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Everything posted by Sleepy

  1. oh wise one, please speak of those worth of declaring. If you say Fi or TLP I will lol.
  2. confirm. Walli declined even though he isnt leader.
  3. I got sat cause my rune 2h. Better believe I was gonna get my hits in with it before I got sat. edit: @Terror You told us you would be able to pull around 30-35.
  4. ITT: Fi thinking they are gonna be relevant for long. Them pulls bout to start going down. OT: MM punished everyone. Addy wont save you.
  5. Yeh maybe back in nam when they actually had one defence. Now half of them prolly couldnt even make it in FOE with that def. I dont really care bout them closing we got the one good kid from NME (Elver) Cya boris rip tiny. You should probably learn what you're talking about before you decide to talk about it. That goes for half the retards posting on here as well. Elver was FAR from the "one good kid" NME had, and if you weren't obviously blinded by ignorance you'd see not one but 2 NME ranks intro'd on MM's forums today with intents to join, with more to soon be following. So yeah, as you can tell, not everything you're told is true. Nah I just said that cause I have Elvers **** in my mouth ya dig? OT Sorta: Thats cool and all about the NME kids and ranks joining us. 90% chance they enjoy their stay at MM. If they decide to leave or quit its only cause they miss their friends, not in power anymore, or they loved dat addy. Ill welcome them, im not blinded by any ignorance. Was more of a joke intended for Boris since he was in NME came to MM and left for NME. Seems you like to take things out of proportion. Cya boris.
  6. Yeh maybe back in nam when they actually had one defence. Now half of them prolly couldnt even make it in FOE with that def. I dont really care bout them closing we got the one good kid from NME (Elver) Cya boris rip tiny.
  7. was fun. Speshls gave us the strength to get us the W in the last round.
  8. Wow really? Very Cool!! B) you too :P you made 600m in a few mins and he mad 5 trills in a few minutes didnt d4rk get banned? Nice try but atleast they got to keep it. atleast they pulled more to this event then your anni 3 years ago. FI should stop flame baiting because for around 2-3 years they were **** pulling ~10 to mandatory trips. He got banned months ago. Look at the upload date and title of the vid. He has that money as of right now. D4rk doesnt give 2 ***** about one of his pures getting banned cause he has another maxed one.
  9. inb4thehavocorchaoticorwhateverthefucktheirnameisleaves
  10. gay. MM was on the hunt for you guys.
  11. Heard MM did work....gj on other fights.
  12. Why do irrelevant clans like to put their 2 cents in.... Walli not so Wise.
  13. not a retarded post by you.....quite amazed. Fun fights, many different aspects of the fight was you controlling then us controlling. MM was ready for 24 hours.
  14. Damn I shoulda signed up for this.....
  15. Soccer is such a ***** sport bro, lol. lol idk man.. try running around the field for 90+10 minutes without stopping, taking short turns, gaining speed quickly, sliding, jumping, tackling, leg breaking ain't p55y.. that is why accidents (heart attacks ) occur more often in football (soccer) then in nfl If your trying to say that running, taking turns, gaining speed, sliding, jumping and stuff like that are all big manly things in the game of soccer, then lol....that doesn't make it dangerous, and as for tackling, soccer is hardly a contact sport....you see the way they dive all over the field and pretend to trip up, then go complaining and crying to the referee because they "faked a dive"....it's alot more of a "womans" sport than NFL. Btw im not flaming, just debating, there is a difference. Stevie Johnson ftw.
  16. 3. What. There is nothing even regarding written rules in this thing. MM broke no written rules in the TLP vs MM 40v40 P2P. ^^^kid speaks the truth. Where does it say there is a defence cap? I mean lets be honest here for a sec. D spears off k? z spear is just a roid version of a d spear. MM #1 40v40 as well as other several categories we were in finals for. Only clan that comes near competing is FOE. MM & FOE > EOP HOW DOES THAT VICTORY FEEL GETTING YOUR ASS HANDED TO YOU BY MY SPY?
  17. unbanned? Yep, unbanned. Yo, yo, yo aTommy listen up. It doesnt matter bout the Fi fight cause they lost to us! LOLOLOL yo eop you suck
  18. Tinychat was the most garbage thing have ever used. Its also not about having a way to communicate, its the fact we would lose opts from them getting hit as well. Dont know why EOP try to claim #1 majority of the people on this site still call us #1.
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