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mace has a butterfree

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Everything posted by mace has a butterfree

  1. the new cool do it up
  2. More in game events such as -PK Trips -Pure Clan League -House Parties -etc More for F2P?
  3. Been following this game. Very excited for this.
  4. The deal was, bungie wanted to become their own company but microsoft got halo. microsoft put together a company just to continue halo development, called 343 industries. 343 industries consists of some of the major workers from bungie.
  5. You play Runescape. Zing! So true. These games f*cking rule. They're releasing MGS 1, 2, 3 and Peace Walker on the 360 in HD.
  6. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Holy sh*t, it was awesome. I highly recommend it!
  7. EH nope this one's serious, been meaning to start a serious community. :) Getting some familiar faces there too! (for all you old schoolers)
  8. brand new, lookin for more staff
  9. you guys anthoni was demoted for liking pierce the veil he had nothing to do with this hacking or whatever
  10. you guys are behind i posted this when my avatar was this
  11. haha was it him who got hacked?
  12. It would be pretty rad, i think I remember that too. But back then everyone was more buddy buddy rather than 'this is my scape i h8 u gtfo' at least on PC.
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