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Project DOU


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Changes by Jagex rarely have a large impact on the pure community. Occassionally, a new weapon will be released, or a training method will be nerfed, but rarely does an update occur which shakes the community as a whole. On December 11, 2007, Jagex dealt a blow which rattled our modest community harder than any of us anticipated. Over the last three years, our way of scape has reached a new low. Clan hostility has changed from a healthy and respectable sense of rivalry to a shameless and immature hatred. Our numbers had dwindled, some of our greatest were lost, and hope seemed scarce. However, Jagex has done the unthinkable. On February 1st, our Wilderness and Free Trade will be restored, and once again, the pure way of scape and domination shall flourish. Existing clans will grow and new clans will blossom.



Rivalries will blaze.



Since the times of Pure Community, clans longed for a sense of bragging rights. There was no use battling every weekend if there was no title to take from your victories - no glory to hold over those beneath you. With the fall of Pure Community, the PCR list fell as well. While Pure Warfare expanded, becoming the home of pures and pure clans throughout RuneScape, the PCR List was long expected to make its return as well. As a staff, Pure Warfare's founders knew that better things existed than a meager list. We knew that there was something better.



Here it is.









It is important that you read this entire topic before making comments on it.


DOU Information

  1. General Information
  2. Website
  3. Clan List and Ranking
  4. Member Lists
  5. Registering
  6. Challenging
  7. Scoring







DOU (abbreviation is used to prevent users from finding the website) is a revolution in how clans compete for rankings in the pure community. Each clan may register, manage their own member lists, challenge other clans, and view an in-depth ranking of every clan in the pure world. Every clan will have a profile which displays their wins, losses, and other statistics. The DOU project has been under construction secretly for months, being coded by Karl and beta'd by the staff and several members of the community. Currently, the website is not complete. There is very little left to finish the project - this announcement is merely creating an opportunity for clan leaders to prepare their memberlists and clan pages for the February 1st update. We believe that the return of the wilderness will mark a new era of pure clanning, and we would like to have it documented from start to finish.


This system will deal with full out wars only. Weekend trips, mini-wars, and short preps will not be used in this ranking.





Currently, we are unable to release the link to the DOU website. Clan Leaders will be given access to the site so they may establish their clan's memberlist, but the link will remain unknown to the general public. Once it goes public, it will be viewable by anyone who'd like to look. Only clan owners need to register on the site.





A list of clans will be displayed on the website, ordering them by rank (which is described later in this topic).








Each clan will have their own memberlist page where their clan stats and memberlist is displayed.




Clan leaders will be able to edit their memberlist through a control panel. This control panel will allow them to add members to their clan list, as well as edit and add ranks. When a member is added to the clan's memberlist, DOU will check to see if that member has a public Adventurer's Log. If so, it will input their stats from there. If not, it will use the RS High Scores.







Please note that only one clan leader needs to register for their clan. No other leaders or members need to register. To register, you click the "Register" button on the navigation bar.



You will be required to fill out some fields concerning information about your clan and your account. You can edit this information from your Account Settings.





Each clan will have the ability to challenge another clan, and accept/decline challenges from other clans. Clan owners will have the ability to customize their default challenge settings, and specify what kind of wars they would like to fight.




Also in the clan's "Challenge" tab will be a informational center, which will display a form to submit a challenge, your upcoming challenges, and upcoming challenges of other clans. You will have several other tabs in the directory to view things such as challenges you have not accepted or denied yet, and your challenge history.










This is where we need your help. We are still devising a scoring method which will best evaluate completed challenges and rank clans based on them. We think it would be appropriate to create a curve for clans warring other clans of higher or lower ranks, giving more or less experience respectively. We've agreed that experience (score) gained from completed challenges will be temporary. The war will always remain in your record, but the score that contributes to your rank will only last for a few months, ensuring that the rankings are current.


If you think you have a scoring system which would work, feel free to PM it to me. If you're going to suggest one, make sure it's a thorough one. IE, give me a lot of information and examples. Here's some things to keep in mind for your system:


- What happens when a clan declines a war? Does the challenger receive experience? Keep in mind then that the challenger could continuously challenge, and farm that experience.

- What happens if a clan wars another clan of higher/lower rank. Do they get more/less experience?

- Should degree of victory be factored into the experience gained by the winning can? (IE: winning 100v100 to 80v0 compared to 100v100 to 15v0)

- How frequently can a clan challenge another clan? Once every two weeks?

- Is a clan immune from being challenged for a time period after completing a challenge?


* Unique ideas we use will be credited to the person who suggested them.

* If you are a clan leader and want to check out the site, PM me on forums or IRC.







Q: Will there be a way to link our DOU memberlist to our RuneHead memberlist?

A: RuneHead has an "export" option to save your member list as a file. There will be an "import" option on DOU which you can use to import that file (and thus your member list) to the site. You can use this to start off your memberlist. From there, you can either add/remove members individually on each site, or just regularly import your RH memberlist to DOU.



Q: Will there be separate ladders for F2P and P2P?

A: This hasn't been specifically addressed yet. It depends on the scoring system.



Q: Have all/most clans in the community agreed to participate?

A: There hasn't been a poll taken from clans, so we don't know for certain. We expect it to be used actively.



Q: Is it Pure clans only? Not Pure team or does no one really cares about them?

A: Yes, this will be for official pure clans only.



(+`Obsession) jay is a legend

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This.... Is actually a really good idea. I'm excited.


I'm glad you're optimistic. It will work a lot like Game Battles for online gaming (as a member suggested). It'll be superior to PCR in the way that it won't simply be a list, and one victory takes a rank. Also, there will be detailed war history and clan war records.



(+`Obsession) jay is a legend

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Is it Pure clans only? Not Pure team or does no one really cares about them?


It'll be pure clans only. There will be requirements just like the ones in order to get your clan on our Directory or to get Clan Leader rank. IE, member number and how long you've been open.



(+`Obsession) jay is a legend

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This will be very interesting :D.


Oh, and is there a way to link the memberlists on DOU to Runehead, or will we have to add members to both runehead and DOU?



I'm pretty sure that there will be a way to sync your ML with a runehead memberlist (I know I've experimented with this in DOU's early stages, and it was working.)



(+`Obsession) jay is a legend

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i know its just a beta but I lol'ed at FOE Average Def. 45.5


Nah looks good, might be hard to get leaders to update regularly, maybe a way you can integrate runeheads member list (just as far as actual RSN) but keep ur averages and ****. Looks good so far =)

{ Elder of The Last Pures }


{ Christ lived the life I should, and died the death I deserve. }


{ Proud Moderator Of PW }


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