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mace has a butterfree

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Everything posted by mace has a butterfree

  1. f2p is the way to go. I never want to pay for dis ****, more clans should be f2p (or strictly f2p)
  2. Trying to get lil Fury's mage up, anything I could alch in f2p for profit?
  3. Legend. it works dude i do it on all my accounts
  4. I dunno who this guy is but I SUPPORT
  5. AHH so no more pw? :confused: is he even in #omni?
  7. i want to know where my baby went tis all :,(
  8. Yeah this is definitely something I've noticed having gotten back into rs like 3 weeks ago after not playing for a couple years. Its pretty common among mains and other accs as well nowadays.
  9. mace has a butterfree


    no :(, explain this, I've heard of it before alright bb boy go to www.last.fm > get one > sync it with itunes. Keeps track of what you listen to and stuff, like social networking but focused on music. It rox. :mace: ALWAYS AND FOREVER
  10. come out come out wherever you are :mace:
  11. mace has a butterfree


    now you're thinking with :mace:
  12. Go to the beach in Al Kharid, type the lyrics to an entire beach boys song line by line. Can be any song. Do the dance emote and you'll get on a surf board and head to jagex hq. Once there find andrew, he's in a coffin in the basement. Search the coffin, take his suit, sell it in GE for 200m. OR You can wear it and you'll be able to walk on water. Enjoy!
  13. rapier's sound cool, even though I have no idea the stats in RS
  14. MACE 4 BAN. Jk :D Mace is also cuteeee. guys im insecure please stop
  15. mace has a butterfree


    :3 the band in my sig is actually a band I played a show with, awesome dudes. rites of spring ******* rules by the way. do you have a last.fm?
  16. Karl by posting this you accept full responsibility if I kill myself because I can't check pw.
  17. Very few blink tracks are good after Cheshire Cat.. And dubstep is pretty much terrible, but solid effort.
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