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mace has a butterfree

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Everything posted by mace has a butterfree

  1. if a scaper like you likes em, they must suck pretty bad
  2. i dunno who that guy was or what he was doing but he deserves a
  3. nvm already been done
  4. double dog dare you talk to Karli i don't do that runescape sh*t
  5. [15:40] == Karli [[email protected]] has joined #Negative [15:40] <[CR]RuneScript> *** [ CLAN ]: Manlymayhem was not found in the RSHSC. [15:40] <Karli> f2p mini? [15:41] <`mace> whats that [15:42] == Karli [[email protected]] has left #Negative
  6. Guess. If you win you're the ******* man because its one of the top 3 best games ever made.
  7. his names really Big Mace 67 you were close tho
  8. really stiff looking, try adding more depth.
  9. nevermind :mace: had to go into the irc, but finally got an answer out of someone, jeez. :mace:
  10. Oh man kids would flip ****, but just because they all died.
  11. Its fun to troll in-game on my 40 def rune pure, because i dont even have to say anything. The fact that I have rune makes people so mad because they cant hit, its hilarious.
  12. just wanna say i fell for your rick roll and it was a majestic rick roll cheers,
  13. FOE-mace MM- mace FI-mace EOP-mace CP-mace TLP-mace CT-mace CH-mace EF-mace TH-mace M-mace TR-mace WAR-mace
  14. Why was this topic locked. http://www.pure-warfare.com/forums/index.p...20&start=20 Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think it broke any rules..
  15. made these a long time ago when i used to pk wit mah friend all the time based on true pkz
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