to last against 2 of the oldest clans in the community :teehee:
  10. i dislike several clans in this community and will not rest until they are dead
  11. f2p 1.MM 2.FOE 3.FI 4.NME 5.EOP 6.CP
  12. nice u beat foe with 30 more that's rly destroying them u hve shown us ur massive skills
  13. u realize it was nme that claimed we were p2p based Nice join date.
  14. i kno but we can hope that 1 defence won't die :(
  15. **** all of you high defence kids guess what you mains with 35 defense will be 34 cb levels higher in the new system. there is no justification for such a high combat level in the new system. i demand all pure clans revert to one defence.
  16. Can't stay low leveled forever no, you just took bawb's idea of having fun instead of getting obsessed with competing and.... here you are, obsessed with competing
  17. how did you get an autowin if you attacked first?
  18. you guys really will do anything i don't want to live on this planet be in this community anymore farnsworth.jpg
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